» Adventure » The Sacred And The Profane, Rabbi Desiree R. Ntolo [the best ebook reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «The Sacred And The Profane, Rabbi Desiree R. Ntolo [the best ebook reader for android txt] 📗». Author Rabbi Desiree R. Ntolo

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method was finally unanimously adopted. It became known as the ‘Secret Of Eternity.’
‘With the Secret of Eternity, our scientists were able to use their genius as long as they wished. More discoveries were made, and giant bounds were made scientifically.’
Now we had also begun effectuating interplanetary travel right at the epoch when we had first begun experimenting with creating living creatures. At that time as we had begun to visit the three moons around our Planet, we had realized that intelligent Humanoid Beings from other worlds had been also visiting, not only those moons, but our Planet itself, without however having contacted us.’


‘On our Planet there were originally three humanoid ethnic groups: Those with a dark brown skin complexion. You may call them ‘Blacks’ as you do on Earth. Those with a pink complexion, the ‘Whites’; and those with a complexion between the Black and White, the ‘Red’, who resembled those who inhabit the Indian Continent on Earth. So on our Planet, they looked like those now existing on Earth, but also different.’
‘We believe in a God and we believed that we were gods, because we had Old Scriptures about our existence. They said that God had created us to be and to look exactly like Himself’.
‘For a long time already, we had made it our religion to study ourselves and everything around us, in order to get to know our God. For we were taught that, to find and know our God we had to look within ourselves. (This is what we recommend you to do too).’
After we had discovered the Secret of Eternity, the beings who we had discovered to have been visiting our moons finally made contact with our Government; and they were welcomed and accepted. They are those of the race of the small ones with slanted eyes whom you met today on the ‘bridge’ of this vessel: the ‘Green Race.’ They said that they had come from ‘Draconis.’
‘They came to us with a big ‘Mother Ship’ and told us that it had landed itself on their Planet with the preserved dead bodies of its previous owners in it. They told us that they had found messages informing them that they had been created in laboratories as well as ourselves and people living in two planets of the two Sirius, and people of Orion and the Pleiades; whom they said looked like the people of our Planet. And they proposed to share all their knowledge with us if we would form an alliance with them.’
‘While many of our people never believed their story about us all having been created by the same ‘Creators’ - and that was obvious since even though they were humanoids, they looked so different from us - our Government and theirs formed an Alliance; and we began trading economically and scientifically with them.’
‘As well as new scientific knowledge, these ‘Green Newcomers’ brought us a method from their ancient scriptures, that allowed us to understand our Holy Scriptures even better. We thus understood why we had been taught for millennia that we were gods. And we learnt a method left to us by our ancestors enabling us to create life, perfect life, very quickly with the power from within ourselves and with our words, coupled with that power.’
‘We began, on our own and with the renewed permission of our Government, to create android humanoid beings, using this ‘Sacred Wisdom’. These were different biological beings that lived only to serve us and whose only pleasure was to be in our service; but there is a good reason for this particular nature. You already know about those types of beings, as your grand-father demonstrated to you. And do remember that this time, we were only allowed to create humanoids, not animals.’


‘With some of the new knowledge brought by the scientists of ‘Draconis’, we developed a very sophisticated method of education that virtually turned all our people into geniuses.’
‘These Newcomers also had at their disposal another means of creating their own androids. They had huge machines that made perfect metal skeletons and everything needed in a human anatomy, except from blood, skin and muscles. They made them to grow on those metal skeletons. But their biological robots, unlike ours had no spirit in them, and their owners did not treat them with consideration in the way we did ours.’
‘We objected to this and let our feelings be known to our new Allies; and that was the beginning of our dissent with some of them. For not only did they misuse their own biological robots, they also began to use ours in the same manner.’
‘The other subject of dissent was over Divine Laws. While we fully respected the Laws and practiced our belief in God within, the Newcomers declared that they had long rejected all beliefs in God, and had adopted Science only as their religion; and since it had made them as God thus equal to Him, they had rejected Him altogether.’
‘Thus though having been equally left with the same knowledge of the “Divine Mysteries” as us, the Newcomers had abandoned them and even made a law against practicing them in their Home world; they were now a totally atheist people. They defiantly practiced all deviated corporal acts and perversions forbidden by Divine Law before us, not only between themselves but also on their defenseless biological robots as well as our own androids.’


‘In our first three thousand years of longevity after discovering the Secret of Eternity, we had managed to build more powerful vessels for interstellar travel. We thus travelled for the first time to the Two Sirius, to Orion and the Pleiades and made contact with those who lived in those systems. They joined our Alliance and together, we began exploring our respective Galaxies.’
‘But us scientists, decided to begin our experiments again in order to create animal, vegetal and humanoid life. Our Government agreed to let us continue these particular experiments, provided we did them elsewhere; on other deserted planets for example. The teams of Creators now comprised, as well as people from our planet, those from the planets of ‘Draconis’, of the Two Sirius, of Orion and of the Pleiades, among them were “the Greens” as we called them.’
‘It was very easy for us to prepare the many moons and Planets of our Solar System for creation of life. But we did not immediately meet with success; for we realized often that though some vegetation could thrive on some of those planets, humanoid life could not. Also some of the Planets were too close to the suns whose rays were dangerous to humanoid or vegetal life, sometimes both.’
‘But we had even worse enemies than nature and the elements, many of the Newcomers, those from Draconis and some from the two Sirius had disagreed with some clauses and conditions of the new “Creation Act”, which was part of the ‘Alliance Deed.’
‘Together with categorically refusing to accept the Divine side of our inheritance and refusing to believe in God, and to follow the Divine Laws; together with ignoring our advice not to use androids and biological robots for their carnal pleasure and depraved acts, they also opposed the law that stipulated that all humanoids beings successfully created jointly by all of us should be left to evolve freely on their own after a while. And though we might monitor their progress, we should not interfere in their affairs, or in their governments in any way. Or try to take them over, or subject them to our rule in any manner whatsoever. And finally the decree that we should never interbreed with them; for the sake of our scientific experiment, and the perfect and absolute proof of the success of our work of Creation.’
‘These people proposed that, instead of giving any beings that we would eventually create together the same teachings that we were given by our own Creators concerning our Divine State, we should give them limited freedom and limited education; and get them to worship us as gods.’
‘On our categorical refusal of these proposals, those protestors, not only did they separate from us, but they withdrew from the Alliance altogether. Of all the Newcomers, just the representatives of one Planet, on the advice from their Superiors, chose unanimously to remain in the Alliance.’
‘The rest, also looking like them, who represented another small Solar System, were divided in their opinions; and as a result, a deadly Intergalactic War with these Renegades ensued. A book was written about these wars. It was the first part of the Chronicles, which became known in our world as: “The Book of the Wars of Yahweh” (or Jehovah). When that War first died down, a Peace Treaty was never signed. Thus without fighting, we remained in a state of Cold War.’
‘Those of the Planet of the ‘Green Race’ from Draconis who sided with us, had to be evacuated to our own Planets that became part of the Alliance; leaving the enemies in their original Planets.’
‘We thus began joint experiments anew with them, this time creating humanoid beings with them in laboratories. This time we decided to make hybrids of our mixed four races. The results were four races as you have on Earth.’
‘Those that look like yourself, like Africans, those that look like the Europeans, those that look like the dwellers of India and those that look like the dwellers of Japan. For though you have seen that I have a complexion like your own, but you have no doubt noticed that I am not really like the Black men of Earth. There is still a difference between us.’ (This was obviously the Brown alien still speaking, and he was right about that; he and I looked different.)
‘Well to continue with our story, our enemies, the Renegades, followed us everywhere we went to create, and always managed to corrupt and interfere with our creations. They took the direct approach by very simply bombarding the laboratories that we set up, killing many Creators and the beings that we created in the process.’
‘And when they could not do this, they waited till we had left the new colonized planets. Then they came behind us and corrupted any teachings that we had given to those beings. Turning them against us, and installing themselves as gods over them, after either killing our Watchers - the Guardians that we had left behind to monitor the new creations’ progress - or corrupting them to their way of thinking.’
‘And if they failed to exterminate or corrupt them all, they very simply sabotaged the whole scientific experiment by interbreeding with the new races created and making children with them, knowing that we would consider such colonies a failure. Believe me they knew what they were doing.’
‘When that happened we were always forced to move elsewhere, and we continued regardless to create; returning from time to time, visiting the former colonies, contacting some members of their communities to talk to them on our behalf, and tell them the truth about us and about the Renegades.’
‘Sometimes some of our Creations were faithful to us and respected our teachings, thus elevating themselves in our esteem. Others were excited into forming alliances with our enemies and to come to war against us.’
‘Since that time when we first succeeded in creating humanoids, till the time when we came to this part of the universe, we populated four hundred and ninety nine planets (499) all very similar to this Earth. To all of them we taught our national language, which resembles ancient Hebrew. And the individual groups also taught their creations their own languages.’’



‘It was because of those Renegades
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