Longing for someone he could never have, Blaine has silently suffered for years. He was determined to make Cole fall in love with him, even if it was only the scent of his vanilla cologne. Yet, even with his genius mind, it seemed he'd forever be trapped by his unrequited love... Will his years of heartache turn him someone new? What will Cole do about the mysterious Mark..! -M/M

Phantom Keys is mostly about a brother and sister who discover they have special powers. Giovanni and Gwendolyn Stephens learn about their family's past. While Giovanni is trying his best to live up to his father's name, Gwendolyn is busy with her very own personal issues. Gwendolyn's boyfriend, Marcus River, the former cop, now private detective, has no clue of Gwen's nor Giovanni's double life. As the story unravels, more and more family secrets are revealed. I will be adding another chapter

BookRix makes one chose between a G and X rating, but JFK: Lines of Fire's content and language is really PG rated. JFK: Lines of Fire is a sequence of dramatic documentary vignettes culled from the literature concerning the assassination of President Kennedy. . Many of these found poems are dramatic monologues in the voices of people who had information about the assassination and either failed to prevent it or lacked a context to understand such information until it was too late. These

Longing for someone he could never have, Blaine has silently suffered for years. He was determined to make Cole fall in love with him, even if it was only the scent of his vanilla cologne. Yet, even with his genius mind, it seemed he'd forever be trapped by his unrequited love... Will his years of heartache turn him someone new? What will Cole do about the mysterious Mark..! -M/M

Phantom Keys is mostly about a brother and sister who discover they have special powers. Giovanni and Gwendolyn Stephens learn about their family's past. While Giovanni is trying his best to live up to his father's name, Gwendolyn is busy with her very own personal issues. Gwendolyn's boyfriend, Marcus River, the former cop, now private detective, has no clue of Gwen's nor Giovanni's double life. As the story unravels, more and more family secrets are revealed. I will be adding another chapter

BookRix makes one chose between a G and X rating, but JFK: Lines of Fire's content and language is really PG rated. JFK: Lines of Fire is a sequence of dramatic documentary vignettes culled from the literature concerning the assassination of President Kennedy. . Many of these found poems are dramatic monologues in the voices of people who had information about the assassination and either failed to prevent it or lacked a context to understand such information until it was too late. These