» Adventure » Cory And Suzy, Katryn Ali [13 inch ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Cory And Suzy, Katryn Ali [13 inch ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Katryn Ali

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I am Barry Michaels, but you can just call me Michael," he told her. He wrapped her in a blanket he had in the back of his truck and he laid her onto the blue colored seat in back of the two front seats. "I'll have you at Academy Hospital in no time sweetheart," he said. He then pulled out from the side of the road and headed for the hospital. CHAPTER 2


"I need help here!" Michael barked after rushing into the emergency part of Academy Hospital carrying the now unconscious girl. A doctor, Duncan Fraser, met up with him and rushed over a stretcher.

"I need an intubation tray!" Michael ordered. The other doctor rushed it over soon. Michael had begun giving Angeleeka mouth to mouth resuscitation.

"Are you a licensed Doctor?" the other doctor asked. Michael didn't answer but instead took the instrument and with precision got the airway tube soon down the teen's throat. The doctor knew he was now because no one who wasn't would not be skilled to do so.

"What has happened?" Fraser asked.

"She was bit by a cobra," Michael told him.

"Bit by a cobra!" he honked as Michael now brought over a ventilator machine. "I need anti- cobra venom now!" he ordered.

Fraser was already on it. A nurse was barked to get the syringe filled. Moiya Moegly was her name. She couldn't help but stare at Michael. He had such striking features. She bumped into another nurse, Amistis Star and the syringe went crashing to the hard floor shattering.

"You didn't use the plastic syringes!" roared Fraser at her. He went barking orders and the other nurse, Amistis, got a new syringe filled from his booming orders. She handed it to Michael now.

Moiya was about to tears but Amistis couldn't help that now. Right now they were trying to save this teen girl's life. Amistis had seen her around. She was a new candy stripper for about a week.

Soon with the anti-venom, the girl began to improve. Michael let out a breath of relief. "That was too close," he said.

Now that the girl was stabilizing he could properly introduce himself. "I'm the new doctor who is to start work here. I'm Barry Michaels," he introduced finally to the other doctor extending out his hand. Fraser smiled. "Well, I'm happy to meet you Doctor Michaels. I am Doctor Duncan Fraser. This is one of my best nurses, AAyaelees Amistis Star," the other doctor introduced.

"Wow! That's some name you got there," Michael said. Moiya noticed Fraser sure hadn't introduced her. The other nurse shook Michael's hand.

"Hi, I'm Moiya Moegly," Moiya now spoke extending out her own hand too. She was bound and determined not to get left out. Stupid Fraser! It was obvious they did not get along. But that was rude even for him to not introduce her as well. She had been standing right there!

"Well, I'm glad to meet you," Michael said.

'You are loved, and accepted,' Moiya thought she heard real soft, like a voice in her head. Michael made her feel very welcomed.

Raphael felt just awful. He stood by the bed of the very sick young girl that almost died because he was showing off.

He now felt a firm hand upon his shoulder. "She is stabilized," Michael told him.

"Yeah, well, no thanks to me!" he retorted. Raphael was sure happy to see him again but wished it was under better circumstances.

Raphael went before the Father. "Isn't there something I can do?" he asked.

"The gift you gave her was genuine. And it will pay off in the end, but yes, I could assign you to her like Michael. Even Gabriel, if he is needed," the Father replied.

"Oh yes! I would love to. So I can help further," Raphael said.

"But just as I told Gabriel and Michael, if in a temporary form, it can fall asleep. If this happens you will have to come home and the humans will no longer be able to interact with you," the Father explained.

"I understand. Sign me up!"



Cory and Suzy now too wondered what had happened to that child. "I am sorry I bit her. I got scared is all," Suzy said.

"You are free from those poking bushes. She was only trying to help," Cory explained.

"Maybe we ought to go find to see if she is alright," Suzy suggested. Cory agreed. It was a good idea.

The snakes were able to pick up the girl's scent and found her to be inside a big building. "This is where humans go to be fixed," said Cory.

"Hummm," spoke Suzy looking up at the high skyscraper of a building. "Too many people. I could get scared and strike again," she said.

"You are such a sissy Suzy!" Cory told her flat out. "Okay, fine. I'll go inside. Humans don't scare me," Cory said. So she went a slithering in through the doors that slid open and closed.

"A snake!" cried out an orderly and felt all weak in the legs. They felt suddenly like rubber bands so down he went onto the floor. Cory about laughed it was kind of funny. She could understand their words now. She came to find she also could READ their words.

"I wonder what floor Angeleeka is on?" she said.

"Excuse me, but what floor is an Angeleeka on?" Cory asked the attending station. The woman could not see anyone standing there after she glanced up from reading her book. "Excuse me?" she honked.

"What floor is Angeleeka on?" Cory asked again.

The woman wondered where was this voice coming from. She looked on her computer. "Angel what?" she asked.

"Angeleeka," said Cory. So the woman typed in....ANGELEEKA. Just as it sounded. "Oh, she is on floor 5," the woman said. She then got up out of her chair to look to see maybe if it was a very short woman talking to her but all she saw was this snake going toward the elevators.

"Yikes!" she outburst. She then dialed for Maintenance.

Cory slithered into the room Angeleeka was in. Raphael who was now in a more human type form again, saw her. The child was still unconscious and on a vent. He was assigned to work in Emergency along with Michael, and had come up to see how Angeleeka was doing.

"You shouldn't be in here," he told the snake.

Cory saw through his disguise. She knew he was one of those winged beings from the Almighty.

"You here to watch over her?" Cory asked.

"Yes I am small fry," said the Angel.

"How is she? Did Suzy's venom hurt her?" Cory asked. The Angel felt soft hear-ted. This creature of God was actually a very gentle snake. He bent down to her. "She is still very ill I'm afraid," Raphael told her.

"Could she die?" Cory asked.

"Well, I think she'll pull through," the Angel told her. He then put the snake into his pocket to take her back outside.

"The human folk will not understand you being here, love," he said.

Once outside Suzy met up with them. "I'm sorry I bit her. I got nervous. I always am around humans," Suzy confessed.

"Oh, your always nervous around anything really," Cory scolded.

"Am not!" Suzy spat.

"Are too!" spat back Cory.

"Hey! Stop that!" Raphael told them both.

"Ok, scoot! Off you two go and no more sneaking inside here," Raph made clear.

Angeleeka was much better by that next day. She was off the vent and stable. When she awoke and her eyes focused she lost her heart to Michael who was reading her chart. He was the best looking thing she had ever seen!

He wasn't real tall but he had gorgeous, shoulder length, very light blond hair, almost could call it white. He had the kind of eyes you could not tare yours off of.

Michael noticed the stare. "Well hi! Glad to see your finally awake," he retorted and came over to the bed. He had the most striking smile she ever saw.

He wore a white cowboy hat, it was tall. He wore a dark yellow jacket and he had on a white shirt and light blue jeans.

"I thought I imagined you. You did come and rescue me from those cobra snakes didn't you?" she finally said.

"Yes, you were bitten by one of them, but luckily the bite didn't penetrate too deeply, and get into your blood stream quickly or I'd of lost you before I could of gotten you to the hospital," he said.

He then pulled up a chair and sat in it backwards resting his arms now on the back of the chair. "Why were you messing around with a bunch of cobras in the first place my angel? Don't you know how DANGEROUS they are?" he barked.

Angeleeka wanted to tell him that one actually talked to her and wasn't the problem, it was her scardy-cat of a sister who had actually bitten her.

"They hadn't meant me harm. I was trying to get the other one freed from a thicket of thorns but I guess she just was too scared of me," Angeleeka told him.

"Well, how do you know that?" Michael asked her. He knew the truth but was curious of what this child was going to say next.

"I just know things, sometimes," she said and trailed off.

"Angeleeka, are you one of them Dr. Doodles that can talk to animals?" Michael now teased. Angeleeka laughed. He was so funny.

Then Raphael came inside. "Well, now that's much better!" he out spoke and then took her chart and began to read it. "Won't be long till your outta here," he said. She frowned. The food was so much better here than at that dumpy orphanage.

"I'm still at Death's door. Better keep me here another week, at least," she said and gave a cough. Michael looked at Raphael. "Who you trying to fool," he said.

"Well, we'll see cutie-pie," Raph said and squeezed her toe. He gestured for Michael to come out into the hall with him. He had found some abnormalities in her blood work.

"The girl has showed positive for AMS Disease," he told Michael. He was sorry to hear that.

Raphael then showed him the new papers confirming. "I know someone who also suffers from this same disease. Amistis Star I believe is her name. She is a nurse here," he told him.

"I'll have a conversation with her and tell her so that she can come and talk to the child about it. Poor kid, what she has in store, but if she will only put God first, He'll see her through," Raph said.

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