» Adventure » The Sacred And The Profane, Rabbi Desiree R. Ntolo [the best ebook reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «The Sacred And The Profane, Rabbi Desiree R. Ntolo [the best ebook reader for android txt] 📗». Author Rabbi Desiree R. Ntolo

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how to greet people in the Essene way?
The Brown being who, in human terms would be known as being Black, had kept his hands in the air all this time; and there was something vaguely familiar about him. I had the feeling that I had already met him somewhere.
When I came to where I had been standing before, they moved back inside the silver vessel. Then a sort of ladder was lowered noiselessly down to two decimeters from the floor and I was invited by a voice from the inside to climb up. But I remained on the same spot, making no attempt to move.
After the invitation had been repeated three times and I had not responded, the ladder was withdrawn just as noiselessly as it had been lowered. Then a white light that was exactly the breadth of the door shot out from the machine and stopped at my feet. And I felt myself rising up in the air. When I came to the same level with the door the light withdrew, pulling me along with it and depositing me within the vessel but close to the door. The movement of the light had been very slow, and I guessed that the slowness had been deliberate.
The two beings were standing about two meters from me, with friendly expressions in their physiognomies. I turned round to see that the door had silently been closed behind me. Again the White one put his arms across his chest the right arm first and the left on top bowed lightly to me and said: “Peace be with you”.
I automatically returned the greeting by bowing and crossing my arms in the same way.
I looked around and saw that I was standing in a circular room of about two and a half meters in diameter, illuminated by a soft white natural light that seemed to issue from the walls, the floor and the ceiling of the room.
Three quarters of the sides of the walls were covered from waist-level up to head-level in hieroglyphic-like markings, illuminated buttons and small flickering lights. The front was a huge blank screen. Two beings that I had at first thought to be children sat on two chairs facing the flickering lights.
As I came in, they promptly stood up, turned toward me, bowed and smiled; giving me the same Essene greeting. I bowed as I stared in amazement, for those were not children at all. They both were very short, about 1.10 meters tall with long black hair and black pointed beards.
They looked like Chinese men but when I looked closely, they had a greenish tint to their skin. In fact, if I could even say so, they did not look Human, more like Humanoid.
Unlike the first two who had first appeared at the door of the vessel, these wore a grey flying uniform that seemed to be made of one piece of material that also comprised even the boots they were wearing. I say this because I did not see any visible zips or buttons on the uniforms.
On their heads they wore very transparent shields that were nearly invisible, but these where noticeable because they contrasted with the grey colour of the uniform. On their backs, there were two oblong bulges to which the shields were connected by slim tubes visibly delineated against the back of their necks; the oblong bulges were the same colour as their uniforms. On the front of the uniforms and at the wrists, was imprinted the same Star and triangle logo I saw on the flying vessel.
These two little people looked quite similar, like brothers, but I could see some differences in their physiognomies that showed, even though they were of the same race, they were not biological brothers. The two beings sat down again and turned their attention to the flickering lights.
“If you would care to follow us”, said the White one of the two tall beings. They both turned and headed toward the side of the round wall that had just one light at ceiling level.
After one last frowning look at the two aliens, I turned round and followed them, and an entrance opened up as part of the wall slid away. And we got into another area of the vessel through a curving corridor into another room, where three other beings dressed in similar long white robes, waited.
This room was different from the first one that I had guessed could only have been the cockpit, or the bridge of the flying vessel. Though also lit by the same natural light here, it did not have too many of those little lights that I had seen, and there were not too many Hieroglyphics like in the in the previous room, but there were still some here and there.
On one side, quite integrated to the wall, but protruding a little, there was something that resembled a plasma television screen.
Under it, was an array of evenly spaced multicolored dots; about two hundred in total. The floor of this room, just like the ‘cockpit’, was made of, or covered in a sparkling light metallic-blue alloy.
The beings who were in the room automatically also stood up when we entered. As I stood behind my companions, slightly hidden by their robes, these parted and revealed me to their sight. And they too immediately bowed to me in the Essene manner, smiling with bonhomie. I timidly returned the greeting and waited, staring at them curiously.
They too inspected me from head to toe, from the two red bows tied in my hair separated in two large buns, to my red polka-dot dress with short puffed sleeves, to my transparent plastic sandals and white socks.
But soon they checked themselves after looking at my two companions who seemed to me to be their superiors in rank.
These others were two males and one female. But while one of the males was perfectly Human-looking, the other one and the female, though human-like, their faces contrasted with those of the others; for they were very wide on top; but rather sharp at the chins. These faces were, if I may say, triangular; but still quite striking, and attractive to me. Their eyes were of a soft greenish yellow colour.
The lady had very long hair that hung down her back. She was very slim and was not as tall as the others, but still about six feet tall, so very high for a female to me. She and the male who resembled her wore on their backs over their robes, the same respiratory apparatus that the ‘pilots’ in the cockpit wore. As I looked at their necks I saw that they wore the same space suits as the ‘pilots’, under the robes. My companions followed my rapid inspection of their colleagues with amusement, then they invited me sit down.
There were chairs that seemed to be built into the floor of the vessel. I could even go as far as saying that they were one with the floor, simply chair-shaped protruding excrescences that were part of the floor. The chairs were placed around a table that was also built into the floor like the chairs. And there was still enough room left between the furniture and the wall of the vessel. Bur for what I could see, nothing stood loose or separated from the floor or walls of the vessel.
As is always my habit, I inspected the room, imprinting everything in my memory before slowly sitting down. I was the last one to do so. My companions were extremely patients, not seeming to be in a hurry to engage into serious conversation, quietly observing me and waiting for me to be ready to listen to them.
When I stopped looking around, the Brown one, who was sitting next to me on my right, touched a gold-coloured dot on the right ‘arm’ of my chair, as all of them did the same on their respective sits. And simultaneously golden lights surrounded us at waist length like sit belts and from behind the shoulders to the waist. And indeed they acted as such, for the man told me:
‘As you must have guessed, we came to talk to you, but we shall not remain here today. So we are going to take you to an isolated place where we may be at peace and undisturbed.’
As he spoke, I noticed that his companion was muttering a few words in an unknown language. Immediately the sides of the vessel became transparent, and I saw the plantation simply disappear as the vessel rocked slightly, stilted sideways, smoothly shot straight up into the sky and immobilized itself high up after about one minute. As it stopped, the transparency of the walls ceased. Then just as smoothly it shot horizontally in another direction, seemingly dropping in altitude as it did so and immobilized itself again on what I guessed (as the walls became transparent again) was the highest peak of a mountain, since I saw lower peaks and further far down, trees. The peak was covered in slight fog.
Since we had left the cocoa plantation, I had been staring at the ‘television screen where two lines with three dots had appeared.


The ‘White’ one of the two beings that had welcomed me at the door had been watching me all the time with a twinkle in his eyes; then he said: ‘We have arrived’. Then he touched the spot on the arm of his chair that released the ‘seat belt’, as did all the others. My ‘seat belt’ was released by the ‘Brown’ person on my right.
‘Where are we?’ I asked. ‘Mount Cameroon’ he replied, ‘the highest peak’.
‘But how?’ I exclaimed, still staring at the television screen. He smiled: ‘You are wondering if that is the trajectory we followed to come here, and how we managed to get here so soon’, he said pointing at the screen.
‘Well, yes... How did you know what I was thinking?’ I asked. He smiled: ‘you yourself sometimes guess, or should I say know what other people are thinking, don’t you?’ ‘’ I replied slowly.
‘Well that ability is latent in all humanoid beings and it is very highly developed in us. We call it telepathy, and we helped you to use it.’
Suddenly I doubted him and I thought: ‘Yeah, right. Telepathy my eye! You were looking at me while I looked at the screen. It does not take a genius to guess what I was thinking about.’ Then I looked at him, virtually daring him mentally to guess what I had just thought. But he just smiled, looking at me and shaking his head. His eyes seemed to probe deep down to my very soul. Suddenly, I felt ashamed at thinking that way.
So I hid it by saying: ‘But how? When did you exactly help me? I do not understand.’
‘That is why we came to Earth to see you. We have many things to tell you, many things to explain. And as for the way we travel, that is the proper way. Your people on Earth are doing it the wrong way, which is a shame. Er, by the way I mean the way their airplanes are powered. For with the nuclear energy now at earth’s disposal, they should be able to travel at ten or twenty times at least the speed of their supersonic vessels, if only they knew how. I suppose that is sufficient for them for now. But they could do a lot better if only they would look into other methods. But for now we shall tell you who we are and why we are here...’
‘Well, I truly cannot comment on that. I don’t know anything about planes, only that if I pay the right amount of money I can travel in
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