» Adventure » CharaMystic, Shante` G.J.G [best novels in english TXT] 📗

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drag you out of that house by your hair if you don’t come on.” Threaten mommy.

I gave myself one more look in the mirror, smiled and then headed out. But not before I grabbed the Chrysalis of course and put it into my purse.

“Finally! Geez it’s hot in here.” Whined Onyx.

“Wah wah wah, cry baby. I’m here so stop complaining.” I said arguably while Onyx pouted some more.

“Next stop my baby’s graduation.” Mommy started the car. Then she turned to me and helds me. Onyz and Topez moaned and unbuckled their seatbelts because they knew we were gonna be here for a while.

“Ammy, no, Amethyst you have come to be a marvelous young woman. I‘ve watched you grow up from this little ity bity baby seed in a strong-willed and delicate flower and I just want you to know that I will always love you. And you can come to me for anything because your father and I - ”

“Mom! Do you have to do this now? I get it you’ll love me forever and ever and ever. I can come to you for anything. Don’t think twice yada yada yada. Can we go now?” I said trying to speed things along and avoiding another one of my mommy’s famous heart-felt moments.

She smiled then set out on the road. But just as she was getting the car out of park I felt as if I might have hurt her feelings a little for cutting her off so I had to apologize somehow.

“I love you too mommy and I’m glad you’re proud of me.”

She smiled.

It’s a little past 11 and graduation is just moments away from starting. The parents, family and guest are frantically looking for the best seats while the graduates are excitedly waiting to walk down the isle.

As I looked for my spot in line of the enormous sea of students I began to see all my friends who are joining in the walk to remember. Most people are excited, some are nervous and for others this is just another day in their lives. But for me and my friends this day is magical. I said hi to everyone I saw. We laughed, joked, teased, cried and just enjoyed everything everyone was bragging about; who and what they are gonna become after today. It really is just a perfectly spectacular day for me and I’m really glad because I thought some more freaky weirdest was gonna happen. But so far so good.

“Amethyst!” Melinda shouted.

“Melinda!” I shouted.

“Melinda!” Reenee shouted.

“Reenee!” Melinda shouted.

“Reenee!” I shouted.

“Amethyst!” Reenee shouted.

The 3 of us laughed at how funny calling each other’s name just sounded. We huddled together and did a huge group hug and chanted our secret (not really so secret) best friends cheer.

“Now I know the three of you are not doing the B.F.F Cheer Dance without me.”

“CJ Detwiler!” We all cheered in unison rushing to give him a huge hug.

“You guys.” He chuckled happily while being practically squished in the middle of the three of us.

We did our B.F.F Cheer Dance again but with CJ Detweiler this time.

“Can you guys believe it. We did it, we graduated.” Melinda announced cheerfully.

“I know were not statistics.” I shouted a bit too loudly.

“Huh?” The three of them said puzzeled.

“Were not high school dropouts so were not part of the percentage.”

“Oh, right.” The three of them said in unison again. They laughed at my joke.

The head organizer started to speak on a megaphone. “Ok students, graduation is about to begin in 20 minutes so please return to your designated places in line. I repeat graduation is about to begin in 20 minutes so please return to you designated places in line. I repeat gra - ”

“Alright we get it.” Everyone chanted back to her.

“Well…..looks like you’re all growing up.” She sniffles then wipes a single tear.

Melinda, Reenee, CJ Detweiler and I all return to our places waiting to be signaled to walk right after we waved goodbye and said good luck to one another. And just to be funny Reenee teased everyone to try and not trip down the aisle, probably jinxing us.

Yes! Just moments away from graduating. I can’t freaking wait. It’s so exciting. I’m gonna spend all summer kicking it, going to beach, playing arcade games, shooting hoops, chilling with my crew and then go to Calvoon university for fashion design with Reenee and Melinda. Ah I can’t wait!

“Pst Amethyst.”

“Huh? Did you just call me Frank.” I asked looking behind me.

“No? Did you say something?” He asked.

“No. Hmm weird. Ok never mind then.” I said.

He just shrugged his shoulders and continued talking to his buddies.

“Pst Amethyst. Over here.” This time I looked all around me and saw no one looking out in my direction.

“No, over here. The other way. No, not that way, this way. No no no no.” Directed the mystery voice.

“Who’s calling me?” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly the hallway went almost dead silent. Just the people in the surrounding area who could hear me stopped to stare.

Damn I did it again. I’ve got to stop doing that.

I tried to play it off the best way I could.

I pulled out my phone as invisibly as possible and put it to my ear. “Finally, you people are so rude. I’ll on the phone.” I said embarrassedly facing the wall to hide my outburst of shame.

Moments later everyone went back to doing whatever it was they were doing previous, that is after they whispered how weird I was and laughing hysterically. I guess not even on the proudest day of my life can turn out smoothly, there’s always something.

Next thing I knew there were little pieces of leaves being thrown in my hair and the voice of the same mystery man calling my name again.

“Pst Amethyst look over here. Behind the flowers.” Directed the voice again.

But what I just realized is that there were flowers everywhere set up all around the building. This is just a cruel joke.

Vzz Vzz. Vzz Vzz. I got a text?

Look to your left past the flowers, through the chairs, over the ramp and to the side of the hamster tank. If you can see past the windows, you’ve looked too far.

Eh? Zane?

I viewed his text but chose to reply by calling him instead.

“Zane what are you doing here? I thought you were grounded for not coming home.” I asked curiously.

“I was – well I still am but I asked Mrs.Gardner if I could come to see you graduate and she let me. But I just had to promise to come home right away.” He answered.

“Really? I was 10 once too you know and I’m pretty sure there are no exceptions to being ground except for maybe birthdays, there usually the deal breaker. So you want to run that by me again.” I said.

“Ok she said no but she took the other children to the park so I’d figure I come see you before she gets back.” He said.

“That’s sweet but you really should go home. I don’t want you to get into more trouble. And trust me I know trying to find loop holes when being grounded sounds easy but it only causes you to be grounded even longer. Loop holes are nothing but trouble.” I explained.

“The truth is I just wanted to see you graduate. And I was worried that some S.W.I.F.T agents might come to ruin your day for you. So I came to make sure nothing went wrong.

I smiled for a moment realizing that I was thinking the same exact thing earlier and it might actually be a good idea that he is here.

“Ok you can stay but find a seat in the auditorium.”

“Where’s the auditorium?”

“Just come over to where I am and I’ll show you the direction.”


We both hang up and he started to walk towards me but only as luck would have it, he was stopped by a security guard asking him for his ticket.


I scurried out of line to go help Zane get past him.

“I’m sorry sir this is my little brother. He just went to the bathroom. I’ll show him back to the auditorium.”

“Ok but where’s his ticket. No one’s supposed to leave the auditorium without a ticket for security reasons. There was a huge security breach last year so security is very much tighten this year.” Explained the cop.

“I know I’m sorry but he left it inside so - ”

“Sorry mam but his mother would have to come get him. We can’t have him just walking around.”

Is this guy for real? Why is taking his job so seriously. You’re working a graduation ceremony for Christ sakes. What do think someone’s planning to do, set off a bomb or have a shootout. WAIT! Did he just call me mam? How does he think I look?

“Ok I understand sir.” I said.

I looked at the cop then looked at Zane. Next I smiled at him and thought up of the best plan ever.

“Zane, run!” I said grabbing his arm to allow him to follow quicker.

“Ahhh!” Screamed Zane.

I turned around and the cop is actually running after us. I figured he’d probably try to grab us, but once he couldn’t initially, I figured he’d just let us go; but this guy was serious about his job. If only you could see the look on this cops face then the look on yours would definitely be WTF!

It’s a good thing I was a track star because this guy looked like he was in shape and is dead set on capturing us.

“This is a 10-15. I repeat 10-15. We got two trespassers. One disguised as a graduate about 18 and the other a young boy about 10-12 years of age.”

What? Now I’m a trespasser. Oh god, I knew it. I just knew something would turn my, oh so special day awry.

“Amethyst he’s gaining on us.” Zane blurted sounding completely freaked out.

We paused for a second down another hallway. I looked left and right trying to decide which direction is best. I didn’t know. Then all of a sudden I saw Zane and I heading right and a door with the words “laundry room” on it.

Whoa that was weird.

“Which way Amethyst?” Zane asked.

“Uh, right!” I said grabbing Zane’s hand and leading him down the hallway.

We came to another fork but once again I had another weird glimpse of Zane and I. This time we went left.

“Get back here you kids. Stop running.” The cop shouted to us.

“Stop chasing us and we’ll stop running.” I shouted back.

I turned around only for a second and now there are 3 cops chasing us.

What the heck! How is this getting that serious, now we need 3 cops chasing us? Do they really think we’re that much of a security threat? In the words of Charlie Brown, good grief!

Suddenly as I came around another corner I saw a door that said laundry room, so I guided Zane and myself in. And
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