» Adventure » I.S.I Files, David Abanulo [e book reader pc .TXT] 📗

Book online «I.S.I Files, David Abanulo [e book reader pc .TXT] 📗». Author David Abanulo

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/> "So what you're saying is that we have super powers" mumbled Josie, who finally found her voice.
"What are all your powers then?"
"I think about to find out"
The training hall was a empty,white hall. There was literally nothing there apart from one overhead control box,where Alex sat, and a massive speaker.
"This is where you train 'the best agents in the galaxy' huh?" quoted Ruth
"All is not what it appears to be, Ruth" said Ryan, mysteriously


Ruth gave him a puzzled look.
"You'll see what I mean in a minute"
"Welcome to the training hall, for today's session we'll be doing a speed challenge,"
The four children cheered.
"What's the speed challenge?" asked Josie
"The speed challenge is a challenge of concentration, aim, tactics and of course speed. That's all you need to know" boomed a voice from behind her. Josie turned around to find a muscular man with a hairy mustache standing with his hands behind his back. He stood with his chest out and his shoulders back, he must have had a nasty accident because his jaw toppled to one side and his face was twisted in pain after he spoke but he quickly recovered. He wore an army uniform with several medals pinned on it. You could easily see that this man was the type of man who would make you 'drop and give him twenty' if you put on odd socks.
"Who's this guy?" whispered Josie
"He's Commander Colson the commander of the assult squad, our trainer in fighting skills and a black belt in karate. In other words he is someone you don't want to mess with," said Sarah
"Hello Commander Colson, nice of you to drop by"greeted Alex, speaking through speaker
Colson nodded his head, he prefered not to speak after his jaw injury.
"Josie, Ruth please pick the weapon of your choice, but choose carefully because these will be your weapons for the rest of your training at the I.S.I." demaned Alex.
As he spoke a poduim rose up from the ground, on top of it were tons of weapons, every gun made in history, every type of sword, throwing stars and loads more other weapons.
Ruth and Josie stood frozen on the spot, for they couldn't believe how the I.S.I had to many weapons. Together they stumbled towards the weapons, still in their trance.


Ruth looked at all the weapons. There are so many weapons to choose from, which one should I pick? he thought. Eventually he came to a decision, he picked up two mini-machine guns and a few grenades then weighed them in his hands, they, amazingly, fitted his hand perfectly. He had played 'Call of duty: Black Ops'hundreds of times, these weapons couldn't be that different to the weapons on there. Meanwhile Josie had chosen a samuari sword and a few throwing stars she had learnt karate for four years and was almost a black belt, Besides she thought I feel comfortable with these weapons.
The poduim sunk into the ground and a screen appeared beside the speaker, with a ten minute countdown and all their names on it.
"You have ten minutes to destroy as many targets as possible, the person who destroys the most targets will win the speed trophy and if you get three speed trophies you won't have to do your chores for a week!" explained Alex "Now, is everyone ready?"
"Ready!!" announced all of them
Commander Colson went the watch from the overhead control box.
Alex pressed a button and suddenly the ground began the shake. I.S.I Robots burst out at every angle, turrents guns flipped into view, the whole empty training hall began alive with robots, turrents and flamethrowers. Ryan, Daniel, Johnny and Sarah burst into action. Ryan threw ice from his hands freezing all the flame throwers, Daniel created a massive baseball bat and whacked one of the robots in the chest sending him flying straight into five other robots "Strike" he cheered. Johnny transformed into a black panther, he began to climb the walls attacking all the turrents guns with his claws. Sarah flew overhead, shooting every single robot she could find, but one jetpack robot charged at her, bashing her against a wall, her eyes went pure white and a blast of white energy vaporized the robot.
"So that's why no one messes with her" mumbled Daniel


Everyone was battling there through the robots, the numbers on the screen speed up.
Ruth and Josie stood motionless on the spot, they hadn't moved an inch, perhaps in was fear of what would happen to them.

"Are you sure these are the new recruits, Alex" whispered Commander Colson
"Just give them time, their powers will come out eventually, they always do"
"I hope you're right, or The Director will have our heads, I think he's still mad at you for the last mission's failure" said Commander Colson
"Hey! It wasn't my fault that the kids didn't stick to the plan and had to blow the lab up" defended Alex
"Well. I don't think that's how The Director sees it"
"Don't worry about it, I have an idea"
Alex stared at the button, 'DO NOT PUSH' was written in bold.
"Are you sure about that's the right thing to do?" asked Commander Colson
"Since when did I ever do the 'right thing'?" replied Alex, with a cheeky grin
He pressed the button.

Meanwhile, back in the training hall, Ruth and Josie were still standing in the middle of the comossion when the ground started to rumble again. A massive mega-robot slowly started to rise from the ground, it rose until it's head touched the roof, it was fitted with missiles on it's arms, a laser on it's head, it's enormous hands could crumble a building with one punch, it's metal chest could with-stand almost any amount of damage.
Everyone stared in astonishment, even the robots froze and looked. Time seemed to stop for a few seconds, then everyone went back into action. Sarah, Daniel, Johnny and Ryan disposed the last of the remaining robots and rushed over to Ruth and Josie side. The mega-robot glared at the six teenagers with it's beady, piercing red eyes. You could see the computer signals forming in it's eyes, recording all their strengthes and weaknesses.


5:Robot Beatdown

"Terminate prime targets. Proceeding..." boomed the mega robot
"Wait, who are the 'prime targets'?" asked Daniel
"We are, you idiot!" replied Sarah, smacking him on the head
"Alright, just wanted to know" said Daniel, rubbing his head
"Ummm, guys sorry to inturrupt, but we've got bigger problems" pointed out Johnny
Suddnenly a huge, metal fist desended on them, they only just jumped out of the way before the fist crushed them.
"I am so going to kill Alex for this!" threatened Sarah
"Well right now we need to worry about ourselves," Johnny said "but I dibs punching Alex in the face first"
The mega robot's arms tranformed to missiles, one for every single one of them.
Johnny, who was now a tiger, ripped his missile apart with his claws, Daniel created a wall between himself and his missile, which smashed into pieces after crashing into the wall, Sarah shot out a white lazer beam at her missile and it vanished from sight, Ryan simply jumped over his missile, doing a back-flip in mid-air.
"Show off" grumbled Daniel
Josie and Ruth still stood rooted to the spot as a missile came rapidly rushing towards them.
"Are you guys just going to stand there and get killed or are you going to GET THE HECK OUT OF THE WAY?!!" screamed Sarah.
Her scream quickly brought Ruth and Josie our of their trance, but a little to late.
There was no time to jump out of the way, the missile hit home. There was a massive explosion and smoke filled the hall.
Alex climbed down out of the control box "The director will have my head when he finds out about this!" he mumbled, worriedly
"Well don't say I didn't try to warn you" said the commander, despite the situation


Slowly the smoke began to clear, there was a little light in the center of the smoke cloud, it became brighter and brighter. Johnny peered closer in the cloud of smoke and saw a human hand.
"Hey, I see something" Johnny cried.
The others peered closer. Eventually the cloud of smoke cleared, and to everyone amazment, Josie and Ruth were alive, but wasn't all, Josie had created an electric shield around herself and Ruth.
"Woah!" exclaimed Daniel
"I told you it would work" whspiered Alex to Commander Colson
Ruth electric shield slowly began to fade then she fainted...

2 YEARS LATER(Ruth's account)

6:First Mission

After 2 years of training, (and quite alot of arguing), we were finally ready for our first mission. We were all excited about our mission as we didn't know what it would be like.
"So any ideas of what the 'special mission' could be?" asked my cousin Josie
"Maybe we get to hunt down someone, or something," suggested Daniel
"Or maybe it's just a silent and deadly mission?" offered Ryan
"You say the weirdest things sometimes, Ryan," Johnny laughed
"Well, atleast he can actually land a plane, unlike somebody I know," defended Sarah
"Hey, you should landing a plane when someone is screaming right in your ear'YOUR DOING IT WRONG!'" cried Johnny, indignantly
They all laughed.
"Ruth, you ok? You seem distant," enquired Josie
I stopped walking, secretly put on a miserable face and acted like I was going to cry.
"Ruth, what's wrong?"
"ARGHHHHHH!!!" I screamed in her face,
Josie shrieked with astonishment.


"Haha, you should have seen your face!" I exclaimed and prepared to run
"You are dead meat!" Josie said slowly, her face full of fury.
Then she charged at me, I ran for my life down the corridor, disappearing into the shadows whenever I was about to bump into someone. I glanced round, everyone was there apart from Josie.
Maybe she gave up I had thought, but that was my mistake.
As I continued to walk through the corridor towards the mission bay, I felt a strange electric shock charge through me, then I blasted through the door and headbutted Alex to the ground.
"Hahahaha, who's laughing now?" giggled Josie, standing with her hands on her hips.
"Argh, you are so going to get it!" I grumbled, painfully rubbing my head
"You can start your little revenge game after you finish your first mission," shouted Alex, glaring at us all, "Now, are you ready for the mission or not, because if your not I can easily give this special mission to one of our recruited agents!"
"Alright, easy Alex, we're sorry" I replied calmly
Something must have been bugging Alex, he was normally the calm one and the one who saved us from Commander Colson's punishments.
"Anyway, we have finally managed to locate one of Rogue's sercret bases" declared Alex
"Wait, who's rogue?" asked Ryan
"The clue is in the name, Rogue is one of the most danerous galactic criminal mastermind, she is extremely dangerous, she blew up her home planet 'just for fun' and now roams the galaxy, causing trouble everywhere she goes" explained Alex
"Woah, it's a she?" asked Daniel in amazment (I have to agree with him there, when you think of the most feared criminal in the galaxy you don't really think of them to be a female,do you?)


Alex ignored him and continued "Rogue has a very special ornament called the Spectre, which keeps the balance of the universe and ensures that good and evil are equal. At twelve midnight whoever has the Spectre has complete control over the universe and
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