» Adventure » Troy: The Demon Knight - Season One, Nick Venom [read book TXT] 📗

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Episode One "Lewis and Riley Ayers"

A cyan-colored car rested upside down. A barrier of flame surrounded the brittle car. The windows were lowered, screams escaping like kidnapped souls. The people inside the car couldn’t escape the car, the fire licking at them. They were trapped.

An ambulance’s horn blared far in the background, unheard to the screaming people inside the car.


Troy---a white-haired teen with tanned skin and dark blue eyes---looked down as tears flowed down his cheek. In front of him were two caskets---filled with people he used to know. Next to him stood his slightly taller sister, Victoria, grieving with flooding tears. Next to Victoria stood the eldest brother, Casper, an eighteen-year-old with broad shoulders and a beaten face; he got his facial scars from sword training. The three of them were dressed in black, standing in front of the caskets. On a board next to the caskets read the names, Lewis and Riley Ayers. 

Troy departed the funeral an hour later, followed by his siblings. They were all grieving in different ways. Their parents were killed in a spontaneous house fire. Unfortunately, the police had no leads on the cause of the fire.

Casper, filled with anger and sadness, yelled out of nowhere. He needed a way to release the pain burying itself into him. Yelling was his only option. 

Victoria ignored him, walking down the sidewalk to their new home, a fundraised two-story home made out of darkwood---a wood made by combining normal wood and magic, making the wood non-flammable. 

Their old home was made of normal flammable wood.

They trudged their way down the sidewalk, eventually, discovering their new home. 

Victoria went up to the door and grabbed the handle, hesitating. Troy felt her hesitation the most. Casper, on the other hand, ignored their moment of hesitation, stomping his way to the door and yanking it open. Victoria took a step backward, letting Casper pass her. He ventured into the house, scanning the living room. The living room, dining room, and kitchen were exposed to each other. The bathroom was across from the door which, when opened, looked through all three open rooms. 

Casper glanced at his right and stared at the antique furniture---stained with the previous owner’s clumsiness; chips in the edges of the wooden frames and stained wood. He then glanced to his left and noticed the colored window---large, in size, and resembling church windows. The window displayed a woman sipping from a bowl in a forest. 

Victoria walked in after Casper and gawked at the design. She was enthralled by the beautiful depiction of a famous tale told around the kingdom. The innocent and pure Saint Angelica, the reincarnation of the Goddess of Tranquility some said. She was sipping holy water from a bowl in Heaven’s Forest, granting her unimaginable powers.

Troy walked in last, ignoring the sights his siblings’ laid eyes on, venturing towards the second floor of the two-story almost rectangular house. He crossed through the kitchen and went right, heading up the spiral stairs that led to the upper floor. Once on the second floor, he scanned his surroundings. Sitting on the floor in front of him was a plushie. Troy grabbed the plushie and threw it down the stairs. 

Victoria followed Troy to the stairs, watching as a plushie flew down the stairs. She ignored the weird occurrence and went up to the second floor. Victoria looked forward and noticed Troy disappearing into the farthest room. Instead of following Troy, she turned to her left and noticed a smaller hallway waiting for her. In the rooms on her left was a bathroom, random closets, and small storage rooms. After doing a u-turn, she went back to the main hallway and noticed that the second floor held three rooms, a perfect amount for them.

Victoria went to the room in the middle, handing Casper the closest room to the stairs. She entered her room, closing the door behind her.

Troy walked out of his room as Victoria closed her’s. He froze and waited for her to emit any sounds. After waiting for a few minutes, Troy witnessed the cries and subtle whimpers coming from her room. He slowly crept back into his room.

Meanwhile, Casper sat on a chair in the dining room. He rested his head on the square glass table, laying his hands on his lap. Tears began collecting in his eyes. He raised his right hand and raised it over the table, forming a fist. He nearly threw it at the table while letting out a shout, but the sudden echo of the doorbell stopped him dead in his tracks. He picked himself up and recollected his thoughts, heading to the front door with bloodshot eyes and a snotty nose. He wiped the snot off his face onto his sleeve.

Casper opened the door and revealed the mailman, Mister Haze. Mister Haze tipped his head to Casper, hearing of their unfortunate situation. Casper nodded back. Mister Haze then handed him a letter before bowing to him. He stood back up and dug through his pockets, pulling out a crushed and dirty check. He handed it to Casper before turning around and heading off. Casper fixed the wrinkles on the check and glanced at the number on it. He then crumbled to his knees while yelling out thank yous. Mister Haze glanced over his shoulder and shook his head. He felt terrible seeing Casper and his siblings with those feelings pouring out of them. He had known them and their parents for a long time, becoming a family friend. However, Mister Haze wasn’t a rich man, but he felt that it was necessary.

The check held ten thousand dollars. 


Minutes passed before Victoria descended from her room to the front door and noticed Casper on his knees. Casper heard her footsteps and stood up, passing Victoria the letter before going to his room---which he found after accidentally entering Victoria’s room and noticing the puddle of tears soaked into her bedsheets. 

Victoria tore the envelop up and took out the letter. In bold letters were the words “Blueway University opening a Knight Class! Enroll soon!” Victoria nodded her head to no one in particular. “Maybe… This can help us. Distract us from… them.”




Episode Two "Blueway University"

Victoria enrolled them into Blueway University, the only university in Blueway or surrounding villages and small towns. Before they were accepted, they were thrown headfirst into a written and physical test. Casper, the athlete of the family, passed with flying colors while his younger sister, a non-athlete who was naturally strong, passed. Troy, the youngest of the three, wasn’t an athlete or naturally strong, but managed to pass through his intelligence---which gave him an advantage over his family. His physical capabilities were weak but enough to jump over the passing line.

Blueway University opened one knight class---which was a highly respected profession and all knights were treated as elites---allowing anybody, from commoners to nobles, to enroll. This gave the Ayers a chance to distract themselves from the pain they were suffering. However, no matter how many distractions they had, they were inefficient.

Victoria dragged her siblings to the first day of the knight class. Casper went off to the class to fight and relieve stress while Troy went because he couldn’t stay home. Unlike his siblings, he wasn’t popular, very anti-social. Many cleared away from him, labeling him as a loner and weird kid. This didn’t change as they entered the knight class. Casper and Victoria’s friends rushed to their side, pushing Troy out in the process. Troy watched as his popular siblings were flooded with hellos and good mornings while they discarded Troy like trash. 

Troy scanned the room, noticing the teacher resting his head on the headboard of his chair while leaving his legs on the table comfortably Next to his boots was a plaque with his name “Mr. Inuzuka.” Mr. Inuzuka lowered his bucket hat to cover his eyes. A soft snore could be heard from him. 

Troy scanned the other side of the room and noticed a corner desk unoccupied. He fled to the corner desk, resting his head on his arms, which acted as a cushion and prevented his head from touching the desk. He closed his eyes and began to cycle through memories. The first memory was of Lewis and Riley Ayers. They were helping him adjust to new changes and start his life over. The second memory was of a flipped car, screams erupting from within, but he quickly cycled past that memory. The third memory was of a friend talking to him but his words were blurred. He couldn’t remember what the conversation was about, but he knew it was important. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remember it.

“Hey, are you okay?” A high-pitched and uplifting voice asked him. Troy peeled himself from his memories and looked up at the origin of the voice. In front of him stood two females his age. The high-pitched female was dressed in all pink with blond curls resting on her shoulders. She had square glasses and dark skin. She looked at him with a smile. “I’m Amanda,”

Troy didn’t respond, instead, gawking at Amanda. 

“This is my best friend Kelly,” Amanda said, motioning to the female next to her. In complete contrast to Amanda, Kelly wore a mix of black and purple; a black shirt with scattered purple, black jeans, and purple and white sneakers. She had curly black hair that flowed to her waist. Unlike Amanda’s friendly tone, Kelly was cold and blunt.

“I’m Kelly, that’s all you need to know.”

“I-I-I’m T-Troy,” He stammered.

“Troy Ayers?” Amanda asked, her smile turning into a frown. 


“Oh,” She muttered. It was evident that she heard the news of his parents' passing. Kelly picked up on Amanda’s frown, lowering her head to show respect for the dead. 

“It’s fine,” Troy whispered.

“It’s never fine. You must be mourning your heart out.” Amanda said.


“No, it’s fine. She’s right, it’s never fine.”

“You may not be fine, but I know someone that is,” Casper said, jumping into the conversation. He eyed Amanda with hungry eyes. “Hey, pinkie, you single?” His voice lacked his usual confidence. His friends watched from afar, laughing at him. 

“What do you want?” Amanda asked.

“You?” Casper responded.

“A frog-eating swan meat,” Kelly retorted. Casper’s friends erupted into laughter, lowering his self-esteem. Casper glared at Kelly, who fought back with a glare of her own. 

“A frog-eating swan meat?” He repeated. “I can see that for Troy, but not myself. I’m a lion, not a simple frog like him.” Casper motioned to Troy, who lowered his head in response. Victoria noticed this and stomped towards them.

“Class is starting. Return to your seats.” Mr. Inuzuka muttered from his table. Amanda went to follow his instructions, but Casper grabbed onto her arm. 

“Where are you going?”

“You’re hurting me!” She shouted, her arm trembling. Kelly went to shake Casper off, but he slapped her away. Troy put his palms on the head and pushed himself up. 

“Stop!” He shouted. “You’re hurting her!”

Casper looked at him with disdain. “What are you going to do? Fight me? Or do you want to do a one-on-one chess match, orphan?”

“Casper!” Victoria screamed. 

“Sit down,”

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