Oaths, Vociferations, And The Slamming Of Cab-Doors. The Darkness Was Decorated By The Pink Of A Silk Skirt, The Crimson Of An Opera-Cloak Vivid In The Light Of A Carriage-Lamp, With Women's Faces, Necks, And Hair. The Women Sprang Gaily From Hansoms And Pushed Through The Swing-Doors. It Was Lubini's Famous Restaurant. Within The Din Was Deafening.

Caitria watched her dad kill her mum by throwing her down the stairs. Now 13 years later, and still controlled by her dominating Father, they have moved to a new town to 'start fresh' But by start fresh, he means to hit her more, to hurt her more, as all he sees in her is her cheating mother. Dominic the local doctor, has no clue what's going on. But something he does know, is that he wants Cat, more than he has ever wanted anyone. And what he wants he gets, The only thing is, will love be

Oaths, Vociferations, And The Slamming Of Cab-Doors. The Darkness Was Decorated By The Pink Of A Silk Skirt, The Crimson Of An Opera-Cloak Vivid In The Light Of A Carriage-Lamp, With Women's Faces, Necks, And Hair. The Women Sprang Gaily From Hansoms And Pushed Through The Swing-Doors. It Was Lubini's Famous Restaurant. Within The Din Was Deafening.

Caitria watched her dad kill her mum by throwing her down the stairs. Now 13 years later, and still controlled by her dominating Father, they have moved to a new town to 'start fresh' But by start fresh, he means to hit her more, to hurt her more, as all he sees in her is her cheating mother. Dominic the local doctor, has no clue what's going on. But something he does know, is that he wants Cat, more than he has ever wanted anyone. And what he wants he gets, The only thing is, will love be