Henry Rider Haggard, generally known as H. Rider Haggard or Rider Haggard, came from a line of Danish descent and was born at Bradenham, Norfolk, the eighth of ten children, to Sir William Meybohm Rider Haggard, a barrister, and Ella Doveton, an author and poet.[2] He was initially sent to Garsington Rectory in Oxfordshire to study under Reverend H. J. Graham, but unlike his older brothers who graduated from various private schools, he attended Ipswich Grammar School.[3] This was because[4] his
Alexis Eynes, your average, A - Grade highschooler, with a hint of a Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and a dash of ingeniality, has awoken in her highschools' infirmary, disoriented, in pain and with lack of memories for an elongated period of time. Suddenly thrown into a world of chaos and disorder, she realises her highschool - as well as the rest of the world - is stricken by a deadly plague. But even genius's find it hard to survive when surrounded by ones' typical flesh-eating, skin
(Work in progress!)Never happy but at the same time never depressed, Gia's mediocre life was split right in the middle. Her jaded occupation of being a nail technician was what she went to school for, but that didn't make it any more exciting. Her apartment was average, she was still making payments on her old car, and the only thing in her daily routine that kept her going was her bunny Ajax. That little guy and watching reruns of That 70's Show every night with a TV dinner. Gia wasn't
Morgan McPhee is a girl who is attracted to piles of junk people are throwing out, animals in distress, and One Man with Brown hair and Green-brown eyes. Morgan's friends are Marcy a Twenty year old Black woman married to a twenty-five year old as she stays home with the four kids. Her Other friend Martie, has a strange obsession with the murdered dead, and takes Morgan on a hunt, her ending up falling down a well. She Met Carson Maxwell on a Run when His Ex put their dog under a milk crate on
Henry Rider Haggard, generally known as H. Rider Haggard or Rider Haggard, came from a line of Danish descent and was born at Bradenham, Norfolk, the eighth of ten children, to Sir William Meybohm Rider Haggard, a barrister, and Ella Doveton, an author and poet.[2] He was initially sent to Garsington Rectory in Oxfordshire to study under Reverend H. J. Graham, but unlike his older brothers who graduated from various private schools, he attended Ipswich Grammar School.[3] This was because[4] his
Alexis Eynes, your average, A - Grade highschooler, with a hint of a Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and a dash of ingeniality, has awoken in her highschools' infirmary, disoriented, in pain and with lack of memories for an elongated period of time. Suddenly thrown into a world of chaos and disorder, she realises her highschool - as well as the rest of the world - is stricken by a deadly plague. But even genius's find it hard to survive when surrounded by ones' typical flesh-eating, skin
(Work in progress!)Never happy but at the same time never depressed, Gia's mediocre life was split right in the middle. Her jaded occupation of being a nail technician was what she went to school for, but that didn't make it any more exciting. Her apartment was average, she was still making payments on her old car, and the only thing in her daily routine that kept her going was her bunny Ajax. That little guy and watching reruns of That 70's Show every night with a TV dinner. Gia wasn't
Morgan McPhee is a girl who is attracted to piles of junk people are throwing out, animals in distress, and One Man with Brown hair and Green-brown eyes. Morgan's friends are Marcy a Twenty year old Black woman married to a twenty-five year old as she stays home with the four kids. Her Other friend Martie, has a strange obsession with the murdered dead, and takes Morgan on a hunt, her ending up falling down a well. She Met Carson Maxwell on a Run when His Ex put their dog under a milk crate on