» Adventure » The Clan, Camme Sharkey [i can read books TXT] 📗

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The Clan: Jayson’s Point of View
By Camme Sharkey

Hello, my name is Jayson. I am a thirteen year old girl and live in a treehouse. Yeah, I know it seems weird for someone my age to be living alone in a homemade treehouse, not to mention it’s ten feet of the ground. Well, you would too if your dad never pays attention to where you were or what happened to you. I don’t live with any one except for this one girl named Micah. I don’t consider her a friend because of what happened to my last one, Olly. He was my best friend ever until he disappeared after the incident. I’d rather not elaborate on what the incident is but I guess sooner or later you will find out. It was sort of my fault that he disappeared because, well...........................I’m just not normal, many people would believe I am a fairy tale. Let’s just say you better not think anything bad about me either. This story I am about to tell you is before I knew all of this about myself.

Chapter 1
The Beast

Today was a day like any when I awoke I was alone, it was normal for me. Micah was usually off buying breakfast or already at school. Klo was always off somewhere, not school, but somewhere. We think she spends her days out in the woods with the animals, but no one knows.
Besides any of that, I got up and got dressed for school. I know it’s way too early to go, but since we live in a treehouse, I built, we have to use the showers and sinks at school.
Once I got to school, I know that Micah has been here because she always has this weird smell, so you can always tell where she has been. I grabbed my tooth brush and headed over to the sink. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a tall girl with bright blue eyes and long black hair. She was wearing a navy blue zip up sweat shirt from Aeropostale, a ragged old yellow shirt and black sweat pants. That’s what I usually wore for my PJs.
After I brushed my teeth and hair, I took a quick shower, got dressed in one of my Huron Riverside Bowling shirts, dark skinny jeans, my plaid converse, put on my sweat shirt and was off to school.


After a long day of school, I was climbing up to my treehouse, that is in a tree far from any other houses. I like this spot though, it has a small pond and many flowers around it, which is very calming. Anyways, I was almost to my tree house when I heard someone behind me, “My name’s Catty. What’s yours?”
Curious to whom they were and why they were all the way out here, I turned around, and there was a girl, with black hair, deep green eyes, and she was fairly short. She also had this weird smell to her, different from Micah’s but somewhat similar. She seemed to be talking to me so I answered, “Uh, Jayson.”
“Is there room for two up there?” I wanted to know why on earth she wanted to come up in the tree with me, I mean I have no idea who she is or anything, so I just continued into my treehouse, “Never mind.” When I heard her say that I was happy that she was going to leave me alone, until I saw a wolf emerge from the woods behind my tree. This was no ordinary wolf either is was humongous and it is the beast that has been chasing me for months now. I turned to see if the girl was still there, and of course she was, on the tree even.
“Hurry up and get in here!” I had to get her in because if she was as strange as I was, and if that was the reason that wolf has been after me, then she needed to be safe.
“Whoa! This is cool!” I guess she was referring to the tree house. I ran to the window to see of the wolf was still there. I didn’t see it anywhere so I settled down and turned to see if she was still there. “What’s wrong? Why did I need to get in here?”
“Um, I just........... I just didn’t want anyone to see where my tree house was.” I know it wasn’t the truth, but I needed to cover for what the real reason was.
“Oh, I understand why you wouldn’t want anyone to find this. It’s so cool. Did you build this yourself?”
“Yeah, well I had help from my friend before he........” Right then I was cut off by the sound of scratching. I ran to the door and found that the wolf was trying to climb up the tree. “Hurry jump!” I pushed her towards the window and grabbed my bow and an arrow to slow down the wolf. When I got to the door the wolf was already half way up. I shot an arrow into one of it’s front paws just as it reached the top. As it fell, I turned to see if Catty has jumped or not. She was still standing there! All she was doing was staring out the window. Then it happened, I could really hear her thoughts. “I don’t care if it’s high! Just jump!”
“Wait, how’d you know....”
“It doesn’t matter just jump!” I took ahold of her arm and jumped. As we landed I could hear the wolf jump into my tree house. I looked at Catty and she looked terrified, the blood was drained from her face, she also had a cut across her cheek.
“Are you OK?” She asked me. I was confused, I didn’t feel any pain. She pointed to my arm and I had a huge cut. It was bleeding, but as I said no pain which was weird.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine, but we need to get you to safety.” She looked at me in confusion, “Meaning you need to run home and stay away from me unless you want to be killed, this wolf has been chasing me for a while and will kill anyone who is in its way or tries to stop it from capturing me.” She sat there and stared at me for a bit, till she ran out of time to run.
The wolf was in the window, ready to jump. “OK, I’ll go home but you have to come with me so you are safe too.”
‘Is she deaf? Does she realize she could die by trying to protect me?‘ That was all that was going through my head, but I had to give in so she would be safe. “Fine. I’ll go, but we better hurry.”
We both got up, and just in time too, and we started running towards her house. Like I said it was just in time, the wolf would have crushed us if we hadn’t moved. It had dull white eyes, a coal black coat, long sharp talons and was murmuring something under it breath. In latin?
I looked over at Catty and I knew what she was thinking, again. Literally I could hear her thoughts. “ Yeah that’s its real eye color, but don’t worry they really only look like that when she’s angry.”
The last thing I saw was Catty’s confused face, once again, before she was tackled by the beast.
Chapter 2
Are We Safe

I looked back at the wolf on top of Catty, “ HELP! HELP!” was all that was coming from her. As for the wolf, a look of satisfaction for catching a delicious dinner.
“Get off her!” I yelled as I jumped on it’s back. It didn’t do much good for me, but at least Catty was up and on her feet. “Run! Run home to where it can’t get you!” It was hard for me to see if she was actually running or just standing there, because the wolf was bucking and growling.
I finally got knocked off, I was laying on the ground with the horrible smell of the wolf’s breath. I thought these would my final minutes when a great force pushed the beast off of me. I got up, dazed, but nothing was there, just Catty. She looked like he was concentrating really hard on something. I got up just as the wolf did, but instead of attacking either of us, it was.........was........floating? I didn’t understand. How could the wolf be floating? Just then is was thrown against a tree, like some invisible person was taking care of it for us.
“Come on get up! We’re almost to my house!” She was yelling at me just as the beast hit the ground. I didn’t argue with that, I got up on my feet and ran.


When we got to her house she gave me a tour. Her house was amazing, it wasn’t like anything I had ever seen. It was a gigantic house with an indoor pool, home theater, bowling alley, pretty much anything you could think of.
When we got to her room, I felt like I just ran a mile with the beast on my back, that’s how big her house was. Her room was the most normal room in the house. All it had was a bed, dresser, TV, computer, and a bookshelf chock full of books. I guess I looked like I was surprised by how normal it looked because she said something about it. “Yeah we ran out of money by the time we got to modeling my room.” she said with a giggle.
“Hey at least it’s better than what I have to live in.”
“I would take that for this any day. After you live here for a while it all seems to get boring. Enough about that, tell me about this thing chasing after you.” I really didn’t want to talk about it. All I really knew was that a few months ago it appeared out of no where and started chasing me. My friend Olly tried to protect me, but that didn’t work out well, he was taken by that beast and never saw him after that.
“There’s not much to say. Instead let’s talk about how it was floating.” Catty looked flushed again. I could tell this wasn’t going to be easy for her to explain. “Well?”
“Um.....I don’t usually talk about this to people but.........I can move thing my minds. I know it sounds weird but it’s true.” It was happening again. I could hear what she was thinking.
“Don’t worry I won’t run away, and you mean telekinesis.” She looked at me like I just killed someone or something.
“Um, I don’t...........understand, how’d you know I didn’t want you to run away, and yeah I guess that’s what it’s called.”
“Well, I am not exactly what you call normal either.” I don’t really know how to explain it, but I know I am capable of doing things other people aren’t. After a few minutes talking about her ‘curse’ her mom called us down stairs and said we had a visitor. We? I didn’t know anyone, well at least it use to be that way until I met Catty.
We walked down stairs and there was this girl standing there with Catty’s mom. I had never seen this girl before and by the look on Catty’s face I can tell she hadn’t either.

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