» Adventure » The Sacred And The Profane, Rabbi Desiree R. Ntolo [the best ebook reader for android txt] 📗

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that we the scientists decided to leave our Galaxies and to venture further on to a Galaxy very many light years away from our own; where we hoped we would not be as easily exposed to the Renegades’ attacks as we had been till then.’
‘For that, we turned to the Old Writings of our long-gone ancestors in which their past exploits and adventures had been recorded.’
‘One in particular recounted how they had gone to a far away Galaxy in this Universe where they had found a lot of empty space. There they had virtually ‘created a whole Solar System’ of their own, where they had successfully created living beings using the Divine Secrets in their possession; which Secrets they had also passed on to us.’
‘That Solar System is this one, and their “creation work” had taken place 4 billions of Earth years or so before our generation. Earth, as well as the other Planets of this Solar System, did not occupy the orbits they are on rotation on now.’
‘That is what they meant by “creating this solar system” as they were going to completely change the way it looked. They caused almighty explosions that knocked the planets out of their former orbits, and into the position they wanted them to be.’
‘After that “creation”, Earth as well as the other planets, was initially mainly used for mining at that time.’
‘And it is from here that I shall begin to quote from the writings of your Prophets and from your Bible, which is the book of the story of Earth and of the creation of its very first inhabitants, and of others that came later.’


‘For the description of the beginning of Earth that you have in your Bible took place in the time of our ancestors, not ours. And we simply taught that description to the Adam and Eve, (the first couple of Human beings) that were created by my personal group. But before I come to those writings, there is one thing to which I want to draw the attention of all who will read this message.’
‘When Moses and all the other prophets throughout the Scriptures said ‘Sons of Men’ they meant humanoid people who were not human beings of terrestrial origins. These are also referred to as the ‘Sons of the Gods’. And when they said ‘Children of men’ they usually meant the humans of terrestrial origin.’
‘Such an appellation is particularly used in the Book of Daniel to describe the “heavenly messenger or angelic” being that saved Daniel and his companions from the furnace.’
‘Extra-terrestrial beings, some good and others bad were also called ‘Watchers’ by early biblical writers.’


‘Now let us go to the Bible. It is written in your Bible:’ “In the beginning Elyonin created the Heavens and the Earth. Now the Earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of Elyonin hovered upon the face of the deep; and Elyonin said: “Let there be light” and there was light’. Genesis 1:1-3
‘The above lines, which are the first three lines of your Bible, are the description of the time when our ancestors actually came into this sector of the Universe. Not the time of the creation of the Adamic Humanoids, who are the ones you all are now.’
‘It is the beginning and part of a whole different set of records. So we shall continue this sentence through the Genesis of Abraham which is still existent on Earth in the Book of Mormon.’
“And there stood among them one that was semblable to God, and he said to those who were with him: ‘we will go down, for there is space’ there. We will take of these materials, and we will make an Earth.” Abraham 3:24
‘When our ancestors came, nothing in this small part of the Universe was as it can be seen today.’
‘So they took their own materials, the same that they had used to do similar work elsewhere, and came and shaped and displaced, not only Earth and this whole solar system. The whole work was to try and change the very whole Galaxy in which this Earth is: THE MILKY WAY.”
‘In space, they released chemicals that exploded in almighty explosions when these all came together, and this Galaxy took shape as it is now, and this little Solar System right at its borders was born, or reshaped to look like it does now. And that took a very long time to accomplish.’
‘So if you wish, there was truly a ‘Big Bang’ if I may quote that human expression. But it did not occur by itself as the learned people of this Planet insist on affirming. It was provoked. Explosions were made in this area of the Universe. The power of the conflagration sent billions of particles hurtling toward the void. Those were to be part of and become the solar systems of this Galaxy. Also notice the following words:’
“and the spirit of Elyonin hovered over the face of the deep; and Elyonin said: ‘Let there be light’ and there was light”. Genesis 1:1-3.
‘Now the word Elyonin is a plural. In Hebrew it means ‘Those from above’. And that, our ancestors indeed were. They travelled a very long time and came to this sector of the Universe. At that time this Solar System looked totally different. It too had to be virtually artificially shaped, or created in order for it to look like they wanted it to.’
‘So the works that were done to prepare the planet Earth, for Humanity, were not done by immaterial, ethereal or imaginary beings, who are thus quoted saying: “Then Elyonin said: “Let us go down. And they descended in the beginning.”
‘The ‘spirit hovering over the face of the deep’ means that flying in their vessels they made atmospheric tests before descending on the planet and establishing themselves on it.’
‘Of course the work was done in stages by different groups of people; though they too had discovered the same Secret of Eternity, that we too only discovered some twenty five thousand Earth years ago (25.000). Long periods of time passed between each time. Once the Solar System looked satisfactory to them, they themselves used chemicals to create huge gisements of all the metals and gases they needed; these taking only a few years to be formed.’
‘And though you on Earth are only adapted to your Earth’s atmosphere, some beings in many planets of our Alliance can work in different conditions, in pure hydrogen and other gases that are fatal to you for example. Others are adapted to and used to very low and very high temperatures. So the teams of scientists spread throughout the planets of this Solar System accordingly. And remains of their bases can still be found to this day on Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Earth’s moon, Luna; as humans could discover in the coming Millennia, when they would have advanced in their discoveries and space explorations. They will find evidence that some of those bases were underground on the above planets.’
‘But on Earth as on all the planets of this Solar System, they created living beings that they used to help them with their mining work. But to create these human androids on Earth more work was needed. And the Planet needed to be adapted accordingly. Here is the proper way in which this passage appears in our former ancestors’ annals:’
‘In the beginning after our creation of the first Firmament and the continents on the Planet Terra, it was unformed and void. It was covered in darkness and ice.’
‘And we said: ‘This Planet is too dark, too cold and too far from its Sun. Therefore we shall move it closer to the Sun and there shall be light and our creation would have a better chance of survival. This was done and there was more light, and more warmth.’ ‘Let us go back to your Bible where it is written:’
“And Elyonin saw the light that it was good; and Elyonin divided the light from the darkness”’
‘And Elyonin called the light day, and the darkness they called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.”
‘The Earth, then on a different orbit and had to be moved a bit closer to the Sun. This work of moving the Earth from its former orbit took a very long time, in fact it took exactly one thousand earth years to be accomplished. For time was then still calculated as we calculated ours in our world. To us one thousand earth years equal one of our days as we call them.’
‘Tests were being done on the light of the Sun and its effects on the planet Earth and the effect it could have on life.’
‘Every time the planet was moved, tests and experiments were made, until these explorers and Creators decided finally that Earth was at a perfect and safe distance from the Sun; and its rays would not be harmful to the new life forms they wanted to create. And that, as well as being harmless, the Sun would be useful for the Planet and the air would become breathable. For that, it is written:
“And Elyonin saw the light, that it was good.”
‘This planet had to be perfect for their work. When the Sun was at a safe distance, the temperature of the whole Planet was the same and steady 68 degrees. And as the whole of Earth was covered in thick high peaks of snow, this snow began to melt and with proper sunlight the sky appeared, a beautiful firmament became visible. This slow process took another thousand Earth years.’
“And Elyonin called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.” Genesis 1:6-8
‘So the first record of that story was written by our Adam, the one we created, as we instructed him to.
‘The first Adam created by our ancestors was encouraged to call them Elyonin simply because they, like us, refused to distinguish themselves from each other. And like us, refused to tell him exactly where they came from. For they (as usual with us explorers from our world) had not written their names in their annals, distinguishing themselves only by what they did.’
“Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear, and it was so. And Elyonin called the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters called they the Seas; Elyonin saw that it was good.”
‘Elyonin said: “Let the dry land put forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing after its kind, wherein is the seed thereof upon the earth. And it was so. And the land brought forth grass... ... and Elyonin saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.” Genesis: 1:9-3
‘After two thousand years of preliminary work, they decided to create a continent. As you remember, the whole planet was now covered in large amounts of water, due to the melting of the ice caps. During this first occupation of Earth by our ancestors, only one single large continent was created.’
‘For that, huge underwater explosion were provoked with charges of explosives. As the explosions were very massive, miles-deep ditches were dug, and the water covering the planet rushed in the ditches, thus allowing dry land to appear. And a large Continent was thus created, the rest of the planet was covered in water. Of course there were a few insignificant islands off this Continent.’
‘Note that the repetition of the expression: ‘and God saw that it was good’ indicates that these were not the only things and experiments that were done, and that some, from time to time, had
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