» Adventure » CharaMystic, Shante` G.J.G [best novels in english TXT] 📗

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away from Lion.

Lion called out to me but I didn’t go back to explain.

“Wait, where you going?”

“Sorry I have to go. Expain later.”

Argh, I was so close. Where the hell is Zane? I’ll check back in the main room. No, he’s not in here. Ugh, ok maybe he’s in the backyard. Nope not here either.

“Hey Amethyst, come dance with me.” Melinda cheered grabbing my hands and shaking me with the music.

“No.” I looked around the room some more hoping to find Zane on the dance floor.

“No? What do you mean no? This is a party don’t look so worried, have fun girl!

“Hey have you seen Zane?”

“Zane? Who’s that? Come on shake it girl.”

Ugh damn, she’s drunk.

“Never mind I’ll catch up with you later.” I make a speedy exit worried what will happen if Senya decides to make the same type of appearance as she did at Cassandra’s party.

“Well well well look what we have here. Little miss -”

“Not now Cassandra. I am not in the mood.” I said in a stern no nonsense type of voice. I sped right past her and her cronies.

I walked through every room of the house on the first floor and no Zane. Now that I come to think of it I don’t see Senya either. Maybe I imagined it. Hmm no no I definitely saw her. I sat on the steps to think about where Zane could be. Then I heard some noises. But it’s not coming from the party, it’s coming from upstairs. No one is allowed upstairs so I thought that was strange. At first I ignored it thinking it might just be CJ Detweiler but I could hear two voices arguing about something. I started to become curious about who it is so I opened the gate that was set up to barred the staircase leading upstairs.

As I crept upstairs I could hear the voices more clearly. I was shocked to say the voices were Zane’s and Senya’s. I moved closer to the top of the stairs but stayed aloof so I can hear what they’re saying.

“Where is the stone Zane? I am not playing with you.” Senya said in a stern threatening voice.

“I told you already I don’t know I lost it during our fight.”

“Look, you don’t have to come back to S.W.I.F.T. but you do have to give me back the stone.”

“I can’t I really don’t have it.”

Senya slammed her hand onto the wall near her. “Don’t you say that, damn it!” Zane started to look really scared.

Senya continued. “Do you know what Sebastian will do to you once he finds you? He is going to kill you then kill me for letting this happen. Don’t you understand that? Look, if you give me the stone I just might be able to talk him into a minimum punishment for you. I can’t do much but I promise I won’t let him hurt you. I will protect you, remember I promised that.” She touched his face softly as if she actually meant what she said.

“Zane don’t believe her!” I accidently blurted out.

I pinned myself up against the wall covering my mouth tightly hoping she didn’t hear that. I started creeping back downstairs praying to get away and hoping I didn’t start any tossing frenzy.

Just as I thought I was getting away I was grabbed and thrown up against the wall.

“Who are you?” She demanded to know.


“How much did you hear?”

“Uhhh (gulp) I.”

“Senya no! Let her go!” Zane pleaded.

“You know this girl?” Senya had her hands positioned as if she is going to punch me in the face.

“Yes leave her. She’s has nothing to do with this.” Zane said pulling her hand away.

What’s going on doesn’t she want to pulverize me. I mean after everything that happen – wait that’s right last night when she attacked me I held up the crystal and her attack reflected off of it and hit her instead so she forgot who I was.

“Yes! Don’t hurt me I was just looking for Zane to come join the party. Everyone is cheering for him to come back to tell his stories.

She glared at me with this look that said she wanted to hurt me and I mean bad. But I don’t know what made up her mind but she did let me go. She told Zane that she’d deal with him later and just left. I slid down the wall and took the biggest deep breath of my life.

“That was a close one hey Amethyst. If you hadn’t showed up when you did I was sure she’d take me back by force.”

Zane slid down the wall right beside me. “So it seems she does have some sort of a soft spot for you. Or does she pretend to care a lot.” I asked trying to interpret her feelings.

“It looked like the only reason why she didn’t clock me is because you asked her too.” I continued.

“I don’t know that’s just how Senya’s always been. For a second she’ll show you just an ounce of kindness and then it shifts. She becomes as hard as ice. Like when we first met. She beat up those boys pretty good. Although it was bad for them, it was nice for me. Even when she took me to S.W.I.F.T I thought she was doing it because she cared and wanted me to be strong and brave like her but obviously I guess not. For a second I did believed her; that she would protect me from Sebastian.” But I don’t know; it’s hard to tell anymore.

Zane’s curled up with his head positioned right in between his legs. He’s curled her so much that he looked uneasy.

I looked at Zane with sad eyes. I can see that he’s very sadden, that he feels he’s lost someone very special to him. That’s he feels betrayed, lost, forgotten. I don’t know how I know these things or why I can already tell how he feels on such a deep level, we just met after all. But whatever the reason I know it’ll help me in the long run to understand how he feels for sure.

I looked at Zane right in the eye because I wanted him to know that what he’s feeling is wrong. “Zane I know she may not be who you expected her to be but how your feeling is not true. This chick has some serious issues. But I will protect you now. I won’t ever betray you. I won’t ever forget you. I won’t ever hurt you.”

“Thank you. But I can’t get you involved any more than you already are. It was just by sheer luck that her energy ricocheted off the stone and back at her, because if she hadn’t forgotten your face, she might have hurt you just now. And maybe even brought you back with her to S.W.I.F.T; not only as an enemy but as an experiment as well. But you’re safe now. So just give me back the stone and I’ll leave you alone.”

I stood up boldly ready to lighten up the mood. “I can’t do that so I guess we’ll just have to make you stronger.”


I pulled Zane up off his feet.

“I’m not exactly sure of this S.W.I.F.T. Organization’s true nature but all I know is that they’re the bad guys and we cannot let them have this stone. And since I clearly don’t have any powers because I was never a test subject of S.W.I.F.T., then that means you will have to get stronger. Get meaner, leaner, become a pumpkin eater.”

“What?” Zane questioned.

I scratched my head. “Sorry I couldn’t think of a third related rhyming word.”

“Thank you.” Zane said hugging me gratefully.

I hugged him back. “My pleasure.”

“Thank you for staying with me.”

I looked at my phone and noticed it’s after 12:30. “Ok, enough with this touchy feely emotional junk. You want to go party with me? I’m a great dancer.” I boasted.

“Ok but I must warn you, where I’m from I’m the freak machine.” He replied.


“No, but I can do the robot.”

He showed me a brief summary of his moves as the robot. We both giggled and headed downstairs to join the rest of the party.

Chapter 6: Thank God! I Made It To Graduation! (Sudnay)

“Amethyst. Amethyst. Amethyst.”

“Ah! Ooph.” I jumped onto my pillow scared out of my wits.

Topez, Onyx and my mom all released some confetti and blew noise makers.

“Congratulations!” They all shouted making more incredibly loud noises. At least it seemed really loud because I was just asleep.

“Thanks guys. Now can I go back to sleep.” I said trying to snuggle my way back into bed.

My mom pulled my covers off of me. “No, you have to get ready now, your graduation is at 12.”

I pulled my covers back over my head. “So what time is it now?”

“6:30.” Topez answered.

I popped up my head. “What? Why’d you wake me up so early?”

“Because big sister you have made it to graduation day, which means you are not a statistic. So we need to celebrate.” Topez teased.

“Technically you still could be if somehow you were to miss walking down the aisle to receive your fake diploma.” Onyx added schemingly.

“Thanks Onyx I love your support.” I replied sarcastically.

Mom pulled out the cake she made and told me to make a wish. It’s not my birthday but this is just my mom’s way of saying she’s proud. I blew it out and made a wish but expressed to my mom that I was not gonna taste it.

My mom loves making things with her hands; she’s good at making jewelry, making purses and craft stuff but she’s all thumbs when it comes to cooking. Wait isn’t that metaphor used for gardening. Oh who cares? No one can hear my thoughts. Topez told me she made an extra nontoxic, mom free cake and put it in the refrigerator for me to eat later.

Mommy also handed me the necklace and bracelet she promised to give to me during graduation. And of course it was beautiful. Topez and Onyx showed me the gifts mommy gave to them as well. Just like she said we all looked like a loving unified family. I looked at my family’s smiling faces and wished I could have this moment for life.

After debating with my mom for a bit she let me sleep for a while longer, although she did say it was my own fault for staying out all night. She’s right though, mama’s always right.

It’s now about 10:30am and I’m almost ready to leave.

“Amethyst, come on. Mom said to hurry up or we’ll be late.” Topez shouted from the bottom of the staircase.

“Alright alright. I’m coming.” I shouted back to her.” Sheesh, always rushing me.” I mumbled to myself.

I’m about to jet out of my room but just before I do I look in my mirror and put on my lip gloss.

*Smack smack* You did it Amethyst. You made it to graduation. Today’s the day where everything you worked toward pays off.

*Beep beep*

“Let’s go honey. I love you but I swear I will
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