» Adventure » Induction, T.K. Eldridge [read aloud books txt] 📗

Book online «Induction, T.K. Eldridge [read aloud books txt] 📗». Author T.K. Eldridge

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Angiers for shifters and Ms. Lang for witches. Now, line up and come get your bounty.”

James sat back down and LeFleur got up and moved to stand in front of the table. A man dressed as a bodyguard set a cardboard file box down on the table and took off the lid. LeFleur reached in and pulled out a handful of envelopes and started passing one to each person as they came up to him. Keith got his envelope and wandered off to a position against the side wall and opened the envelope so we could see what was inside. Ten crisp, hundred-dollar bills were in the envelope. He folded the envelope up and tucked it inside his jacket, then went to get a bottle of water while he waited with Samuel to speak to LeFleur when he was done.

“Did you know Keith was getting paid a grand every time he went to a meeting?” I asked.

“Yeah, he keeps offering to turn it into the team and we keep telling him to just keep it. He’s the one taking the risks, he should get to keep the cash. Not like any of us are hurting for it,” Sett said.

“That’s cool that he keeps trying to share it, but better that he keeps it. What if they asked him to buy something and he told them he didn’t have the cash?” I said.

“See? That’s why you’re on the team. Details focused,” Sett said.

“That’s the only reason, huh?” I teased.

“Keep yapping when we’re supposed to be listening and it will be,” Sett teased back.

I sipped some water and watched the last few get their envelopes before LeFleur gestured to Keith and Samuel to join him away from everyone else.

“You two have been chosen, based on the good work you’ve done so far,” LeFleur said.

The two young men glanced at each other, then back to LeFleur.

“I also wanted only witches. Can’t truly trust something that turns into an animal now, can you?” LeFleur said.

Both guys chuckled and nodded.

“Samuel, you keep working with Jolie Fortin. Keith? I want you to figure out a way to get Sidonie and Sinclair Boudreau up to their grandfather’s place. Mrs. Sullivan wants to speak with them.”

“There’s nothing left for me to do with Jolie. She’s already made the potions and the woman is weak and dying. If I keep hanging around, they’ll figure out something’s up,” Samuel said.

“Then get Jolie out of there and bring her to my place. She’s the key to me taking over that farm, once and for all,” LeFleur said.

I almost dropped my bottle of water when Sett snarled. I reached out a hand to squeeze her arm in warning. They were still talking.

“Which Mrs. Sullivan, sir? The gardener’s wife?” Keith asked.

LeFleur laughed at Keith and sighed. “We’re reduced to working with idiots. I swear,” was muttered before he looked back at Keith. “No, you idiot. Mrs. Margot Sullivan. The woman living in James Boudreau’s house as if she were his wife.”

“But isn’t she a witch?” Keith asked. “And he’s a shifter?”

“Eh, she’s too old to breed. A hole’s a hole once they can’t make babies,” LeFleur retorted.

I hissed into the coms, “We can’t take them down tonight. We need to let Keith take us to the manse. It’s the easiest way for us to get in there and finish this.”

Grampa Walsh spoke then. “I agree.”

Sin added, “I’m with Sid on this one.”

“Alright, wait for Keith to leave and scoop him up, then everyone back to the barn,” Grampa Walsh said. “Sett, you and Sid can get Keith. Sin? You and Tasha leave once the meeting is completely done and Keith is clear. Everyone else? Back to base. Oh, and Sett, make sure Tino gets everything from tonight. LeFleur just made our case for us.”

We all commented that we’d received our instructions and I sat back to watch the rest of the feed, my mind whirling. I looked over at Sett and there were unshed tears in her eyes. “Auntie?” I asked.

“Jolie is responsible for nearly killing your mother. For all we know, she has weakened her enough for her to die. The girl that grew up like a little sister to me…”

“Auntie, I have faith in Grandma and Evelyn Rue. The specialist they took Mom to, will figure it all out. In fact, let me text Grandma to let her know what we heard.”

Sett grabbed my hand. “No, I’ll call Mom and tell her what we heard. She’ll keep Jolie away from your Mom and I’ll grab Tasha or someone to go get Jolie. We’ll put her under arrest in one of the cells we’ve got in the barns until the whole mess is figured out. She’ll be comfortable and safe, and away from anyone she could hurt or help.”

I nodded to Sett’s words and sat back to keep an eye on Keith as he did his best to socialize before finally saying goodnight and heading out. Sett stepped out of the van to make her call and climbed back in about the time Keith pulled up on his bicycle. Sett sent the files to Tino and I helped Keith pull the bike into the van, then we headed out. I got the button camera and microphone off of Keith and put them in the padded case, then handed him a bottle of water.

“You did very well in there. Got us a ton of good information,” I said.

Keith gave me a crooked smile. “I suspected which Mrs. Sullivan they were talking about, but I wanted LeFleur to be very clear so we’d have the information for the case. That woman gives me the absolute willies.”

“Margot Sullivan?” Sett asked Keith.

“Yeah. I’ve met her twice before. Every time I feel like she’s peeling not just my clothes off, but my skin. Like she can see inside my head and wants to lick my brain or something.”

“Eww…” I said, along with the appropriate gagging sounds.

“Yeah, that sounds like Margot. And she probably wants to lick something, but I doubt it’s your brain,” Sett replied.

“Oh, gods,” Keith groaned. “Not even funny. She’s like my grandmother’s age, for god sake.”

“And has the body of a twenty-five-year-old. Her magic is incredibly powerful. Oh, also, she probably can see inside your head. I’ll see if I can find a charm that helps shield your thoughts before you take the twins to the manse,” Sett said.

“One for me too, please,” I said. “And Sin. He can shield better than all of us, but he’ll get distracted by her looks for at least a second or two and then it’s all over.”

We all laughed, then I leaned over towards Sett. “Mom safe?”

Sett nodded. “Grandma left the phone on speaker, called Jolie into the room, and cast a spell on her right there. Then they used the binding cuffs on her and cuffed her to a pipe until I can go get her tomorrow. She won’t be able to use any magic with those cuffs on, so she’s not going anywhere. It took me a bit to calm your grandmother down, though. She wanted to come home and pluck every hair from Sebastian LeFleur’s body with burning tweezers.”

Keith shuddered and I gave him a look. “You don’t fuck with our family. Not and walk away whole.”

Keith whispered, “Sooo glad I’m on your side. So glad.”

Chapter Twenty


It was two nights after the League meeting and Sid and I were headed with Keith to the manse. All three of us were wearing button cameras and mics as well as spelled charms from Sett that would help shield our thoughts. To add to the plan, Sid and I were pretending to be drugged and out of it. The story we were pitching was that Keith met up with us to hang out, drugged our drinks and got us out to his car before we fully passed out. It wasn’t the most elegant of plans, but it was so simple, it could work.

Keith announced himself at the gate and then drove up to the house. The front door was open when he pulled up and two big guys in suits came out. They must’ve been shifters because one lifted Sid and the other lifted me as if we weighed no more than a big bag of dog food.

Keith followed behind.

We were gently laid on two couches in the back parlor, then the two men left the room.

Keith whispered, “Just us, but I hear her heels.”

Sid groaned and shifted on the couch. She would be the first one to awaken, and I’d listen, then I’d stir.

Keith spoke as soon as Margot came to the doorway. “Mrs. Sullivan, I have brought them as ordered.”

“Good job, boyo.”

Margot Sullivan had an Irish accent.

“Do you want me to stay in case the drugs don’t keep them docile enough for you?” Keith asked.

“No, I can handle anything these two dish up. You go ahead into the kitchen. Cook has prepared some food. I’ll send for you when I’m ready,” Margot said.

“Yes, ma’am,” Keith replied, and I could hear his steps as he left the room.

Sid groaned again and spoke. “Where am I? Grandfather’s house? What’s going on?”

“Shh, lassie. Everything’s fine. I’m Margot, let me help you sit up, aye?”

The way I was lying, an arm thrown over my face, I could watch them and unless they were looking directly at me, they’d think I was still out. I saw Margot, her silver-blond hair in an elegant up-do, wearing a pale blue silk dress that fell to just past her knees. Good thing I was consciously regulating my breathing, or I would’ve sucked in a breath at the sight of her. Perfection.

Sid groaned and leaned forward, elbows on her knees, head bowed into her hands. “Water, please? My head is pounding. What happened?”

“You and your brother seemed to have had a little too much to drink. Your grandfather wanted to have you come by for lunch, to meet me. Keith dropped you by. Don’t you remember?”

Sid shook her head. “I don’t remember.”

Margot handed her a bottle of water and I was relieved to see Sid crack the seal herself before she drank.

I saw Sid wiggle her fingers, so I groaned and shifted on the couch.

“Sin,” Sid gasped and stumbled over to my side. She pressed the bottle of water to my lips, and I sipped and groaned.

“Sid, where are we?”

“Boudreau Manor,” she said.

“What?” I sat up and looked around. Margot smiled at me and I swear my heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t even my type, but I couldn’t stop staring.

Sid slopped some of the water on my face and it was enough to break whatever charm spell had been wrapped around me. I reached for the bottle and Sid let me take it. I drained it and leaned back, not letting my gaze linger on Margot so as not to be caught again. Sid grabbed another bottle, cracked it open and sat beside me.

“Sin, this is Margot Sullivan. Somehow, we forgot that we were supposed to meet her this afternoon for lunch here at our grandfather’s house. We drank too much and Keith brought us by. That was awful nice of him, wasn’t it?” Sid said.

“Yeah, really nice. Too bad we didn’t have a chance to dress appropriately,” I said. Both Sid and I were wearing jeans, short hiking boots, and sweatshirts.

“I’m sure your grandfather will just be happy to see you,” Margot said.

“You clearly don’t

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