» Adventure » The Time Keeper, Abbie Davis [best novels for teenagers .txt] 📗

Book online «The Time Keeper, Abbie Davis [best novels for teenagers .txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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    I didn’t unfreeze time till I was at the base of the mountain. When I did I knew my heart was hurting for doing what I just did. I walked up the trail and looked at the golden temple. The light source of the world was here and my dad’s friend had a son my age. I went up to the temple to see that there was no one there to open the door.

  I walked in to see that he was there in front of the source. I smiled as he saw me and walked over to me with open arms. I walked over to him and gave him the bow, which was when you went down on one knee and lowered your head to the guardian in respect. He motioned me up and I obeyed.

“Alicia,”He said walking toward me,”How have you been my dear girl?”

“Good Kevin,”I said with a smile,”Just been trying to stay hidden from the Mang.”

“That was a chose you had to make,”He said as his son came in,”The others think it was smart but yet stupid to leave your brother behind.”

“Hello Alicia,”Clark said,”Did you finally find your way here after all this time?”

“No I just wanted to make sure that when they leave my home I could take it back,”I said walking toward him,”I was wondering if I could stay here for a little while.”

“You know you can sweet heart,”Kevin said patting my back,”We’ll also try to finish the years of training you had missed.”

   I nodded a thanks and Clark showed me to an extra room. I put my stuff down and walked over to a looking glass and looked into it. I stared into it and saw Luke walking up something with the others. It can’t be something here. I went into the bathroom and freshened up.




  I watched as Alicia walked into the extra room as I looked out over the city. I saw a group of kids walking up and only noticed two looked familiar. I looked closer and saw a boy with black hair and blue eyes. He had the same radiants as Alicia and carried himself the same way.

  I heard water run as they walked in and looked at me. Humans were in the temple and most likely here to see Alicia. The two that looked familiar bowed and the others followed their suits. I shook my head and they stood up.

“How may I help you?”I asked as they stared at me,”Or is there a certain purpose for this visit?”

“We came here for Alicia,”The boy that stood out said,”We want to help her but she won’t let us.”

“She has good reasons to not,”I said as I showed them to the room that had the sleeping girl,”She lost her father at only eight to that Mang. She had to make the choose to leave everything she knew behind to protect the source. She couldn’t have you help for the others already think she is not worthy for her title.”

“Why is that?”One of the girls asked.

“They think a girl is not worthy to be a guardian,”I said watching her tired form,”She is thought to be a disgrace to her family. Her father and mother loved her and said that she was a true guardian.”

“So it’s law not to tell humans about yourselves because of the Mang family,”That boy said again,”I’m Luke by the way. That is Mason, Maria, Mickey, Minnie, and Katey.”

 “Nice to meet some friends to Alicia,”I said noticing the love in Luke’s eye,”You know that the Guardians go down and find love around the age of eighteen. For the Kingsley’s that is around sixteen to seventeen since time is on their side.”

“So you’re saying that Alicia might like someone we know,”Minnie said looking at Luke.

  I nodded and Clark took the others, leaving Luke, to some rooms we had. I looked at him to see he was watching Alicia with worry hidden in his eyes. It reminded me when David, Alicia’s dad, and I were finding our beloved wives. I gave a chuckle as Alicia started to shake with fear on her face.

  He walked in and took her hand. He looked at her as she woke up panting like she had a nightmare of some shorts. He told her that everything was fine and that seemed to calm her down a whole lot. I watched and saw that she had the love that her father had for her mother.

“Stay with me,”She said as he was about to walk out of the room.

“I will,”He said laying in the bed next to her.

   He put his arms around her as she laid her head on his chest. I smiled at the two as they seemed to have found each other well enough. I closed the door and walked out and to my own room. I walked in to see my lovely wife sitting in her chair with a book in hand.

“You know they will come for her,”She said not even looking up from it.

“I know and when they do she knows what has to be done, Carmen,”I said taking the seat next to her,”For now let’s let her get use to her old life again. She needs some form of hope now-a-days.”

“The others will not be to please with this you know,”She said putting the book down to look at me,”They will try to make her give the spot up to Marcus.”

“But there is also the ones who believe in her,”I countered,”The four of us that believed in her from the start. Alicia can and will be fine.”

Training with Clark

   I woke up to a body next to me. I looked up to see Luke was next to me and had a tight grip on me. I smiled as I laid my head back down. I then felt him kiss the top of my head. I looked up and saw he was smiling like an idiot.

  I kissed his nose as he let me get up. I went over to my bag and pulled out some gym shorts and a blue tank top. I went to the bathroom and changed into it. I walked out to see Clark holding out my old cloak. It was silver like the source but had black and blue streaks in it. I took it and fastened the clip. It adjusted to my height and soon fitted perfectly on me.

    I ran with Clark to the main hall as the cloaks followed behind us. I reached up to make sure the source was still on my neck and was relieved that it was. I do this every morning out of fear it wouldn’t be there. I stopped running as all my friends stood in front of me. How did they get here in the first place? I shook my head as they walked up to me.

“We are helping if you like it or not Alicia,”Katey said with her hands on her hips.

“But I could get into trouble,”I said as the laws ran through my head,”I could have broken about ten laws already by just telling you this. Then there is the thing with them trying to find a reason to dismiss me already.”

“That’s not your fault Licia,”Clark said,”They told me that the Mangs made you show yourself and therefore the others can not do anything to you for that reason.”

  I rolled my eyes as we went to breakfast. I looked to see everything that I use to love as a kid. I took my seat and my friends followed my suit. I waited for Kevin but my friends began to eat. I elbowed Minnie and she passed it down. They turned to me as I shook my head at them. At that moment Kevin walked in and took a seat at the head of the table.

“Let’s eat shall we,”He said and we all started to eat the lovely breakfast.

  I watched my surroundings wishing I could have still been with my father. I pushed my plate away and asked to be excused. I was granted permission and went to the main hall again. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as a hand touched my back.

  I turned around to see Luke was there rubbing my back. I threw myself into his arms and he caught me easily. He held me as I cried my eyes out. I heard footsteps and saw the golden cloak of Clark and his father.

“It will be alright Alice,”Luke said into my hair,”We are going to fix all of this. You don’t have to worry about it all alone anymore.”

“Thank you so much,”I said looking up from my position,”I will always need someone like you in my life. You actually make me forget my father is even gone.”

  I froze at what I had said. I loved my father more than anything and I mean anything. He was my world and my hero. Now I’m telling Luke he is that to me. I remembered my dad saying that I would someday find someone that I would love more then him but I denied that over and over again. I looked into Luke’s blue eyes and smiled.

“Time to start Alicia,”Kevin said As I let go of Luke,”What will be your weapon of choice?”

“Twin daggers,”I said as they appeared in my hands.

  He nodded and I watched Clark get his weapon, two broad swords. I took my spot toward the back as he took his in front of his father. We faced each other and wait for the commands.

“Fighters ready,”Kevin said and we went to our stances.

  Clark stood tall with his swords out in front of him with his right foot forward. I got down a little low with one dagger pointed away from my chest as my hand stayed near. The other one was out in front of me facing Clark. I had my left foot forward and my back one facing the wall.

“Powers can be use,”Kevin said with a sharp tone to it,”This will not be a bloodbath of any shorts. So if you get cut or cut the other the session is over. Only make tages by making it seem like death is near. Now fight.”

  When he said that Clark raced toward me. He raised his swords to slice me but I flipped in between them. I kicked him and he went flying back. I sped up time around me and had him at dagger point. Everyone stared at me as Clark looked P.O. at me. I smiled and went to my mark.

“That’s not fair,”He whinned,”She has her source around her neck. She has the extra power from it.”

  First off I’m not even using it at all. His father walked over to their source and put it on the chain for his son. He tossed it to him and I tapped mine to feel the extra power it was giving me. I looked at Clark to see he was ready. When Kevin gave the order he charged at me again.

  He went to slice me again and I flipped backward five times. I stood up and went to make my move. I went to kick him and he went to block but

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