This is Abel in Paris, a romantic comedy. The story revolves around Abel McCormick, an award-winning chef and widower and his 11-year old daughter, Sandy. Abel, decides to sell the cafe because of the memories of his deceased wife, Nina and Sandy wins them an all expense paid two-week vacation to Paris, that is Paris, Texas. Abel meets Lilly, a beautiful, French chef and a Cordon Blue School of Cooking graduate. They fall in love but with miscommunications, misunderstandings, some matchmaker by
It’s bad enough to live her teenage years under her borderline abusive father, but nothing can compare to the truth about what really happened to her mother. No one knows of the horrors going on behind her front door when it is closed, when the blinds are down, and children are supposed to be tucked away safely in their beds. So when things go terribly wrong between her and her father one night, Jane tries to escape reality by fleeing to the city with her sister Suzann. She quickly learns
This is Abel in Paris, a romantic comedy. The story revolves around Abel McCormick, an award-winning chef and widower and his 11-year old daughter, Sandy. Abel, decides to sell the cafe because of the memories of his deceased wife, Nina and Sandy wins them an all expense paid two-week vacation to Paris, that is Paris, Texas. Abel meets Lilly, a beautiful, French chef and a Cordon Blue School of Cooking graduate. They fall in love but with miscommunications, misunderstandings, some matchmaker by
It’s bad enough to live her teenage years under her borderline abusive father, but nothing can compare to the truth about what really happened to her mother. No one knows of the horrors going on behind her front door when it is closed, when the blinds are down, and children are supposed to be tucked away safely in their beds. So when things go terribly wrong between her and her father one night, Jane tries to escape reality by fleeing to the city with her sister Suzann. She quickly learns