» Adventure » CharaMystic, Shante` G.J.G [best novels in english TXT] 📗

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after party the day after Cassandra’s big wild parties.”

“Right right right.” I said forgetfully while frantically pacing back and forth around the room.

“Look Reenee I don’t know if I’ll be able to go. Because something came up and – “

“Don’t give me that. Come onnnnn if you’re worried you’re gonna get drunk again, don’t, because I am putting you on a severe potential alcoholic watch. No more than one drink per hour.”

“What? Drunk again? I wasn’t - ”

I stopped myself because I remember that Zane mention that Senya probably used her powers of erasing and replacing memories on everyone at the party. And because of the Chrysalis I am the only one who remembered what really happened last night.

“Oh yeah right but it’s not that. It’s just - ”

“Come on, please.” She begged in a longing fashion.

“I haven’t seen my best friend all day and yesterday she was so drunk at the party even I hardly remember it. My memories are so mixed up and confusing.” She continued.

So I’m not the only one that was suspicious about their memories from last night. It seemed Senya probably replaced everyone with the same drunken memories.

I thought about it for a second and why not go. After everything that’s been happening all of a sudden since the final bell of school ringing. I could use a little chilling with friends. Having a nice NORMAL evening kicking it as my last night of being just a high school kid.

“Yeah I guess I’ll go. But don’t come pick me up, I’ll just walk. CJ Detweiler’s house isn’t that far away from mine.”

“Why? I could just as easily pick you up. Wait! Are you with a boy? You hooked up with someone didn’t you. Ooh so cute. It’s about time girl. Finally!” Reenee kept talking and asking more and more questions not even letting me answer any of them so I had to end the conversation abruptly.

“Ok Reenee. I’ll meet you there at 9.” I giggled as I hung up.

I turned my attention back to Zane and his facial expression looked a bit worrisome and a little afraid.

“What’s the matter? You look just as I did yesterday when I saw a flying tree.” I joked.

“Your leaving?” He said with the most sadden eyes I’ve ever seen on a kid.

“Yeah, I have this party to go to and - ”

Vzzz Vzzz. My phone vibrated because of a texted from Reenee. It said no come at 7. CJ Detweiler wants us to come early to pregame. I text her back saying ok.

I looked back to Zane unsure what to do with him. “Zane do you have a cell phone?”

“No, fostercare remember.”

“Right um.” I scurried all across my closet looking for my emergency box fill with all my in case of an emergency items, like my flashlight, my screwdriver, my favorite (expired) candy, clothes, a knife, money etc etc. I looked for my old prepaid phone, turn it on and check the minutes I had left.

“Here I have 300 minutes left. You can call me on this.”

“Call you?”

“Yeah. If you find out any new info about this S.W.I.F.T. operation or if Senya comes back.”

“Please don’t?” He said in such a low voice I didn’t even hear him say it.

“Because I have to go to my party and you have to go home.”

“Don’t leave!” He cried silently.

“I’m sure your foster mother is really worried about you. I mean you didn’t even go home last night and your only 10 so she’ll - ”

“Please don’t leave me!” Zane’s shouted as he ran up to me clinching so tightly around my waist.

I was so shocked I couldn’t even move at first. My whole body froze.

“Zane!” I have my hands up because I’m not sure what to do, if I should hug him back or not.

“Don’t leave me alone. If you send me home she’s going to take me back to S.W.I.F.T.. They’re going to do more experiments on me. And I’ll be alone again.” He started to cry viciously. All of his inner pent up feelings started pouring out like the Niagara. “Please don’t leave me. Don’t let her take me.”

Man what do I do? I barley know this kid and I’m already expected to rescue him. But that look in his face, he seems so… scared. He’s petrified. Reminds me of when –

I smiled then held him back just as tightly.

I knelt down, looked up at him and place my hand on his check tilting his head up toward mine, so our eyes would meet. Like I said before I don’t know what it is about this boy but all I could tell you is in that moment this boy was someone I wanted to protect.

“You don’t have to worry about a thing I will protect you. As long as I can still take breaths, no one will hurt you. Promise.” I held out my pinky waiting for him to accept my promise. He did it with the biggest smile of extreme happiness.

Oh and something that you may want to know, this is the moment when Zane and I started the formation of B.O.N.D.S, but we just didn’t know it yet. What’s B.O.N.D.S you’re wondering; well you’ll find out soon.

Roughly two hours have gone by and I’ve arrived at CJ Detweiler’s house. He let me in but asked about my short friend. I tried to disguise Zane the best I could to make him look older but it was a desperately failing attempt. It took a lot of my cunning and wit to convince him that Zane was 16 with Turner’s syndrome which explains his height and the reason they’ve never met is because he’s from our rival school. CJ Detweiler may be the king of gossip and a genius but he isn’t that great at biology or he would have known that only women can have Turner’s syndrome which B.T.W. not even I knew at the moment but I found out, eventually.

“Amethyst! Oh my gosh I thought you had died or something. I have’t seen my B.F.F. all stinking day.” Reenee immediately rushed towards me hugging me with excessive glee.

I smiled because I realized I missed her too. “Reenee you just spoke to me not even two hours ago.”

“I know but I need to see your face. I need my daily dose of Ammy.” She cried over dramatically pinching my cheeks..

I patted her head playing along. “Now now, there there.”

“Wait a second.” She finally noticed Zane and pushed me aside to get a better look at him.

“Who’s this?” She continued.

“And why did you bring him here?” She said clenching her teeth smiling ever so politely.

Zane stood almost behind me acting very shy. “Um, I’m Zane. I’m 16 with turner’s disease and I go to Salvoon high.”

Reenee chuckled insatiably. “Cute. You do know that only women can have turner’s disease right. Oh wait, or are you female. I’m sorry.” Reenee’s purposely began mocking me about my ridiculously unbelievable story for Zane.

“No, I’m a boy.” He stated confidently coming from behind me.

“Uh huh. Zane can I borrow you date for a second.” Reenee announced pulling me aside not waiting for Zane’s response.

“Look before you say anything. I had no choice I had to watch him and -”

Reenee cut me off. “Really that’s the best story you came up with, a 16 yr old with Turner’s syndrome from Salvoon. You could have said he was a midget or have GHD; that would have been more believable.”


“That disease that makes you look younger than you really are.”

I thought for a second. “Hmm you’re right I’m going with that.”

I started to walk away to tell Zane his new story but Reenee grabbed me.

“So why did you bring this kid here. And who is he. I’ve never seen him.”

I wanted to tell Reenee a quick version of the truth right then and there but I knew I couldn’t. For one she wouldn’t believe me because her memories are wiped and two Zane begged me not too; because according to him it’s too dangerous and the less innocent people involved the better. He also noted he doesn’t want Reenee at risk to be taken.

I guess he is right I should at least find out if I’m even safe myself before I go jeopardizing more people.

“Ok, truth. He’s is a runaway. And I promised I wouldn’t call the police on him for one night only as long as he promised to go home tomorrow.”

“Really?” Reenee’s face still seemed a bit skeptical.

“Yeah, he and his…..older sister got into a huge fight over a…. over a watch and their parents took her side so he ran away.”

“That’s what happen?” She questioned.

“Yep that’s what he told me.” I replied begging her to stop asking questions in my head.

“Sounds stupid.”

“I mean come on he’s 10. They get upset over stupid things. It’s like -”

Once again Reenee cut me off. “Yeah yeah yeah I don’t need a life story. Just make sure he doesn’t drink any anything.”

“Already planned on that.”

“No no no I mean don’t let him drink anything. Not even the water. I’m pretty sure someone already spiked that too.”

“Right. I’ll just give’em some from the tap.”

I turned around to give my attention back to Zane.

“Hey Zane do you want some-” Zane was gone.

“Zane? Where’d you go?” I called out.

“I can already see this is gonna be one special night for you Ammy.” Said Reenee patting me on the shoulder tauntingly.

CJ Detweiler walked in laughing hysterically. “Oh my freaking god. AmmyAmmy yo, your friend Zane is funny as hell. The little dude is seriously one sick character.”

“What?” I’m shocked and confused about what’s he talking about exactly. What could Zane have possibly said or done in such a short amount of time.

“Little dude got tricks too.” CJ Detweiler handed us some drinks and asked Reenee and I to join him and everyone else in the backyard.

What I saw when I joined the group really was an O.M.G moment. There in the center of everything was Zane. He’s really entertaining the crowd with stories of his adventures at S.W.I.F.T.. Of course he didn’t use certain details like their abilities or the experiments but he just told stories of all the places he’s been while in their care. If I didn’t know beforehand the horrible stuff about S.W.I.F.T. I would have though, just by what Zane is saying, that S.W.I.F.T. was an amazing outdoors group to join.

“Here Zane take a shot.” Laughed Lion.

My heart started beating like drums. I was so shocked. I didn’t expect Lion to be here.

Ahhh Lion the cutest boy in the whole school. Well at least to me he is. He’s perfect. Tall, fit, charming, smart, cool, exciting, sexy, magnificent and just absolutely pure perfection. I’ve had a crush on him since the beginning of time. Actually just last year. Lion is one of those transfer students that appears right in the middle of the year like in a movie when things are getting romantically dramatic. And all the girls are just throwing themselves at him. Not to mention a
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