» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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even my wolf being anxious around other people, especially those I had yet to meet."Holly, are you alright?" his worried voice filtered into my sensitive ears, instantly calming my pacing wolf as I swallowed harshly. I didn't know what the hell was going on with me, but it was scaring the crap out of me.I didn't reply to his question, not being able to find my voice as I didn't move from my position on the floor. Well that was until I heard his next words anyway, pain and concern dripping from each and every word making my heart bleed for him."Holly, sweetheart? She's gone, please come out" he seemed to beg to make my wolf whine in protest, not liking how pained he sounded. It was for that reason why I slowly got up from my seat on the floor, catching my reflection in the mirror and again asking myself why he was being so nice to me. I wasn't anything special, far from it and he must have better ways to spend his time than to spend it with me.Slowly, cautiously I let my fingers grip the cool mental of the handle before unlocking the door. I couldn't help but take a deep breath, collecting my nerves when I heard his sigh of relief on the other side of the door. Would he be angry with me? Would he ask questions?Not knowing what other options I had I gently opened the door, my moves calculated and slow as I peered out from behind it. I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't plant to see an extremely panicked Adrian pacing the room as he ran his hands through that delicious hair of his over and over again in a nervous gesture."Oh, thank god!" he breathed out when he spotted me, half of my form still hidden behind the door as he stopped pacing and made a move to approach me. Strangely I didn't shun back as much as I expected to as he stood a few feet in front of me, his eyes scanning me as if he was looking for any injuries. I also didn't miss the way his fingers twitched by his sides, as if he was fighting the urge to keep his distance and not touch me. I was both relieved and disappointed I found myself feeling, not knowing what else to think on the subject at the moment."I'm sorry" was all I could bring myself to say, finding the urge to want to step into his strong arms for comfort. My wolf purred at the idea of it, the thought of being enclosed in his muscular arms where I knew I would feel safe."Holly—" he started but I cut him off, my eyes glossing over as I stared at the boy in front of me while biting my lower lip, a nervous habit of mine."Why am I feeling like this?" I asked quietly but I knew he could hear, the fact the color seemed to drain out of his features clued me in on that little fact. I now knew that whatever it was, not only did it affect me but it was more important than I had expected it to be. A lot more important; I couldn't help but shake in fear at what it could be as I stared into his hazel brown eyes that seemed to sparkle with nervousness and hope. Chapter 21

Adrian's Pov

As soon as those words, that question passed her lips I felt myself go pale as my blood ran cold at the realization that I would have to come clean with her. It wasn't that I didn't want her as my mate so wanted to hide it from her, far from it actually since I was so bloody thankful that she had been chosen for me. I was terrified of how she would respond; would she freak out or accept it? One could only hope that it was indeed the latter.When Lisa had entered the packhouse and started to jog up the stairs I wanted to murder the woman when I saw un—comfort and fear cross my mates incredibly soft features, the previously relaxed and smiling mood having been shattered when it was clear she wasn't ready to meet new people. It made my wolf snarl in protection over her, the fear in my mates’ eyes triggering the alpha wolf in me as Lisa had literally run from the house when she had seen my face when I had gone down the first flight of stairs to get rid of her. Stupid woman.I knew that I really shouldn't blame the woman, it wasn't exactly her fault since she didn't know, but when my wolf was out each and every pack member wanted to flee. It was a natural reaction from their wolves, whether they were close friends or not didn't matter since my wolf instilled fear in each and every one of them. My wolf loved it, the fear he brought out in his pack mates and while I found it slightly off—putting at how much he took pleasure in it I let him be. He was a wolf, an alpha, meaning he loved power. Now he had a mate though I knew the pack would always be a second priority; she would always be first and I saw absolutely nothing wrong with that. I could like without my pack, I couldn't live without her.I couldn't help but run a hand through my hair as I tried to calm myself, fighting the urge to start pacing again as I stared at my mates’ half—hidden form as she held the door as if it was a protective shield. I felt my heart clench when I realized she was trying to protect herself from me, my previously violent wolf actually whimpering at the thought of her fearing us. I didn't like it, and neither did he.I knew it would take time for her to trust me, but the thought of coming clean with her now and telling her that I was in fact her mate scared the shit out of me. I didn't know how she would react, how she would take the news and for that reason I found my body stilling in fear as I seemed to freeze as I stared into her bright amber eyes which were swirling with nervousness and concern.I couldn't help but smile at the concern present in her gaze, the fact it proved that she cared for me warming both me and my wolf giving me a feeling that I found myself soon craving. It had shot a bolt of warmth through me, a feeling I wanted to literally purr at as I continued to gaze at my mate, feeling my defenses crumbling as I looked into those entrancing eyes of hers."I don't want you to freak out" I admitted as I ran my hand through my hair again, my smile widening slightly when I saw her eyes follow the action as she had a soft look in her eyes. I always tended to do it when I was either frustrated or nervous; in this case I was more than a little nervous.Waiting for her to speak I soon realized after a few minutes had passed that she had most likely not even heard me, her eyes still concentrating on me running my hand through my hair as she seemed to have an almost dazed look in her eyes that had me grinning broadly. I knew that she must have been thinking about running her own fingers through my hair, the fact that it was the first sign that she was indeed attracted to me making me what to jump up and down with a 'whoop' since I was in such a good mood. I resisted though, barely."Holly" I spoke with a smile as I tried to get her attention, thankfully succeeding with my soft tone as I watched her jump slightly which instantly had my wolf on alert. He quickly calmed though, seeing our mate stare at us with an expression of confusion that I found absolutely adorable."What?" she asked as if she hadn't asked the question that had started all of this, her tone soft as she seemed to pout slightly making me have to stifle the urge to close the space between us to pull that bottom lip of hers into my own mouth., sucking on it until I drew a moan from her lips and had her own wolf purring. My wolf growled lustfully at the idea, but both of us knew not to push it. We didn't want to lose her, we were both already too attached to ever let her go."Do you want to go down and get something to eat, or drink?" I asked, hoping to divert her attention away from her previous confusion over the whole mate thing. I wanted to tell her, so much, but I didn't want her to freak out and try and run. I knew I wouldn't be able to let her go and I didn't want to have to keep her with me by force; she was too fragile for that.


Chapter 22

 At my question she seemed to tense, her form stiffening and I internally cursed myself when I realized that she might not be ready for that. But I knew that even though I had to be careful with her I did need to push slightly, just to get her more used to the situation and bring her out of her closed—off shell. I knew not to take it too far though, I didn't want her to fear me anymore than she already did that was for sure."No one's home, their all at school and won't be back for a few hours" I continued, wondering if that was what she was so nervous about. I grinned in triumph when I realized that I had hit the hammer right on the nail. It was clear Lisa must have startled her before, and I took comfort and pleasure in the fact that she didn't seem to mind my company. The feeling the thought provoked was heaven."Ok" I heard her whisper as she opened the door the rest of her way, her movements slow and calculated as I watched her small form appear from behind the door making me smile at how cute she looked. Reaching out I slowly held my hand out for her, her form tensing slightly before she raised

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