» Adventure » The Clan, Camme Sharkey [i can read books TXT] 📗

Book online «The Clan, Camme Sharkey [i can read books TXT] 📗». Author Camme Sharkey

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/> Only a few minutes have passed, and I was really tired. I still had my bow, so I placed an arrow in readying position and lifted it. It was pointed straight at it’s heart. It was right in front of me, but instead of attacking it was spoke to me.
“You need to run, run far away where we can never find you.” I was awe struck. I had no idea why it wanted me to be free. Especially since he was just trying to kill me “I know you are probably confused, but just run I will make sure your friends are safe and will be with you soon enough.” Weird thing was, his mouth didn’t move.
“But I can just leave them here. They’re the ones who were trying to help me in the beginning, instead of attacking then telling me to run!” I was mad. Who on earth would pretend that they are going to kill you then the next they are telling you to run and be safe? How could I trust him, or it at least sounded like a him, about my friends? He probably didn’t hear me anyway because he was on his way back to the fight.
I wasn’t going to listen to him and run. Instead I ran right after him. When I got back to where the fight began, I saw Zui in wolf form and half her ear was bitten off. Catty, also in wolf form, was fighting back, she looked as though she was ready to pass out any minute. I relaxed and thought of him, my friend. Soon enough I was seeing in black and white so I knew I was my small wolfy self.
I tackled one of the wolves on top of Catty, we were fighting it out like there was no tomorrow. Soon it was on top of me, ready to tear me apart, when another wolf tackled it to the ground. I could tell it wasn’t a wolf on our side. “I told you to run!” I was right, it was the one who was so certain I had listened to him and ran away to let my new friends die.
“You really think I would listen to you!” I yelled back.
“Well I was kind of hoping, you know I would never let you down!” He was still fighting with the one wolf. He sounded so familiar though. I felt like I knew him now. I felt like I could trust him. “What are you waiting for! RUN!” I grabbed my bow and arrows in my mouth, and started to run as far away as possible.


When I finally stopped I was back in human form. I felt dizzy from all the fighting, and from running. I tried walking just a little farther, but I guess I pushed it too far because I fell over and blacked out.
The last thing I heard was someone yelling my name.

Chapter 6

When I woke up I was in a bed made of leaves and the sun shone right in my face. There was someone sitting next to me singing with the birds. She had blonde hair, it fell just a few inches above her shoulders. A little like Zui’s but shorter. She was wearing this orange shirt that seemed to get lighter towards the bottom. She had light blue jeans on and black tennis shoes too. This girl seemed very familiar but I just couldn’t tell who it was.
“Who...who are you?” I could barely get those words out, without stuttering. The girl turned and she had these beautiful amber eyes. And the way the sun shone on her face she looked like an angel. I thought I was dreaming until she spoke.
“Well good morning to you too.” She didn’t seem happy that I didn’t know who she was. “I guess I won’t be getting a thanks for all the care I gave you through the night, just so you could be awake today.” Before I could answer Zui and Catty came running to me.
“Jayson! We were so worried about you. Where did you go? Why’d you leave us? Wait, Who is this?” The girl seemed to get even more angry when Catty asked that last question.
“Well for your information, I saved my friend’s life, and my name is Klover, but people call me Klo.” No wonder why she seemed so familiar she was the one of the girls that I let stay in my tree house. The one that had always left bright and early into the woods.
“Oh. Well Jayson never told us about you.” Catty seemed to be offended by Klo saying she was my friend.
“Of course she didn’t. She was too busy worrying about being taken away to some weird place in England.” She seemed to have a little temper because of Catty and Zui. Then she took out a radio and spoke into it, “Micah. Micah this is Klo. I found Jay.”
When the girl on the other radio replied she sound so happy, “I can’t believe it! Where are you guys?” I noticed that voice too. It was the other girl that stayed with Klo and I.
“We are in the woods. At our usual meeting place.” I now even noticed this place now. This was the place us three girls meet every weekend to go hunting. I did the shooting, since I worked so well with a bow and arrow. Klo attracted the animals into Micah’s cleverly set traps. I could tell by the tree that was above me.
This tree was the biggest in the forest. It’s branches reached out ten feet at least. This is where we always met because we could always hide in the tree waiting for the others to arrive. We also had this little two note whistle to let each other know that it was us and not some stranger out for a walk in the woods. Surprisingly though, that does happen a lot. Anyway, the most special thing though about this tree, is that we all claim that we have been born here.
“Does any one know who the one wolf was that told me to run?” I was still unsure on the whole thing, and it seemed like they were too. No one seemed to have even noticed anyone yelling at me. I concluded that they didn’t hear because they were preoccupied with fighting.
A few minutes later, Micah showed up. She had light brown hair that came down to the middle of her back. She was the only one of all of us that had bangs too. But the weirdest thing about her was that she had these deep purple eyes. No one knew why her eyes were purple because she was an orphan from the start. Her parents had never been there to take care of her. The same thing happened to Klo. Another weird thing about us three, is that we were all born on the same day but all three hours apart. Another thing about MIcah though is that she is incredibly fast.
“I’m so glad she found you Jay. We were so worried about you when you never came back to the tree house.” She really did sound worried too. “Who are these two girls anyway?”
“” I couldn’t even think straight now.
“I think she just needs to rest more. By the way I’m Zui and this is Catty. We ran into each other on the street and started talking.” I could tell Zui didn’t want to tell Klo and Micah just exactly what happened just in case it would creep them out, but I could hear Micah’s thoughts and she didn’t believe her at all.
“Then tell me how you guys ended up in the woods.” Micah seemed confident that Zui wouldn’t be able to answer this question.
It didn’t even take Zui a second to come up with an excuse she answered right away just like she had practiced it many times. “Well, Jay here wanted to show us this special tree of yours.” This made Micah mad.


For a few hours Zui and Micah were going back and forth about how they knew me and stuff like that. Klo, Catty and I were just sitting there watching them.
This was going on for so long I was about to fall asleep. Finally they stopped when they realized how bored and tired they had made us. It was already night too. I climbed in the tree to sleep because Zui felt that I should be safe, just incase we were attacked again.


After I was asleep for a few hours some sound had woken me up. I looked down at the ground and saw an Indian guy. He had short black hair, he was tall, and wore glasses. He was looking around like he was lost. I took out my bow and put an arrow on it. When I was about to shoot he yelled, “No! Don’t shoot! I am here to help you. My name is Ace I was sent by your friend Olly.”

Chapter 7
Finding my Friend

Ace was telling me about how Olly was taken to this old abandoned house and forced to work for Rudi. He said that he also pretended to be sick so he didn’t have to come and fight me.
I can tell you right now that there was never any romantic going on between me and Olly all we ever were, were friends. I was pretty sure of this because he even told me one day that he liked Micah.
“Anyways, Olly said he was one of you guys. You know a werewolf and he has known ever since he was five, but he didn’t tell you because he didn’t want you to run away in terror.” Even though this Ace guy was telling me things that Olly had wanted him to tell me, I had a feeling he was putting more humor into to it then there actually was. “He also knew you were one because of your smell. He didn’t want to tell you that, well, because of the same reason. So yeah, that’s pretty much all he had to say. Besides that he wants you to be safe and to not to come after him. Oh and there is this other kid there with him, he’s just a regular kid but he’s there with him. His name is Grayson.”
“Well I don’t care if there is some guy there with him or not I am going to just sit around while he is held as a prisoner. I plan on doin’ something about it.” I was really mad though, that Olly just wanted me to sit around while he was going to die. “By the way, do you know who that wolf was that told me to run, I mean if you were even there?”
“A wolf that told you to run? Hmm......OH! Yes. That was probably Olly’s twin brother Otto. Yeah he was also sent to make sure you were safe.” I remember Olly saying something about his twin. He said that they use to be very close until Olly ran away. Besides that, he never said anything about his family.
“Well OK, as long as Otto isn’t around anymore to keep us from going, wanna show us the way to this abandoned house, Ace?” It took me a while to persuade him but he eventually gave in. He swore to take us to where Olly was being held, and we were to start our journey bright and early in the morning.
In the morning we all packed up. I am even amazed that Catty and Zui even remembered to
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