» Adventure » Cory And Suzy, Katryn Ali [13 inch ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Cory And Suzy, Katryn Ali [13 inch ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Katryn Ali

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"I know but I don't want to leave her. Not yet. I haven't been reassigned yet. Maybe I'm to stay until the Lord calls her home. I don't think she has much longer," Raph told him and Grant.

"Alright. You can stay but I'm being reassigned next month after my last set of inoculations," Gabriel told him.

Raphael got special permission by the Father, to stay with Amistis Star.

Raphael had shaved his face. He looked so handsome Amistis and Moiya both thought. She was sure a flirting with him.

Amistis and Moiya especially, was glad to have Rapahel here to be a distraction to them, and Moiya could start to heal over Michael being dead. She knew in time she would come to love Raphael just as much as Michael. Would he be able to return that love was the question?

He had told her he did not date women. That it was part of the monastery he was a member to. But Moita began to love him. In time she felt she would love him more than she had Michael.

"I want that new Doctor at Academy Hospital, Pedro Raphael Floyyd, killed. He is too much a threat to the well-being of our secret society of the Angel Of Light worshipers," said a demon who was a spiritual guide of Eflack's. Since Michael was gone, now they wanted Raphael dealt with, then they take care of Gabriel too, if they had to. They'd use the stupid blind human race just as they always did, to do their dirty work.

Staggisus had told Raphael about where those two nasty men lived who took Angeleeka. But when Raphael went to investigate the cabin, the demons had already warned of Raph's coming.

Eflack followed Raphael one day after he got off work. It was late and dark out. Perfect scene to cause an accident. A fatal one...


Amistis was working with Gabriel tonight. Along with Moiya who like her, had rearranged her schedule to not include the days that Duncan worked. A nurse then informed Gabriel about a car accident emergency coming in.

It was bad. Amistis and Moiya, plus Gabriel couldn't help but see who was rushed in. It was Raphael! He had sustained a head injury. They already had him on an airway.

"Oh no. Raphael, no!" Amistis cried and took his hand as the paramedic continued to bag breathe for him. Moiya just stood there stunned. No, not him too! She lost Michael. She just could not bear to lose Rapahel. She couldn't stand to see him hurt like this.

EFlack smiled as he peeked in at the room they were working on him in. He had caused a terrible hit and run. He had chased Raphael and tried playing road chicken with him which made Raph swerve and another truck had hit his car. It overturned.

Raphael, he hoped, got smashed up real bad. If not he was instructed by his spiritual guide, of a cocktail to give him intravenously to do the trick the rest of the way in causing his demise.

The demon knew that if Rachael's temporary body was killed, there would be no more physical Arch Angel in the world, just like with Michael now.

The demon smiled at the success in taking the life of Michael's temporary body by means of a mad scientist type personality.

Amistis and Moiya went into the intensive care unit they now had put Raphael into. For head trauma cases. He was on a vent. His head was all bandaged up. Strands of his beautiful hair hung down. He looked so vulnerable.

Amistis tried to hold her stance but Moiya broke down and began to cry. Real fear crept up that she was going to lose this one too. She felt she loved him more than any man she had ever known in her whole life. He was so kind and gentle.

"Oh Raphael," she said. She took his hand. Amistis sighed. Grant then quietly came in. He read the monitors now.

"Grant, how's he doing?" Amistis asked.

"Not good sweetheart. It could go either way. We'll just have to wait and see, and hope he starts to improve," came his reply.

It was touch and go. Gabriel knew his comrade might not make it. He also knew that this was no mere accident. This was on purpose and that their lives were in danger. Raphael especially right now, that he was weakened and so vulnerable.

He felt just awful seeing Moiya crying like that. He wished they hadn't been assigned to the girls. But he trusted the Father. He knew they had gotten so attached to the 3 of them. He sighed.

Raphael pulled through and seemed to be stabilizing now. Gabriel awoke Amistis and Moiya who both was asleep in the chairs.

They were so happy when he told them Raphael seemed to be healing and coming along much better now.

Moiya went over to his bed and took his hand. He still wasn't breathing good enough to be off the vent but at least it was a start. He was still unconscious.

"Come, let's go get some breakfast," Gabriel invited. Amistis now realized how hungry she was!

"He's going to make it," Gabriel told her with a smile.

When Raphael finally woke up, boy, did he have a headache! "Man, my head hurts," he said.

Angeleeka was able to come to see him now. He was still in Intensive Care but he was awake and not needing oxygen any longer so she was allowed in, being a minor and all.

"Well, hey little darlin', how you doin'?" he asked her. "I'm so glad your okay," she said.


"You botched the job," said Eflack's spiritual guide. It was really a demon, and boy, was he not happy. So now he ordered Eflack to go give the cocktail injection to Raphael at the hospital. It had a substance in it, plus an overdose of Morphine.

The extra substance would magnify the morphine all the more and there was a certain poison that once introduced into the Angel's imperfect body, it would cause it to make an abnormal enzyme that would interfere with the Angel's ability to make red blood cells.

The demon was pretty sure Raphael would not survive the overdose because of it being magnified by the other drug, but just in case, he had the poison as a back up plan. All in all the Angel was a dead duck, not expected to survive this.

Amistis went to see how Raphael was doing after her shift got over. He was supposed to get out of intensive care and put into a regular room. She might or might not see him in the ICU ward. But what she saw she had not counted on.

They were working on Raphael. One had a mask over his nose and mouth squeezing an ambu bag attached while another doctor, it was a doctor Amistis had never seen before. He was barking orders to another to get some blood drawn.

Raphael then went into cardiac arrest. "What happened?" Amistis demanded.

"Get out! This is a restricted area!" spat that doctor. He had black curly hair. A little past shoulder length.

They had to intubate Raphael. They managed to get his heart started again but he was not waking up or breathing. Amistis went out into the hall. Moiya then came up to her. She had just got off duty too and Amistis forgot that she had invited her to come have supper with her and Raphael.

Amistis was going to see if she could bring him anything from the cafeteria. He should be able to eat solid foods.

Moiya glanced in the room and saw what was happening. "What's wrong? What happened?" she asked her very concerned now.

"I don't know? He was doing fine," Amistis said but she knew things could happen, as badly hurt as Raph had been, he might of threw a clot.

The doctor came out now. "I'm sorry about that." He then looked on the nurse's name tag. "Amistis Star. Is it Mrs. or Miss?" he addressed now.

"Actually I'm Mrs. Castel. Star is my maiden name. I'm married now to Doctor Grant Castel. Is Raphael going to make it?" she asked him.

"We're not too sure what happened. He is showing all the signs of an overdose. It may be that a nurse has made a mistake with administering his medications. We have him on morphine for pain. It might be that he was given too much. We're in the process of stabilizing him but we can't really until we find out just exactly what he's been given," the doctor explained.

Moiya went into the room. They had poor Raphael back on the vent. They had him on a special IV drip to help keep his heart beating. He was throwing PBCs. That meant a very unstable heart beat. It had skipping.

What had happened was this. Rapahel was taking a nap when something snuck in and stuck him in the neck. He opened his eyes to see a blurry figure skedaddle out of the room in a hurry.

Raphael began to feel the effects real quick. He hadn't time to act. He only had time to press the call button before he lost consciousness.

"You wicked son of perdition!" said a knightly voice from behind as Eflack rushed down the corridor. He somehow got lost. And the corridor got darker and darker.

Something began to pound in his head. He saw an Angel standing before him all in white. It was too bright to look into the beautiful face. All Eflack saw in back of him was this void.

It stank and he felt such fear the likes he had never before. Eflack had been abused as a child but instead of embracing all that was right, he did all that wasn't. He began his life of crime very young.

After he had run away from home. He met up with Noland in a Juvenile Home. They had both gotten an apartment together after being let out into society.

They had met Peegee and Leegee, Shescabob, and Harley. They had all schemed and planned together in a weird brotherhood bond of darkness.

These 4 lived on Vegros for a time and their weird rituals of darkness got them access to riches, but then Peegee and Leegee encountered this little no one busybody named AAyaelees Amistis Star on the way to colonizing Arca, a planet in this solar system. Word got out that they died.

Shescabob and Harley were sent next by their spiritual guides, to try to put a stop to Amistis and her

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