Taking advantage of the Pennington School District's summer sports camp program, Zormna Clendar decides it is wise to make some distance between herself and Jennifer McLenna's parents, at least for the summer. However, she is not allowed to go alone. Jeff Streigle, A.K.A. Jafarr Zeldar, comes along to carry out his duty to protect the possible savior that he believes is a fulfillment of prophecy.

Taking advantage of the Pennington School District's summer sports camp program, Zormna Clendar decides it is wise to make some distance between herself and Jennifer McLenna's parents, at least for the summer. However, she is not allowed to go alone. Jeff Streigle, A.K.A. Jafarr Zeldar, comes along to carry out his duty to protect the possible savior that he believes is a fulfillment of prophecy.