» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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her own hand before slowly placing it in mine.It was official; I want to purr I thought as I felt her jump from the sparks which shot through the both of us. She made a move to take her hand back but I gently but firmly held it in place, wrapping my larger hand around her delicate fingers and hoped beyond hope that I hadn't made a mistake."Good girl" I praised as I felt her relax slightly, her eyes staying on our joint hands as I entwined our fingers with a broad grin on my face as I felt her skin against mine. It may have been something as simple as holding hands, but for me it was a big step that she was willingly touching me like she was.Not wanting to push my luck I gently tugged her outside my room, feeling her hesitate but follow closely. She was so close to me that I could feel her hot breath through the fabric of my thin shirt, it sending shivers down my spine as I led her down the stairs and into the kitchen. It took longer than expected; I mean of course it would since I was having to stop every now and again while she had a curious look around the packhouse as she seemed to be interested in whatever was around. Her grip on my hand remained tight as she scanned her surroundings, me finding it incredibly endearing as I couldn't wipe the large grin off my face even if I wanted to. She was just too perfect.About a quarter of an hour later we appeared in the kitchen, my sensitive hearing making sure to constantly check that the house was empty. My mate was delicate at the moment, and I knew the only reason she was willing to be around me like this when it wasn't in my room was pure because of the fact we were alone. I didn't want anyone ruining that, if they did then blood would be shed."Are you hungry?" I asked as I looked down at her, finding her staring at the large display of flowers on the windowsill of the kitchen and I made a mental note to thank Lilly for taking the time to put them in the room, pleased that Paul’s mate had done a good job of helping my mate feel at home here.At my question my angel shrugged, clearing not knowing what to say. Luckily her stomach seemed to do all the talking, it rumbling loudly causing her to flush the most delicious shade of pink as she pressed her forehead against my muscular arm as if to try and hide her reaction from me. My wolf roared with delight at the willingly touch from our mate, even if she didn't seem to be aware that she was doing it. The mating pull was doing its job I thought, she craved comfort and found it around me which I was more than a little thankful for."Sit down" I told her gently as I pulled out a chair for her, not wanting to let go of her hand but wanting to get some food into her system. She did as I asked, gently slipping out her hand from mine with reluctance that made me smile. At least she wanted it as much as I did I thought, we were definitely making progress.Holding her chair as she took a seat I made sure to offer her the one closest to me at the table, it being positioned so that she could keep her eyes on me as I got to work making her something to eat. I liked her looking at me I found, it made me feel wanted, needed."You want anything special, sweetheart?" I asked her as I crouched down to her level, her pink tongue darting out and running along her bottom lip before she trapped it between her teeth in a manner which had me swallowing harshly to try and resist the urge to kiss her."Could I have a drink of water please?" her soft voice asked causing me to smile and nod. I had meant food but if my angel wanted a drink then my angel was going to get a drink.Searching the cupboards I grabbed a tall glass before grabbing a jug of water out of the fridge, thinking that she would prefer it to be cold and fresh as I poured her a glass before turning around to give it to her. I couldn't help but grin when she smiled thankfully at me, she had nothing to be thankful for but the small smile tugging at the corner of those plump lips of hers was enough to make me grin."How does a sandwich sound, you're not allergic to anything are you sweetheart?" I asked her gently, only just thinking of it now that she might be allergic to something. If she was then it would be cleared out of the packhouse quicker than anyone could blink, I would not have the increased risk to my mates’ health if I could prevent it. Putting her in danger was completely unacceptable, she was my life, and I wasn't going to be letting her out of my sight any time soon in the near future."No I'm not" was her reply, obviously referring to the fact she wasn't allergic to anything. I breathed a breath of relief, thankful since it was something I didn't have to worry about.With a nod I got to work making her a ham sandwich, deciding that going simple would be best since I doubted she would have told me what she liked even if I asked. She seemed really touchy around the food subject, but then again Lisa had stated that it was obvious that my mate had been starved so the amount of food that she was now being offered would shock her. I wanted to rip into those who had denied my mate anything, managing to soothe my wolf with the thought of tearing them down at a later date when my mate grew more confident with me. Hopefully, it would be sooner rather than later. Putting the plate in front of my mate I sat next to her, turning my chair so I could watch her as she slowly picked apart the sandwich with her fingers, eating slowly but surely as she didn't look at me as she did so. I found myself disappointed but I didn't comment, just thankful that she was eating and getting some food into that small body of hers.Finding the silence not exactly uncomfortable but not brilliant either I found myself wanting to learn more about her, to hear that voice of hers as she talked in that tone that had me purring in delight. So with that I took a deep breath before letting my curiosity take control, praying that I didn't overstep my mark and make a mess of the situation as I did so.


Chapter 23

 Adrian's Pov

Wanting to take it slow I started with a simple question, knowing that it was more likely that she would open up and answer more of my questions if I started with some less personal ones before building my way up. My body was practically humming with the thought of learning more about her, wanting to know everything that was possible for me to know about my timid mate who I unfortunately knew so little about."How did you sleep?" I asked, that was a simple question right? Either way it managed to catch her attention, her head slowly tilting towards me causing her matted curls to tumble down her back in an amusing manner. I didn't comment, knowing that it would make her incredibly self—conscious and that was the last thing I wanted. I didn't want her to think that I thought she was anything other than beautiful to me, even if I knew not to comment on my internal thoughts just yet since it would most likely make her extremely uncomfortable."Fine, thank you" she told me softly, studying me curiously as she managed to polish off half of the sandwich I had made for her. I tried not to smile, fair to say I failed miserably."I'm sorry for frightening you this morning" I said sincerely, how I had grabbed her was just unacceptable. It had been my own fault of course; I should have been more aware of my surroundings and because I hadn't been I had only severed to scare my mate from touching me ever again. Thankfully I had quickly nipped that shit in the bud; of course she could touch me, the more the better if I was being honest with myself."It's fine" was her reply, obviously not knowing how to answer me. I got the feeling that she didn't talk to a lot of people, while her voice was soft it had a scratchy quality to it which I guessed meant she hadn't used it a lot lately."It's not, I was out of order and I apologize" I stated sincerely, hating myself for scaring her. Her next question caught me off guard though; while I was pleased she was slowly growing more confident around me it came with a price."Why are you doing this?" she asked curiously with her usual soft tone, her fingers still picking at the sandwich making me relieved that she was still eating. She did look slightly healthier, I could only hope that with her being a werewolf it would speed the process along slightly"Doing what?" I couldn't help but stall, my mind whirling with how to answer this in a way that would please her but not freak her out. Surely telling her that she was my mate would cause her to reject me, and while the thought pained me I could see where she would be coming from. She hadn't known me long, a few days if you include when she was out of it so her accepting something so out of the blue could push her away. I would never lie to her, but I knew this time I had to try and prevent her from finding out until she was ready to hear it."Being nice to me, people aren't nice to me Adrian" she answered softly, the way she said my name making me shiver and my wolf purr in delight. It sounded so soft, like a caress and I soon found myself wanting more of It.; so much more. Well…that was until what she had implied finally seemed to sink in."What?" I asked chillingly, trying not to put her off telling me by being too harsh with my tone. That didn't mean my tone came out soft though, it was impossible, what with my wolf snarling at her comment about people not being nice to her. She was the mate of an alpha, she deserved respect from everyone and the thought that she hadn't got it made my muscles ripple with the effort it was taking me not to phase on the spot. She was too close; I didn't want to risk hurting her by being careless with my actions."You are the first person Adrian…that has ever treated me like this" she said softly, her

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