» Adventure » Encumbrance, Tai Goodman [each kindness read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «Encumbrance, Tai Goodman [each kindness read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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PROLOGUE: Beaten By The Authority

"I am... I can't remember. I was battling the prime minister of England, Prime Minister Benjamin Juvencivilla. And then I fell over the railing and hit my head. I barely remember who I am. Where I am from. Who I knew and who I hated. But now, I know one of those people. Juvencivilla. I vow to kill him as violently as I can, limb from limb, until he gets what he deserves."






"That story is pretty devastating, lad. I wish I could do more than just heal your wounds," the nurse answered. "You are apparently suffering from amnesia. Can't you remember anything?"

He looked around. "No." The nurse looked at his identification card. She squinted in confusion at it. "Okayyy... Well from your identification, BJ, you are a 38 year old male human being. You work in the place where you were thrown off a building."


"So that's how I got close to him.. Huh."


One of her eyebrows raised up. "Yes... Uhh... I guess so. Apparently." She looked at her watch and checked her clipboard. 


"Well, you'd best be on your way. Come back in case you get hurt another time."


The man then ventured home. He stopped by a very familiar house, residence of his neighbor. His neighbor was outside, hosing down his garden with a hose spewing out gallons of water. "Hey! BJ!"

The man waved back. "What happened to you?"


"I was thrown off a building."


The neighbor covered his mouth and said, "Christ. Come on in, let me fix you something." The mysterious man walked with the neighbor into the house and sat down on his living room couch. "I haven't talked to you in a few days... What are you planning to do about that debacle? Go to court?"

"No. I'll maim that damned man. Whatever it takes." He held both of his knees together. "Oh, by the way, I never told you my name. My name is Victor. Victor Kroul." He held out his hand, and BJ shook it. "Alright, BJ. Let me quiz you- Do you like secrets?"

"What do you mean, 'secrets?'"


Victor invited him by signaling him over to his bookshelf. "Let me read you the fourth testament." He pulled the fourth testament out of the slot, and opened a secret passageway. BJ entered the room along with Victor, and discovered that in the secret room, there was a plethora of sorcery tools. "By the power of Grayskull..."


"Witchcraft. Wizardry. All of the magic to your heart's content. You want revenge on the guy who almost killed you? You came to the right man." BJ grinned. "What types of magic do you have?"

Victor opened up a very dusty, and worn out spellbook that he had for ages. As his fingers flipped through the pages, BJ gandered around at all of the magician's paraphernalia. "Ah, here we go-


This section contains of lethal weaponized sorcery that can only be contained by one worthy, whomever studies this section. He must study the magic words, and then recite them with the proper hand motion." Victor wrapped a cursed shark tooth necklace around BJ's neck. "Wear this relic, study the book. Doing any of these steps incorrectly will ruin your chance."

BJ was handed the musty spellbook. Holding it with his two hands. And so he studied the spellbook that night wearing the relic. It took until he decided to fall asleep of drowsiness.

BJ was determined, and after reading the book, he was murderous. 


Chapter I: Jumping Pawn

 BJ was different after studying the book of magic spells. His fingertips were infused with the power of magical sorcery. The mind in his head wasn't focused on his own safety anymore, it was focused on murdering the man who hurt his soul. With a bag of euros, he traveled to the weapons store. The bag of currency occasionally made a slight ringing sound effect. This meant that in the sack, it was full of heavy money.


He let himself inside of the weapons store. The cashier said, "Sorry there lad, the store is closed. I'm just here to clean-" BJ's face grew a small smirk, and with a snap of his fingers, he casted his first spell. 




The shopkeeper's eyes turned bright red. "Welcome to the store, sir. We have just opened." He put the sack of euros on the counter. "Yes, my good man. Let me check what you have in stock..." He checked the man's rack of weapons behind him. "BAH! Everything on that rack is absolute rubbish. SHOPKEEPER!"

While the shopkeeper was tending to the register, he instantly pulled his head up to listen to BJ's speech. "What do you have under the counter? Anything not on that rack that you're selling?"


"Yes, sir." He placed a shotgun-like caliber weapon on the wooden countertop. "Dear lord... The future sure is exciting, right ol' buddy?" 

"Yes sir. It is."

The shotgun was a mechanical contraption. From its design, BJ could infer that it was made specifically to tear people apart with its powerful blast. "I'll take it. What else do you have?"

He placed an advanced flintlock pistol on the counter. "Huh. I'll take both, and 3 packs of ammunition, my good man!"


Then he noticed over the man's head, there were several masks. One of them, however, caught his eye. It was a mask of Scaramouche. The long nose resembled Pinnochio's. That meant that it was made for liars. Liars everywhere. Its sequined outlines and sharp black eyelashes. The chin was incredibly sharp. "I'll also take that mask."


He purchased the mask from the shopkeeper. The possession wore off, and the man said, "Alright, sir may I see your identification?" 

BJ had a confused look on his face. "Wha- TRIBIO HARVARTI!"




"Oh- I meant, here." 


He saw the identification card. "Alrighty then... Have a good day, now take your crap and get out 'your royal ass-ness' Jeez, that's the seventh one of you this week." 


 "The new world order, is that revenge solves everything. Not one equation cannot be solved without it. Revenge destroys it. Demolishes it. Solves it. And it is the best weapon any man or woman contains within their own body."


Chapter II: Injustice Among Us




BJ donned the mask of Scaramouche, therefore, he became Scaramouche. Not BJ anymore. There was only the silhouette of a future murderer in seek of revenge. He looked at his mechanical watch. "Judgement time." BJ loaded his pistol and shotgun, and approached the front doors of the palace guarded by two men. "Sir, you may not bring those firearms inside. Drop them and put your hands behind your back." 


BJ pounded his heart and murmurred, "Cardius-incendio." The two guards' chests blew open, and revealed the heart had exploded. "I may bring the firearms wherever I want, you shall have no judgement over my actions, as they are my own." BJ snatched a sabre from one of the bodies. As he ran his finger across the sharp blade, he felt its potential power in combat. "Yes... This will do nicely." BJ put his shotgun in his holster on his back, and proceeded inside of the palace. "Time to kill everyone!"


BJ strolled down the hallway. Two guards swung around the corner and spotted him. "SECURITY! WE HAVE A SODDING INTRUDER!" BJ spun out his pistol around his finger, and shot a guard in his head, killing him. The other guard took aim with a bayonetted rifle, right when BJ said, "Kiptu-sius!" BJ teleported over to him, removed the bayonette, and slit the man's throat. "You're not loyalists, you're slaves. Men choose, slaves obey."


The head of the building noticed him on a surveillance camera. "...SHIT! THERE'S A MAD MAN IN THE BUILDING!" He went on the intercomm and announced to the palace, "There is a man in a mask waltzing around the building. Kill him- ON SIGHT!"


BJ headed up the stairs with a red carpet laid out. He left bloody footprints. "The killer is now on the second floor, guards, EXECUTE HIM! NOW!" BJ was shot in his shoulder. "AGH!! NO... I haven't... gotten so far..." He hit the floor with a loud thud. Three of the guards that surrounded him circled around him. "Oi', nice shot there mate."


"I'm oblidged." BJ pulled out his sabre. 


"My turn."


Still on the floor, BJ spun around in a 360 degree angle, and sliced off all of the men's feet. "AHHHH! HELP!" BJ slapped the rifle out of one of the guards' hands, and flung the blade into his skull. The second one BJ fired a shot with his pistol. And the third, BJ snapped his neck. "The sweet smell of victory. And defeat." More guards were approaching at the moment. BJ looked downwards at the three corpses. With his rising hand, he casted a new spell. 




The corpses reanimated, and regrew their skeletal bones in their feet. They stood up, ready to fight against their own as hostile slaves. "Men choose. Slaves obey. NOW... OBEY!" he screamed, pointing at the group from afar. 
One of the enslaved undead guards shot a guard through his chest, and then through his jugular. He fired a shot before death that nearly hit BJ. BJ took cover behind a marble pillar. The head of the palace opened a drawer in his desk. "DAMN IT TO HELL! Fine, I'll have to deal with this my way!"


BJ evaded the fight, and walked right into a guard. The two stared at each other for a second. "You fucking TRAITOR!" BJ slammed the man against a wall, with the blade of his sabre against his throat. Violently. 


Blood was pouring out of the wound, and onto the clean, red carpet. And as it dripped like a river, it made the carpet even more red. BJ removed the blade, and proceeded. BJ heard an incoming battle cry from behind him. "Watch out!" BJ's mind told himself. He spun around, and caught a flying golden glass lamp, mid-air. Within the palm of his hand, he crushed it into little shards of glass. "Throwing foreign objects at me won't save you." 


BJ teleported over to the guard who threw it. He grabbed him by the arm and stabbed him three times in the chest. Before his death, BJ said in his ear, "The pain you feel.. It is shame."


BJ stabbed him a fourth time, and released the man's corpse. BJ proceeded upstairs to the third floor, where the head was waiting. BJ kicked open the door and right there, waiting, was Mr. Hans Griffinborough. "So you're the terrorist, eh? What do you want from me? Money? My clothes? My

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