» Adventure » Sooner Or Later, Rashel Jordan [the false prince series .TXT] 📗

Book online «Sooner Or Later, Rashel Jordan [the false prince series .TXT] 📗». Author Rashel Jordan

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Chapter One

I was hiding inside of a tree when I heard the sniffing froom near by. It was coming closer. I closed my eyes and whispered a few words that would hide my essence. The sniffing went farther and farther away from my hiding spot. Once I was sure they were about 15 miles away, I let out a sigh of relief. I got out of the old oak tree and stretched my huge maroon colored wings and straightened my dark blue dress, my waist lentgh black hair tickling my neck. I knew he wouldn't look back at my house (More like palace) when I could be in India for all he knew. Who is this he? Well, before I can tell you, I have to explain why he is mad at me.
I was watching him die, unable to think of anything to save my human. I felt the lavender tears roll down my ivory skin. I heard a laugh that I (Or any other Angel) would recognize anywhere. It was him, Thanatos. He suddenly appeared next to me chuckling.
"You could save him you know." he said in his deep voice that made me shiver with fear.
"What would I have to give in return?" I whispered.
"So you are a smart one, eh? You ask before you agree?" he said thoughtfully.
"What would I have to give in return?" I asked again, only a little louder now. Thanatos rubbed his chin.
"Your life. Give your life for his. After all, you can not take and not give something in return." he said after a moment.
"I know that. But, to give my life would be a sin. I only do this for my human." I said with a voice filled with courage.
"Then it is done." Thanatos focused his eyes on the sight below and hummed, not paying attention to me for a couple of moments.
I looked at the fake me and Thanatos from a mile away.Yes, the Angel sitting with him wasn't me,but it was. Just a fake one. It wasn't even alive. I was surprised that I was fooling death itself. I shuddered lightly, just thinking, that if I even said one word, my plan would be ruined. I, Dream Chaos, Fallen One, was planning to escape from the clutches of death by cheating. I was playing the the game of death and beating the God of Death. It was said, that if a God killed an Angel, Fallen or not, the Angel that was close to the dead Angel, would gain immortality. And right now, I need that. I was covering my wound that I got on the way down to the mortal world. It was bleeding badly, and if I was not made immortal soon, I would die. I continued to watch the fake Angel, waiting for her to fall lifeless and return to what she orginally was. Dirt. Thanatos was a God of Death that was feared above all else. He turned to her, his eyes red waiting to suck her soul out of her body. And I watched it happen. She fell, turning into a pile of dirt. And that's when I felt it. I had to hold in a gasp and I turned immortal. When the process was done, I saw Thanatos, screaming in rage. I was now all healed, no wound in my stomach and no rip in my dress. I unfurled my wings and was about to take flight when Thanatos saw me.
"Dream!" he yelled. I let out a yelp and flew as fast as I could.
"Just wait, Dream. I will catch you and then you will pay!"
Boy, was I in for it now.


That was about 5 centuries ago, but he never gave up. I looked up at the moon with my grey eyes that had a purple tint. I decided that I would walk home, just to be safe. I whistled and started walking. Then out of the shadows came my wolf, Nala. She had grey fur and honey brown eyes.
"Come on, Nala. Let's go home." I sighed and ran my fingers through her soft coat. She came up to about my hip.It was about an hour walk and then, I came up to my Victorian styled,gigantic home.
I was in my room when I heard a cry for help. I looked out my window, and sure enough, there was a man knocking weakly at my door. His shirt was covered in blood and I could tell that he was about to faint. Of course, seconds later, he did. I raced down stairs and opened the door and took him in. I put him in the living room on the couch. I lit up the wood in the fire place until there was a huge fire in it. I then looked at the human. I took of his shirt and gasped. He had a huge gash going down the left side of his chest. It was pretty deep. I grabbed some gauze, alcohol, and skin glue. I cleaned the cut and pured some alcohol on it. I heard a hiss and looked up. It was the man.
"What happned?" he asked, trying to sit up. I pushed him back down, gently.
"Stay still." I commanded him softly. He sighed and looked at his chest.
"Oh, God. That looks kind of scary." he gulped. I started put pour the glue on each side of the cut skin. Then, I gently pushed the them together.
"Sit up." I said. He sat up and winced. I wrapped the gauze around his chest.
"Thank you. Where am I?" he asked.
"Your in my house. What's your name?" I stood up and stretched.
"Dilan. Dilan Cregan." he smiled alittle.
"Well, Dilan, tell me what happened." I said as I tended to the fire.
"Well, I was hiking in the woods. Then a heard some guy yelling about finding some girl. I asked him if he needed some help. He asked me if I've seen a girl with black hair and ivory skin. When I said no, he went ballistic. Then the dog he had howled and the guy cut me and left. That's when I stumbled through the woods trying to find help." Dilan said. I gulped.
"What did this man look like?" I whispered.
"To be honest, the guy looked like a God." he said. Not very far off the mark.
"I'm sorry." I said, turning to him.
"For what?" Dilan raised one eye brow.
"For making you get injured. Well, welcome to my world now." I sighed. I heard dog-like whimpers coming from the kitchen.I smiled.
"Are you hungry?" I asked him. He nodded.
"Follow me. And don't be afraid." I said as I led him to the kitchen.
"Afraid of what-Oh God! There's a freaking wolf in your house!" he shouted. I chuckled.
"Calm down. This is Nala." I said. I heard Dilan gulp. Nala gave him a wolfish grin. And then went back to whimpering.
"Okay, okay. Hold on." I grabbed her food bowl and filled it with raw steaks. Then, I slid it to her and she started to devour her dinner.
"Okay, what would you like?" I asked.
"Do you have any pizza?" Dilan asked. I looked in the freezer and got out a frozen pizza.
"Is this okay?" I asked. He nodded. I preheated the oven and waited. I looked down and gasped. I was still wearing my dress.
"Is something wrong?" Dilan wondered.
"No. I just need to go change. Put the pizza in when the buzzer goes off." I said as I ran from the kitchen into my room. I changed into some boy shorts and a tank top. I put my hair in a messy pony tail. Thank god I had already retracted my wings or Dilan woould've been screaming bloody murder. I put on some slippers and went back down stairs.
"Hey, I just put the pizza in." Dilan said as we both walked back into the living room.
"So, what's your name?"he asked.
"Dream." I smiled a bit.
"Huh. That's a weird name. Not that I don't like it, it's just uncommon, you know." he said, blushing, making his cheeks a light pink.
"I know." I said.
"So...Why do you live in the middle of the woods, hundreds of miles away from...everything?" he asked. I had many reasons for living here, but most of them I wasn't allowed to tell.
"A year and a half ago I found Nala. She was just a baby, so I wiated for hours and hours and her mother didn't come. So, I came out here to live with her and take care of her." I said. His eyes widened.
"You just dropped everything and came out here?" he said. I nodded.
"Wow. Talk about devoted. What did you do before you came to live out here?" he asked. I searched my head for an answer. What did I do before? Ran. I ran basically my whole life.
"I ran." hopefully he would think I meant what humans call track. He looked at me in amazement. Appaerntly, he did. I sniffed and smelled pizza. I hopped up and ran to the oven and pulled it out.
"Yummy." I murmured at the pizza.
"Dilan! Pizza's ready!" I yelled. 5 seconds later, Dilan came crashing through the door and fell on the floor trying to get some pizza. I laughed and handed him a plate when he got up. I waited for him to get some. He only grabbed one slice, probably nervous that I would make fun of him for eating alot. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his plate. I put 6 more slices on there and put 6 on mine (just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I don't eat! But it does mean I can't lose weight or gain any.).
"Don't be afraid to eat, boy." I grumbled as we went back to the living room. We sat on the couch and ate in silence. I looked up at Dilan. He looked at me and raised a brow. I looked down at his hands. There was a ring on his left ring finger.
"You're married?" I asked surprised. He looked up,startled.
"Um, yeah, I guess you could say that." he mumbled. I gave him a questioning look.
"Well, I was dating this girl and she wanted to get married. She didn't tell me, she told her father. And of course her father is one of those If-You-Don't-Marry-My-Baby-Girl-I-Will-Kill-You type of fathers. So yeah." he looked away, embarrassed.
"What's her name?" I know some fairies that like to marry human men for their souls.
"Amarah Thomas." he said. You'd think a fairy would have some complecated name, but no, they have human names. And Amarah is one of them. She even took another woman's husband because she wanted his soul.
"Hmm. I know her. Not a very nice girl." I mused. He snorted.
"That's an understatement."


When Dilan was asleep, I walked up to my balcony to think. What am I going to do about him? Amarah and her hellhounds will probably hunt him down, but I would be causing the soul of an innocent to be torn from it's host right infront of me and that's just not in my nature. But, if she reaalized that I was wanted by Thanatos, she would sell me out in a heart beat. Decisions, decisions.

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