» Adventure » The Time Keeper, Abbie Davis [best novels for teenagers .txt] 📗

Book online «The Time Keeper, Abbie Davis [best novels for teenagers .txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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I turned to her as the door shut.

“What was that Marcy?”She asked.

“What do you want me to do?”I asked totally confused now.

“Fight back or at least don’t let them run you over,”She said her age changing,”If I had learn one thing that is to fight for it all. I still can’t believe this is working right now.”

  In front of me on my bed was no longer a cute little seven year old Alicia but her sixteen year old self standing on the bed. She jumped off and looked at me with her green eyes shining like they use to when we were whole.

“We are coming tomorrow,”She said low enough for only me to hear,”There is going to be music and mom and dad’s old songs. I need you to be here and get ready for me to run in and have the weapons ready.”

“What if I can’t be here at that moment?”I asked in complete worry of messing it up.

“Leave that to us,”She said evilly,”You are not going to mess anything up because when you mess it up that is when you just go with it.”

“You never messed up before,”I said sadly.

“Really is that what you believe,”She said almost laughing,”When I was seven and a half I left Rexy’s cage undone and had to chase him down all the way to the Earth temple. Bret was so mad but still glad I didn’t let my baby go. Then there was one time were I almost let someone on the secret and had to play it like it was my costume when I was clearly BatGirl. You just got to go with it.”

  With that she was replace with the seven year old again and back on the bed jumping. I rolled my eyes and heard the door unlock. The little girl disappeared and they walked inside. They grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out to the main hall. I saw the empty holder as it rose from the ground in front of me. It shined the same colors Alicia was feeling right now. It went from blue to yellow to orange, or sadness to excitement to annoyed.

  They threw me down and it went to red with all those other colors. It responded to me that time. I turned to see Jasper with his whip and heard little Alicia’s voice chant kick his butt. I looked at him as he got ready to hit me.

   I reached up and grabbed the whip as he went to hit me. They looked in awe as I heard the little Alicia voice say “Destroy them or at least make them pay for your pain” as a giggle followed it. I stood up as Jasper came after me.

    I raised my hand up and punched the bastard in the face. He double backed and held his bloody nose as I was being pulled back into my room. They slammed the door and I was satisfied with myself for doing that. I flopped down on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

“Good one bro,”I heard older Alicia say,”Yes I did it twice. That is so cool for my first time doing this.”

“Weird much,”I said sitting up to not only see her but that boy name Luke, I think I heard her say,”You got company as well.”

“I did that,”She said in awe,”Man dad would have been proud of both of us.”

“This is you,”He said in shock,”What can’t you do?”

   She rolled her eyes and they disappear. I looked out the window as her little voice started to sing that song she made up to calm me down when it was the two of us. I started to hum it as it played on the speakers. I closed my eyes and let the music take me away. Her violin played each note like it was a blessing to her it just like her beautiful voice. I loved them both and wished to hear them now when happiness is needed in this place.

“Little brother, Little boy,

 Hurt by the big bad world,

 Please stay with me.


 Don’t let them hurt you,

 They don’t know you,

 You are here for us to love,

 No one is going to hurt you.


 Little brother, Little boy,

 Hurt by the big bad world,

 Please stay with me,

 Let me take you away from them.


 Night shines through the door,

 But all you hear are the words,

 Let me remove them from you,

 Let me take you away,”Her voice sanged to me.

“Little brother, Little boy,

 Hurt by the big bad world,

 Please stay with me,

 Let me take you away from them,

 Little brother, I love you,”I finished for her.

   I went to my bed and closed my eyes. I looked at the picture one last time and knew she was coming for me. I laughed for the first time in forever at the Mang family. They don’t know that inside that little body she could be a little troublemaker. 

Time to Get it All Back

  I raced on Rexy as the others left on Mason’s and Maria’s, Sunshine. I knew I had to take the obvious course but at the same time wanted to. It was faster and I could get the attention of everyone in the town. I saw the little town of Kings Ming. It was in the little country of Timothy as the other island was Grates Mates. The two islands don’t touch but they make a circle with one another. They were in the Atlantic ocean and no one knew about them.

  My town was small but we held power in one another and that is what I need right now. I looked toward the rising sun and felt the heat rush in my body. I closed my eyes and let my body get its glow back once again. I felt the power that ran in my veins after so many years.

  I looked toward the temple to see Marcus was flashing a flashlight at me. I took out my mirror I use for morse code only. I sent him ready and got off of Rexy. He ran home and I let my cloak hide my body and head. I walked up to the center of town as everyone looked at me.

“Time plead with me,

 Time shine on me,

 Give me the strength to shine,

 Power me with the power I need,”I sanged mom’s song,”Let it run over me,

 Let it power me.

 I fight for you,

 I love for the fate of the world.”

   I looked forward and saw the Mangs running down to see what was happening. I sanged those words for a few minutes before they made it down to me. They looked me in the eye but didn’t recognize me. I smiled evilly as I said the last word.

“Name yourself,”Mark snapped at me.

“There are no names,”I sanged my Dad’s song,”Where I stand only disappoint,

 I stand for the innoce,

 I stand for the hurt.

 You can’t stop my wave of power,

 So give up and…”

“Stand up with me,”One of the town people sanged along,”I’m here to preach my law,

 To show you where I belong,

 I want to help y’all out,

 To show the world who I am.”

“Keep your head up don’t let it down,”The mayor sanged,”It’s time to stand up and fight,

 Time to shine above all the rest,

 So back down foe,

 Because we came to shine through the night.”

“Is it sing along time?”Jasper asked stupidly,”You don’t even know who this is and you’re singing with her. How stupid are you?”

“She’s one of us,”The Mayor corrected,”Any person who knows David Kingsley’s song is one of us Mark. I’m also close to this one actually.”

  Jasper laughed and his father motioned him to do something. He came up and punched me in the jaw. I looked at him and gave an evil smile. Should have not done that one idiot. I removed the cloak and the town cheered for me. The Mangs looked at me and laughed at me.

   I gave a small smile before sending a sound wave at them. They fumble back and I did it again, but that time they fell down. My cloak went around my neck as I ran to the temple. I hope the others are there already. I looked behind me to see them try to get up and then run after me.

  I made it and they allowed me in. I went over to Marcus, who looked terrified right now. I gave him a hug since I missed so much in his life and I knew he needed it. He hug me back as if I was going to disappear on him.

“I’m scare Li-Li,”He said using my old nickname,”I don’t want to lose you.”

“I’m scare to Marcy,”I said using his,”I don’t want to lose any of you but we have to do this for everyone. We got to be like mom and dad in the battle. We have to be brave and fight for what we hold close to us.”

“Nice speach Girly but it’s too late anyway,”Mark growl as Marcus handed me MY knives,”We already won this round. No more running. So hand it over right now!”

   I looked at everyone and walked up to them. I reached toward my necklace since he had a gun toward Marcus and Luke. I hand over the stone and backed away from him. He grinned but frowned when nothing had happen. I motioned Marcus to move to the side. He did to reveal the time source in it’s rightful spot glowing.

“You tricked me!”Mark growled crushing the stone.

“No I only played fair,”I said as my eyes grew brighter like my body did,”You should know not to mess with a girl. P.S. I hate being called girly.”

  He went to shoot me but I was there with my knife at his son’s throat and had him in front of me. I saw him freeze but quickly laugh at me. Dang it, I messed up again or did I. He pointed the gun at where Marcus was suppose to be but all that was there was himself. The room changed and soon I walked out of the room of anything smiling as I felt the source around my neck.

   I heard gunshots and then the screams of him going insane about the mirrors. I forgot to say that the key was always in Marcus’s room behind his picture of me. I twirled it around my finger before I saw the police run in and got Mark and his son. They ran out and I went to my baby brother standing in the middle of the room waiting for me.

“Marcus,”I cried happily as I ran to him,”You were amazing back there.”

“I can’t believe that worked out,”He said hugging me,”I thought they got you. I missed you like crazy Li-Li. Don’t do that again.”

“I won’t without you,”I promised looking around.

   I place the source where it should go and watched the place come to live. I laughed as I saw dad making weird faces and grandpa acting like a pirate for me. It was just the memories I held on to for all the years. I was glad to be back home.

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