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Book online «Induction, T.K. Eldridge [read aloud books txt] 📗». Author T.K. Eldridge

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The Hybrid Chronicles


The Originals

The Next Gen


As always, my Mumma gets my deepest thanks and love for supporting and encouraging me.

To my sister, Tricia, thank you for loving my books.

To Donna, the editor without which I wouldn’t be doing this quite as perfectly. Yes, the commas are where they’re supposed to be, thanks to her.

To Wayne, for brainstorming all the things.

To my daughter, Beth - thank you for reading. I still have the best memories of coffee and cocoa and our Christmas gift cards at Barnes & Nobles.

To C.C. Sommerly, for being the best vent buddy anyone could want.

To Kimbra, for sharing, caring, and saying I’m nicer than Shayne. I owe you for that.

Massive thanks to my ARC team - Carolyn, Mike, Mona, and Rick. Thank you for taking the time to make this the best it could possibly be.

To my family, friends, and those strangers who keep reading my books. Thank you. Without you, this journey wouldn’t continue. While I do write for me, I mostly write for you.

Lastly, we authors ask often for reviews from our readers - and it’s not an ego stroke. Most of us just skim the reviews for good quotes for advertising because reviews are for the readers. Reviews are also for those stores that base our ranking and advertising options off of the number and quality of our reviews. (Quality meaning number of stars, not number of words.) You can leave a three word review and it counts more than just clicking the star ranking on your e-reader. Please take a moment and leave an honest review. It really is the best way to boost your authors. Thank you.

photo of the author About the Author

T.K. Eldridge writes paranormal murder mystery, supernatural, and urban fantasy. When they’re not writing, they are enjoying life in the Blue Ridge mountains of western North Carolina. Two dogs, two cats, a garden, a craft hobby and a love of Celtic Traditional music keep them from spending too much time at the computer.

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