» Adventure » I.S.I Files, David Abanulo [e book reader pc .TXT] 📗

Book online «I.S.I Files, David Abanulo [e book reader pc .TXT] 📗». Author David Abanulo

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everyone in it!"
"So basically you want us to some how find Rogue, take the Spectre away from her and get back here, right?" Ryan summurised
"Right" agreed Alex
"Don't you think that's a little dangerous for our first mission?" I said
"Why? Are you chicken, BARGH BARGH BARGHHHHHH" laughed Josie, flapping her arms around
"Look who's talking, the chicken herself!" answered Ruth
"Oh no you didn't!" cried Josie, shaking her head in disbelief
"Oh yes I did!" I said, copying my cousin in mockery (I just love doing that, it really makes Josie burst)
" Ok that's it your really dead meat!"
"Cous' would you please stop repeating yourself, you sound like a broken record." I grinned.
I knew I had scored a point (and possible a beat-up) because Josie's face went bright red with fury, she started shaking and her veins popped out of her face!
"ARGHHHHHHHH!!!" she shierked, charging at me like a bull
I screamed and teleported up onto the roof of space cruiser. (Now may I remind you that we were travelling in space at roughly 671224362.958 mph in hyperspace)
The change in the atmosphere was immense, I would have been blown right off the top of the cruiser if a space vent hadn't opened just at the right time. (Turned out it was garbage disposal day)
I watched in slight disgust and amazment as the garbage floated rapidly towards me.


7:Tough Choice

In this situation I only had three options, both that I weren't really keen on.
Option 1: Hang on for dear life as hideous waste blasts into my face and hopefully get into the space vent before it closed.
Option 2: Let go and risk being ripped apart by the strong force of wind and end up on a desert planet, possibly starving to death etc etc etc...
Option 3: Some how jump over the massive cloud of garbage and make it inside the space vent before it closed. (Of course it would have been much easier to teleport back into the cruiser but I would have had to let go of the roof and you can guess what would have happened if I had!)
I was running out of time, I had too make a decision and fast! The garbage was metres away from hitting home, I decided to go with option 3 because...well the other options seemed a bit to risky. I stretched my right hand out towards the next rail on the roof, my hand slipped and I almost got blown away. I gripped tightly with my left hand and tried again. This time I succeeded.
I kept moving closer to the waste, the stench was horrific, unfortunately I couldn't hold my nose without letting go of the rails so I had to put up with the smell. Soon the moving waste was right in front of me, it looked like a monster, just about to swallow it's prey. I gulped as if I had swallowed a chicken bone whole, this was the moment, it was now or never! I let go of the rails at the same time a kicked my legs against the side of the cruiser to give me a boost. Suddenly I laser cannon opened up on the cruiser, I had forgotten about that. (Now here I must explain to you what the laser beam is for, no, it's not used for blasting people like me out of the sky, it's actually a laser beam that gets rid of the waste, here is a picture to help you understand it more...


As you can see the laser makes the waste disappear and what is left is just a big red light that eventually blends in with the jet black of space)
The laser was charging it's power soon it would vaporize me as well as the waste. There was nothing I could do, my weapons had been blown away as soon as a teleported on the roof. The laser beam was fully charged by now, a yellow laser shot and sparks flew everywhere. The waste was coming closer, the laser was heading towards me and the wind was howling. The was only one thing left to do, with all my might I pushed my legs against the side of the cruiser once again and propelled myslef into outter space. The biting wind instantly caught me and I found myself being blown away towards oblivion. I had put my plan into motion before it was to late. I closed my eyes and tryed to block out everything, the howling wind, the laser, the massive waste and the fact that I was starving! (I skipped breakfast, because I needed a break from the fast, and by that I mean Daniel scuffed down multiple helpings of porrigde in record time!) I pictured myself, in my head, inside my room on my bed. Then I clicked my fingers and hoped for the best and for once luck was on my side. I landed on something with a THUMP but I didn't feel any pain. I smelt the usual scent of rotten pizza and a day old peanut butter sandwich somewhere underneath me. Home sweet home I thought happily. For a few was lost in the sensation of being back in my bed and some how teleporting back, then I noticed something was wrong. First of all the TV was off and the TV was never off! (Even though Alex had warned us about wasting electricity a million times!) Second the game controllers had been neatly packed away in the Games cupboard and third, the thing I noticed last (which was strange because it was the most obvious thing) was that no one was in the room (apart from me of course). Maybe they were still in the mission bay waiting for me to return and Josie probably waiting to give me a good beat down! I thought with slight confidence
I got up from my bed and took one last look at the room I had to sure with the worst roomates ever (Daniel, Ryan and Johnny)! Then I stepped out, closing the door behind me, and walked towards the mission bay. (It would have been easier to teleport there but after my lucky attempt of teleport from an extremely unpleasant atmosphere back to my bed I was exhausted, so if you think that teleporting is easy...THINK AGAIN!)

The mission looked like any other mission bay in the galaxy, (and I had seen tons on our Galaxy field trips) with it's fancy computers and thingymajigs with crazy names that you can't even pronouce! Not to mension thousands of people milling around trying to see who could shout the loudest.


I walked up to a door with the word PRIVATE written on the front. This was Alex's private briefing room, only way to get in was if you had Alex's permission or if you had a code or ,of course, if you were Alex yourself. Only the top agents are previliged to enter this room or if, like my team (The Ace Team), Alex personally supervises you. Those who are not as lucky my team just pass around rumours to humour them selves, mostly to stop themselves from feeling jealous and taking revenge on the I.S.I, killing every single human on the cruiser and destroying the human race for absolutely no reason what so ever! (What?! You see it in the movies all the time)

8:"They left without me!"

Once I had entered my code number, I stood still and waited as scanner scanned my pass. Then a lady's emotionless computer voice greeted me "Hello Ruth, how are you today? Who would you like to see" it said
"Hello computer, I would like to see Alex please" I replied
"Alright I'll imform Alex of your arrival, please standby" (By 'please standby' she means 'please wait')
I obeyed and waited for a while, whistling to stop me from fainting of boredom. Eventually, after whistling 'The wheels on the bus' twenty times, the doors opened and the computer instruced "You may enter now"
As I stepped in I got a nasty surprise, (even though I've been in Alex's private room tons of times, this never gets old, in a bad way!) out of nowhere smoke started to fill the room. My eyes began to water and I couldn't see where I was going, the next thing I knew the smoke had cleared and I was lying on the ground with a bump on my head.
"Did you enjoy your trip?!" laughed a familiar voice
"Helex!" I growled (Helex is Alex's son and is one of the worst practical jokers ever ,although Helex thinks other wise but he's not that bad once you get to know him)
"Hello to you too, Ruth"
"What are you doing here? Where's Alex?"
"I'll answer all your stupid question as soon as you give me what you owe me!"
"What do you mean?!"
"I have no idea?!" Helex laughed hysterically
"ummm o.....k, anyway do you know where Ryan, Sarah, Josie, Daniel and Johnny are?"
"Alex sent them on a mission, they gave up looking for you"
"They left without me!"
"Well, yes they had to go after Rogue"
"Ummm ok can you tell me where they have gone please?"
"Yeah,sure, they went to Geanois, the desert planet and the place where rogue is planning her next attack,"
"Ok thanks!"

Helex smiled and waved a hand, the door opened and I walked out, still slightly stunned that my team had left without me!
So much for team-work!

Publication Date: 02-19-2013

All Rights Reserved

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