» Adventure » The Time Keeper, Abbie Davis [best novels for teenagers .txt] 📗

Book online «The Time Keeper, Abbie Davis [best novels for teenagers .txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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make a big deal about me staying here for the night. I was glad that was all of it.

  I fell on the bed and felt a little bit relaxed at the moment. I was in a guy that hates me’s house and there is the eco maniac family tracking me down. Life is good right now as they all want me to die or give something over. I sometimes think I have too much sarcasm now and then. I started to close my eyes to try and go to sleep.

“Alicia Kingsley come here right this minute!”Bret yelled for me.

“Yes sir,”I said getting up and walking out the room,”May I ask where you are?”

“Main Hall young lady,”He yelled at me clearly ticked at something.

  I went into the room and saw he was in the middle of it. I bowed down as he stepped forward to me. I stayed down as he circled me like pery. I kept my head down to be respective to him. I counted the steps and wanted to scream as he got closer to me. He stopped right in front of me and gave a sad and disapproving laugh.

“If you can defeat the Mangs that took the time temple and find you love before your eighteenth birthday then we might agree to let you keep your title,”He said evilly,”If you do not we will give it to Marcus and get rid of the problem.”

“Yes Guardian Bret,”I said looking up,”I will do it for my father.”

“Yeah,”He said in disbelief,”Now go off to your room and I don’t want to see you here in the mourning.”

  I nodded my head and went to the room. I jumped into the bed and got under the covers. I just wanted life to make sense in some way to me. It was never fair that I had no one there to help me or my dad and now I was paying the price for that one. I let darkness consume me as I fell asleep.

   I was running to the temple to stop them from killing Marcus. No mattered how hard I tried I couldn’t do it but I had to find a way to get to him before it was too late. I ran into the room to see the blade go through his heart. My life ended watching him die.

“Marcus,”I screamed as his form dropped to the ground,”Noooo.”

  They came to me and I was surrounded as I felt my heart get ripped out my chest. They each took a turn in stabbing me as the source was pride from my dieing hands.

 I woke up screaming as hands were placed on my shoulders. I looked up to see Luke was there looking scared as heck. He brought me into an embrace and I hugged back. He pulled me away and got in the bed with me. He brought me close as we laid down on the bed together. He petted my head as I started to calm down some.

“You alright Licia?”He asked into my hair.

“I am now,”I answered listening to his heart,”It was just a nightmare. Can you stay with me for the night Luke?”

“I will,”He said as I started to fall asleep again,”I love you Alicia.”

Help Me

    The next morning before the sun even rose, we were gone. I left time only this time and we took a train to our next stop. It was three hundred thirty miles away from the earth temple. We sat in one of the compartments near the back of the train as it sped away. I took out my laptop and saw the pictures I had downloud off a website the guardians use. It was mostly of my family when we were whole and full of hope.

  I smiled as I logged in to the website. I notice Mickel was on and decided to tell him that we were coming his way. Mickel is the son of Jackson, guardian of sound and a friend of mine. I decided to email him so no one can see it.


  Me and a few friends are coming to stay with y’all for a little bit. I hope that is alright with all of you. I don’t want this to go live so please keep this on the down low.

Your friend and partner in crime,

Alicia Kingsley

  I sent it to him knowing he would get it or at least know there was something there. I went online to see what has been going on when I received a chat from Sounds Of Fury. Mickel can be so retarded sometimes.

“What up gurl,”He said,”I’ve been worried for eight years. You almost scared me half to death.”

“I’m good retard,”I typed,”How is everyone?”

“You left us with a mess you know,”Light Out, aka Clark, said.

“How are you,”Air Way, Madison, said.

   I rolled my eyes and told them to keep quiet. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Luke was watching me. I giggled and ended the chat with those idiots. I faced my friends and saw the twins look nervous at something. It was weird that they were actually not talking for once.

“So what is after Sound?”Mickey said looking happy to know more.

“Fire,”I answered,”The place where the Mang family had started out and started the war. I been there only a few times. Greg is very sweet and I love him to death. He is like a father to me and I use to spend every day over there. He had twins but I never met them though.”

“He seems like a nice guy,”Minnie said looking happy as the twins slumped down into their seats.

“Yeah,”I said looking out the window,”Also Jackson is who we are going to. He loves me and his son is pretty cool but acts like a retard. I think it is funny but hey that is him.”

“Do you miss this life?”Katey asked,”Do you wish that you could have it back and be normal like that?”

“I do miss it,”I said honestly,”But then I wouldn’t have met all of you. I would have been raised to fight off people like the Mangs and just now come down to find my true love. Whoa that sounded cheesy even for me.”

   We laughed and talked the rest of the trip. It was nice except the twins were quiet and that is never a good thing. I was about to ask them what was wrong but the train screeched to a halt. I looked out the window and saw dark clouds start to form around us. I shot up and grabbed my things.

“We got to go,”I said as they all got their belongings together.

“Why?”Minnie asked.

“Trust me alright,”I said leading them out the compartment and into the hallway,”Very bad things are going to happen if we don’t move and get away from this train.”

   We got off alright and went into the nearest town as the clouds started to follow. I threw on the hood on my blue jacket up to keep it from seeing me. I went up to the nearest car and noticed a for sell sign. I jumped in and saw the keys were not in it. I sigh and began to hotwire the thing. I heard a growl mixed with a schreck and got to work faster.

“What was that Alicia?”Mickey asked.

“I’ll tell you when I get this thing going,”I said angrily that it refused to start,”It will just be a second...There we go.”

  The engine roared to life as the monster showed its ugly self. It was a mixer of a TRex, Hound dog, and a Dragon. Its main purpose was to find the person its master wants and bring it to them or kill it. I gulped when I noticed it was Rexy, my little baby. I wanted to cry as it locked on me.

“Get in the car NOW!” I screamed as he came toward us.

   Everyone jumped in without a second thought. I stepped on the gas and drove the rest of the way with him following close behind us. I made a hard right and went into a narrow alley way. He stopped and I drove straight out and began to head to the temple hoping Rexy wasn’t going to find another way to us.

“What was that thing?”Katey ask as pale as a ghost from seeing it.

“We call it a Dark Hound,”I said keeping my eye on the road,”They are quite nice when they are not hunting you down. That was actually Rexy and he belongs to my family. He is actually a big baby at that.”

“That thing was your pet,”Minnie said in awe.

“That thing tried to kill us,”Mickey said scared.

“I think the Mangs made him do it,”I said as I saw movement it the mirror,”And I think he has found us again.”

  I pushed the gas all the way down as he chased after us. I soon heard it sputter and then it just started to roll. I looked at the gas gage and saw it was laying on empty. It soon came to a stop and I just froze as did everyone else. Rexy walked up to the edge of the car and bent down to my window.

  I heard it open up and hands wrap around me to take me out. I started to scream my head off as they pulled me out. I threw my first to punch them and the person dropped me on the ground as they dodge the hit. I went to get up but the person stepped on my cloak keeping it on the ground.

“Dang Alicia,”He said,”I came to get you to the temple faster and you try to beat the…”

“Don’t curse Mickel,”I said looking up to him,”I thought Rexy was with the Mangs. So sorry.”

“I get that now,”He said helping me up,”Maybe I should have called you or something. Then maybe this could have not even happened.”

“This is why we call you the retard,”I said motioning everyone out,”Mickel this is Luke, Katey, Minnie, Mickey, Mason, and Maria. Guys this is Mickel, son of Jackson.”

  They said their hello's and we all got onto Rexy to get going. Rexy stood his full height, which was like sixty feet high, and began to run. My friends held on tight as I hugged onto Mickel. I felt Luke’s grip tighten around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. It was great to be able to share this part of my life with them.

   In the next few minutes we had arrived at the white temple. Rexy lowered himself and we all got off. He rubbed his head up against me and I gave a laugh while I petted his head. Luke stepped forward and did the same. Rexy allowed him to and I got overjoyed at that. I watched him run off and head into the temple with the others.

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