» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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as she clearly felt my eyes on her. I couldn't stop though, my eyes raking over her slightly healthier looking skin as it had a slight pink tint to it due to the heat of the water, her hair neatly brushed as she had to pull over one shoulder as it seemed to be a lot longer than I expected. Not that I had anything against it, in all honesty she looked…"Beautiful" I found myself breathing, seeing her flush deeply as she shifted on her feet. Sensing that she was uncomfortable I pulled myself into a sitting position, deciding to ask her a question that would hopefully get her to relax."Do you want to bake a cake?" I asked before wincing at how cheesy it sounded, totally random but trust me when I say that it sounded a lot better in my head than it did when I spoke it out loud. My fear of seeming stupid though was a waste of effort, what with considering the way my adorable mate nodded eagerly as she slowly approached me while being dwarfed in my clothes. She looked tiny; it only fuelled my urges to protect her and keep her safe."That would be nice" she smiled gently, not hesitating to take my hand this time as we made our way downstairs and into the kitchen. Suddenly I couldn't stop myself from grinning as my mate seemed to lose herself in the moment, it not being long until we had made a two—layer lemon cake with a citrusy creamed filling. She had made it from memory so it was obvious that she enjoyed cooking, not to mention as soon as I took it out of the oven, not wanting to risk her burning herself she had decorated it to a level that almost looked professional.Currently she was giggling wildly, it being music to my ears as I grinned at her while she used her palm to wipe away the flour which was present on her face. I couldn't help but feel myself beam with happiness, my mate seemingly having forgotten to be nervous around me as she seemed comfortable in my presence which I was thankful of. "So tell me about yourself, sweetheart" I smiled as I wiped down the table, our cake sitting on the centre of it on a cake stand that had once been my mother’s. It looked delicious, the cake I mean and I couldn't help but adore the fact that my mate was a diamond in the kitchen."What do you want to know?" she asked as she stood by the counter, giving me an opening to ask some questions. I knew to tread carefully, she was being responsive and the last thing I wanted was to wreak the mood by being too nosy when she wasn't ready to spill her secrets; understandable of course."How did you learn to bake?" I asked, thinking it was an easy question to ask. But by the tensing of her shoulder, the stiffening of her form I couldn't help but pause in my cleaning before she seemed to relax slightly after a few moments of some clearly hard thinking. I knew what she was deciding, whether to trust me or not and I was hoping for the former of the two."I had no choice, but I like it" she confessed as she turned off the tap, switching to drying the plates and bowls as she did so. I didn't like seeing her working in her condition, but it seemed to help her opening up so I sucked it up so I could reap the benefits of her relaxed mood."Want to talk about it?" I asked, trying but failing to hide the hope from my tone.



Chapter 26

 I knew not to press her; she was becoming more and more comfortable around me which was more than I had expected it to."What's there to talk about?" she breathed softly, obviously not wanting to talk about it and for once I knew it would be best if I simply let it go, for now. She would tell me when she was ready."Want to see if the roses are ready?" I asked, watching as she instantly seemed to brighten up making my heart skip a beat. She had made these incredibly intricate roses out of pastry, having put them in the fridge to harden since she had said they were for decretive purposes but could be eaten. They were incredible to look at, not to mention being able to watch her work as she made them with pure ease making it clear she had done it for years to get that kind of skill.Turns out they were ready, her previous soft smile widening slightly as I pulled out the tray and held it out for her, knowing that she would get more enjoyment out of placing them than I would. She had made them after all."Finished" she beamed at me in a childish way that I found adorable, it was a nice change from her previously quiet and reserved mood and I found I liked it. A lot. It was cute, adorable and so utterly sweet that I found my expression softening as I took her in. Well, that was until a loud bang startled her in such a manner that I soon found her form hiding behind mine as she trembled in what I knew to be fear. My wolf instantly went into protective mode, my body pressing hers against the counter of the kitchen as my back pressed against her shaking form meaning I could make sure she was there without having my eyes on her. The sounds of my pack laughing and chatting soon filtering into my hearing, my annoyance increasing as a quick glance at the clock on the right—hand wall told me that I must have lost track of time since they were all home. To sum it up, it was seriously back luck on my part."Adrian" I heard my fragile mate whimper as she pressed herself against my back, the mating pull clearly having effect on her. When she felt fearful or threatened her wolf was urging her to stay close to me, and from how she was pressed against me it was clear she was taking the advice of her wolf and following her urges. I wanted it no other way."Leave!" I snarled as soon as my pack started to filter into the kitchen, clearly having smelt the incredible aromas coming from my mates’ cooking skills. I wanted to take some of the credit, but to be honest I had spent most of the time simply staring at her as she seemed to act as if this was her home. It was of course. At the sound of my no bullshit tone they instantly froze at my order, their faces a picture for a second before frowns seemed to decorate their features."What—" Paul started but I wasn't in the mood, the fact my wolf could practically feel how terrified my mate was meant he was instantly on guard. I shouldn't have been able to feel her yet since we hadn't mated, but very strong emotions could get through and I was not playing around as I felt my mates’ blunt nails dig into my waist as she whimpered just loud enough for me to hear. I hated it, knowing that she was so uncomfortable since only minutes ago she had been giggling wildly."Don't question me Paul, not now, not ever!" I snapped in a harsh tone, one they were used to as they took note of my tone and quickly left, the males holding their mates close to them as they did so. I didn't care, not when I had my own mate to protect.

As soon as they were gone I spun around to face my mate, not prepared to find her shaking and as pale as her sheet. Her eyes didn't look focused and her breathing was far from being even, it being harsh and sharp when she actually took the time to take a breath."Holly? Sweetheart?" I asked slightly panicked, watching as she seemed to sway on her feet slightly as she seemed to fade in and out of consciousness."You're my mate" was all that passed her lips before she crumbled to the floor, her legs buckling under her weight as I quickly grabbed her around the waist before she hit the ground. I couldn't help but savour the feeling of her in my arms, well that was before my sanity kicked in and what she had said finally sunk in. All I could think was shit, she had put two and two together and found out we were mates. Well at least she didn't flip out I thought, unless you count fainting in that category. But I quickly pushed that aside, calling out for Lisa as I rushed my unconscious to my room as I ordered for the pack doctor to send for her immediately. I've had a taste of what my life would be like with my mate; I was not losing it any time soon that was for sure.


Chapter 27

   Holly's Pov

My head felt as if it was pounding, the sharp sensation causing all the air in my lungs to leave me in a huff as I felt myself suddenly become winded. I couldn't help but whimper at the painful but unfortunately for from new sensation, I had felt this before after all and the thought that something similar had happened in this place before everything went black had my form stiffening in fear. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him, but I couldn't help it. He was so sweet, not to mention my wolf was begging me to give him a chance.Trying to fight the sob which wanted to bubble up from my throat I tried to think back to what had caused me to be knocked out, but found my brows pulling together in a frown when I realized that I couldn't remember. What the hell?Knowing that I needed to get out of here as quickly as possible I tried to ignore the pulsing in my head and come up with a plan, but my wolf was whimpering so loudly at the thought of me going anywhere that I found my physical pain only increasing. It was as if the mere thought of running was too much for her, that she would be nothing again if I didn't stay.Taking a deep

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