» Adventure » The Night of the Full Moon, Luwen Zhang [top 5 ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «The Night of the Full Moon, Luwen Zhang [top 5 ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Luwen Zhang

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Chapter 1

“Hey, catch, Lucas!” yelled Michael.

 He yeeted the ball toward Lucas’s hand. He caught is in thin air. They were just starting to play a good game of catch. The rules were that the other team had to catch the ball and if they miss then they lose a point. There are 10 points for each team. Whoever loses all their points first loses the whole entire game. Simple rules. Lucas faked the ball back to Michael. “Ha, ha! Gotcha!” teased Lucas.

 Lucas had tricked Michael by faking to throw it. They were having a fun time………until tonight.

Chapter 2

Tonight was Halloween Night. They were about to have a festival at Kalie and Annie’s house. It was a few blocks away. Nina, Lucas’s sister, was in her room, reading a comic book. Lucas knocked on the door. Nina answered by saying that he can come in. Lucas stomped in. “What’s got into you lately?” asked Nina.

She asked that because she is the leader of Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw is their team name. “Oh-nothing. Just that Michael said that he won the game of catch and bragged that he was the best ravenclaw and I said oh yeah and he said go ask Nina and see what she says,” said Lucas quickly.

“Dinner time! And, get ready for the festival!” said Dad. “Is Gary coming?” asked Lucas. Hopefully, he isn’t coming, thought Lucas.

 Before Dad answered Nina said “coming” and they rushed down the stairs, getting ready for the party. They ate quickly and went in the car. The festival rules says that Annie might get scared of the frightening costumes so they didn’t have to wear them. “Let’s goooooooooooooooooooo!” shouted the kids.

 The night they got there, they looked around. Nina and Lucas split up and searched for the rest of the ravenclaws. Lucas was actually searching for Gary. If I don’t find him, I’ll be as happy as a bug in a rug, thought Lucas. Nina was searching for every ravenclaw in their team. Michael, Gary, Kalie, Annie, George, Emma, Eric and so on. She only found Michael, Gary, Kalie, and Annie. Lucas groaned. Gary was, in fact, here. “Bummer, Gary. I was hoping you wouldn’t go to the Halloween festival,” snarled Lucas unhappily.

Suddenly, an enormous shadow of something furry appeared on the sidewalk and the ravenclaws heard a loud, eerie howl of a creature.

Chapter 3



 It was Adam. He was in a coated and furry jacket and covered in dirt. Lucas asked what happened and he said he fell on accident in a mud puddle. Adam was his best friend and they had a sleepover right after the Halloween festival. Nina asked why he was late and he said he had a huge dinner tonight. “Well, let’s get to the party!” shouted Gary excitedly.

 They did huge slides and water slides, trampolines and slime, contests and whatsoever. Until they heard the howling sound again. “Wh-what was that? A coyote?” whispered Adam.

 Lucas stepped closer…… and closer…….. and closer….. until he touched the furry arm of a……. nothing. He didn’t touch anything. He only thought so. Lucas shrieked. Nothing. Nothing. I was feeling things, he thought. He and the ravenclaws kept on walking until the festival was over. Lucas and Adam went into the car and waved goodbye. And off they drove to Adam’s house. Adam’s house was only of  few blocks away. Once they got there, they climbed into the bed and said goodnight. Until suddenly they heard the howl again. Strange, thought Lucas. He crept up to the window and peeked through the window shutters. All Lucas saw was a full moon. Huh, thought Lucas. He moved closer to the shutters. This time, he saw an enormous shadow creeping toward him, dragging itself across the lawn as if it was injured. Lucas was terrified. It was a shape of a werewolf.

Chapter 4


As the shadow crept closer and closer, Lucas saw its red, evil, eyes. “Adam! Adam! Wake up! A creature is outside the bedroom! Adam? Adam! Wake up…..” whispered Lucas into Adam’s ear.

Startled, Adam woke up in shock! Adam shouted. Lucas froze. He listened with all his might trying to hear if the werewolf was still around. To his surprise, there was silence. “Wh-what happened?” asked Adam fearfully.

Adam took a peek outside. There was the shadow still moving but it looked different. That would only mean one thing……. There were TWO werewolves. I’m doomed, thought Lucas. And he was right, ‘cause later on that night, a loudest howl and a scream echoed against the walls and the whole building shook with might. Lucas felt like as if this was an earthquake. He tried his best to keep his mind off the werewolf thing. They’re not real, there’s nothing like that, thought Lucas. Suddenly, BOOOOOOM! “Wh-what? I think it came from the basement…..” whispered Adam terrified.

 Suddenly, there was a laugh coming from….. you guessed it. The basement. Adam and Lucas crept up to the basement door and pressed their ears onto the door so they can hear clearly. There were whispering and grunts and even some shouts. “Mom, Dad?” Adam asked hopefully.

 “SHHHHHHHH” whispered Lucas.

 “What?” asked Adam.

 “Just be quiet,”

 “Alright, alright,”

 Lucas heard at least one thing clearly. “What do you want from me,” was what he heard. So that definitely meant that it wasn’t his parents. “I’m going inside,” said Lucas.

 “No way!!” exclaimed Adam.

 Lucas thrust open the basement door. There were no more voices heard. Lucas and Adam tiptoed down the stairs. “WHO’S THERE?” shouted a hoarse voice. Lucas hightailed up to the entrance of the basement and shut the door. He ran a few steps and froze. Hang on, Adam’s still in there……….., he thought. He raced back into the basement and looked around for him. There was no people in the basement. No people, that is. Because there was a werewolf standing on its hind legs and snarling with defeat. Lucas looked at the blood-splattered floor. Adam appeared out of nowhere. He was holding a diamond sword and an iron spear. “WHAT THE-“ shouted Lucas.

 Before he could finish his sentence, The werewolf slashed its claws at his arm. Physical pain shot through every particle of Lucas’s body. He dared himself to look at his arm. There was nothing there. But it hurt badly. That’s strange, thought Lucas. He had to think quickly. He had to escape with Adam and needed to kill the werewolf in any way he can help himself and Adam. He grabbed the sword and spear and used the diamond sword to slice off one of its legs. It fell down and collapsed near Adam’s feet. Lucas couldn’t believe it. He was fighting a werewolf, and his plan was working. He threw the spear at Adam. He caught it with the skills he learned from the game of catch and threw it perfectly at the  werewolf’s head. It went right through it.

Chapter 5


“Dude, that was totally worth it…….. I’d never thought these weapons will come in handy,” said Adam.

“Um……Lucas. I think my mom and dad are coming in here,” whispered Adam in a faint and terrified voice.

“Great,” said Lucas not being sarcastic.

He pressed a button on his right arm’s wrist and fire came out from his back. Actually, it came out from his jetpack. VVVVVVVVVVVRRMMMMMMMM……………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Ummmmmmm,” said Adam uncertainly.

VRMMMMMMMMMMM………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucas zoomed across the basement and cleaned up the werewolf. After that, he pressed another button on his right wrist and the jetpack was gone and so was the fire. Silence. “Whoaaaaa. That was sooooooooo COOL!” yelled Adam a little too loudly.



   “Be quiet! Your parents!”


    Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. The sound of footsteps were at the door of the basement. Adam pressed a button on accident on Lucas’s wrist and they started to float…………then fell…….falling……..falling……..until hours………and hours……….. and hours…………………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    “Okay, this is bad,” said Lucas.

     They finally landed…… in Adam’s room and slept until the next morning.




                                                                The End


Publication Date: 09-02-2020

All Rights Reserved

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