» Adventure » The Tale of Princess Lillianna, Robi Crusoe [fiction books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Tale of Princess Lillianna, Robi Crusoe [fiction books to read TXT] 📗». Author Robi Crusoe

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Chapter 4: Betrayal

Herome and Lillianna followed Queen Strania down to the cellar, making sure to hide from palace guards in the process. When they finished their journey Queen Strania walked quickly over to a wine basin and turned the keg. Lillianna gasped in astonishment when the entire front of the basin swung out, revealing a small room with two cots and a small dresser.
“This is where you will stay by night.” Strania explained. “By day you will pretend to be my servants, doing only meager work of course. Now, get some rest.” Then she left. Soon after this Lillianna and Herome fell asleep, and Lillianna had a dream she would never forget.
That night Lillianna dreamt that she was in an old building. To her surprise old women was standing inside, looking at a screen on the wall. The woman then suddenly turned around and looked strait at Lillianna.
“I will get you Lillianna St. Clair!” she yelled manically. Lillianna then woke up, screaming.
Soon after her nightmare Lillianna was awoken by Herome shoving her, trying to get her to wake up.
“Get up princessa!” said Herome. “We need to get upstairs.” They quickly got dressed and hurried up to the second floor, leaving Salinski to his own devices.
When they reached the second floor they were given mops and buckets, and were told to start mopping the floors. Everyone was in a big rush for there was a grand ball coming up that weekend.
“Herome!” Lillianna said when the working day was done. “What if we went to the ball too? It’s a masquerade so no one will recognize us!”
“That is a very fine idea princessa!” exclaimed Herome. “I’ll get all my stuff put together.” In the hour before the ball was to start Lillianna and Herome were getting dressed. Suddenly Lillianna gasped.
“Oh no!” she said, a worried look in her eyes. “My only dress I have is my blue dress! People will definitely recognize me in this!”
“I have that taken care of!” said Herome. He then pulled a parcel from behind his back. Inside was a beautiful white dress with lacing on the cuffs and torso.
“Wow, it’s beautiful Herome!” Lillianna exclaimed. She quickly put it and her mask on, soon after kissing Herome on the cheek.
“Thank you!” said Lillianna.
“Anything for my princessa.” Herome replied. That night at the ball they danced and danced to their hearts content. Then at the moment the clock struck twelve the room went dark. There was a stifled scream, and when the lights came back on Lillianna was gone.
“I must find her!” Herome thought. Then he set off to find the love of his life.
Meanwhile Lillianna was being held captive inside a small abandoned prison on the outskirts of the castle. When they had reached there some one undid the blindfold around her eyes. When Lillianna looked up she almost gasped. She was looking at herself.
“Who are you?” Lillianna asked, suspicious.
“Why I’m your cousin, Annabel St.Clair.” Annabel answered.
“What do you want with me?” Lillianna asked next.
“I am going to impersonate you and have your little Herome all to myself!” Annabel replied.
As soon as she said this she knocked Lillianna out and switched clothes with her. But she forgot one important detail. Lillianna’s necklace was still around her neck! As soon as Annabel was dressed she sat Lillianna up in a chair and locked herself in the cell. Then she waited.
Herome barged into the tiny prison hours after the big switch. He then saw Annabel in the corner.
“Oh princessa what have they done to you?” he said hastily.
“My evil cousin Annabel locked me in this cell and locked me up!” said Annabel. “She also rigged the lighting at the ball. You should go finish her off right away!”
“Well then honey that’s exactly what I’ll do.” Said Herome. Then he readied to strike. Suddenly Lillianna woke up.
“What’s going on!” she screamed. Then she saw Herome. “Oh hi honey, I thought we were done with this whole fighting thing.” she said.
“Die Annabel!” Herome screamed.
“But it’s me Lillianna!” Lillianna replied.
“Then who is she?” asked Herome, pointing at Annabel.
“That’s my evil cousin Annabel!” answered Lillianna.
“No I’m Lillianna!” screamed Annabel.
“I’m Lillianna!” They both screamed.
Suddenly Herome through his dagger strait through Annabel’s heart. As she crumpled to the floor she said.
“How did you know?” Then she died.
“It was your necklace.” Said Herome. “It was the one thing that Annabel forgot.” They then quietly buried Annabel’s remains and headed back towards the castle.
When they got back to the castle they were surprised to see Queen Strania at the door.
“And just where do you think your going!” she asked coldly.
“I thought we were coming back to the ball!” answered Lillianna.
“Actually you two will be spending the rest of your time in the SSA prison!” she said. Then she clapped and down around Herome and Lillianna leapt several guards. One grabbed Lillianna and another Herome. Then they were carried of to the prison cells.
“Why did she betray us?” Lillianna asked Herome.
“She probably found out that we were fugitives and had a price on our heads.” He answered.
“Well we should start thinking of ways too escape.” Lillianna suggested. Then they started to think of ways to escape the dreaded prison. Suddenly Lillianna had an idea.
“Herome!” yelled Lillianna.
“What if we take those bed sheets and mend them into clothes! Then we can die our hair so no one will recognize us!”
“Great idea princessa, I’ll sneak out tonight and get the supplies. By the next night they were ready. Lillianna and Herome both looked like spies and had both died their hair blonde. Lillianna took on the name Sarafina Blake and Herome the name Randolph Blake. They were posing as brother and sister.
Just before they left Lillianna pulled Herome over to a corner.
“I have something I need to give you before we depart.” She said. Then she clasped a necklace around Herome’s neck. Its pendant was in the shape of a dagger.
“Thank you princessa.” Herome said. Then he slowly kissed Lillianna. Suddenly the room was flooded in blue and red light. Then it all flashed red, and for an instant so did their eyes. Soon after this they parted, saying goodbye to each other until they saw one another again.

Chapter 5: Separation

Lillianna was very sad. She did not want to leave Herome for so long. She then went on to the dormitories, memories of Herome still floating about inside her head. When she made it to the dorms she was surprised to find a girl of about her age sitting on a bunk.
“Uh, hello?” she said carefully. “My name’s Sarafina Blake, what’s yours?”
“Hi, my name’s Bianca.” she said softly. “You must be the new girl.” Suddenly a loud alarm rang throughout the building.
“It’s time for lunch.” Bianca said. “Follow me, I’ll show you where to go!” They both then went and ate lunch together. Soon Lillianna and Bianca were best friends, doing a lot of activities with each other.
She excelled in almost everything, remembering things from her many fights with Herome. The teachers told her that she could probably be a fine SSA agent someday.
“If only they new my secret she thought to herself. At night she would sneak of to a secret room only known to Herome and herself. There they would talk about things that were happening.
One night when Lillianna was about to creep out Bianca woke up.
“I new it!” she whispered to herself. Then she crept out to follow Lillianna, though she did not know where she was going. They soon arrived at the meeting place. Bianca then quietly slipped in along the outer edge, hidden in the shadows. Suddenly a figure appeared on the other side of the room. It was Randolph Blake!
“What is he doing here?” Bianca thought to herself.
Both Sarafina and Randolph then started talking.
“Oh I have been longing for night to come!” Randolph said.
“I too have been longing, my dearest Herome.” Sarafina replied. Then suddenly Bianca knew.
“Why hello Sarafina and Randolph Blake, or should I say Lillianna St.Clair and Herome St.Marshal!” she said triumphantly.
Lillianna and Herome stared at Bianca in surprise.
“Who is she?” Herome asked Lillianna.
“This is my friend Bianca.” answered Lillianna.
“I knew there was something mysterious about you two!” Bianca continued.
“Bianca, you can’t tell our secret to anyone, understand!” Lillianna said quickly.
“I promise, if you won’t tell my secret!”
“And what exactly is your secret?” Herome asked.
“I’m actually Princess Bianca Farrell, second in line to the throne of Italy. Me and my brother, Damien Farrell ran away from home to escape the wrath of our horrible mother Queen Libra. Then we after many daring escapes from the Italian Armada we wound up here!”
“Wow.” said Lillianna. “You’ve sure had a lot of adventures with your brother.”
“I did, that is until we got here.” Bianca said. “I haven’t seen him since.” Herome then swiped a look at his watch.
“It’s time for me to go. Bye princessa!”
“Bye Herome!” Lillianna called after him.
“Bye the way why does he call you princessa all the time?” Bianca asked Lillianna.
“Simple, because he’s Spanish so he calls me the Spanish word for princess.” Lillianna answered.
When Herome got back to his barracks Damien was waiting on his bed.
“What do you want Damien?” he asked.
“I know who you are, Herome St.Marshal.” he said.
“How did you find out?” Herome gasped.
“Who else would carry this around everywhere?” he said while holding up Herome’s dagger and necklace. “And who would Herome go and see but the love of his life Lillianna?”
“I know that you have some secrets too Damien Farrell! I met your sister Bianca and she told me everything!” Herome said.
“You know my sister Bianca!” Damien screamed.
“Yes, and I also know that you and Bianca are the prince and princess of Italy!” As soon as he said that alarms started blaring.
“Hurry Herome, we have to get out of here!” Damien screamed. Then they tore the window off of its frame, and leapt out onto the ground, running far away from the building.
Thirty minutes before the alarms went of Bianca and Lillianna were in their room preparing for dinner. There was a feeling of dread in the air.
“Lillianna, what if they catch us?” Bianca asked.
“You’ll just have to trust me Bianca.” Lillianna answered sternly. After that they walked to the kitchens.
When they got there they started making their dinner.
“Lillianna, your hair is on fire!” Bianca suddenly screamed. Then there was a low beeping sound and the sprinklers came on. They drenched the fire but washed the hair die out of Lillianna’s hair. Then their roommate Abigail Nikiski walked in, and instantly her eyes opened wide in surprise.
“You’re not Sarafina Blake! You’re Lillianna St.Clair. Number one on the SSA wanted list!” she screamed.
Then she quickly pressed a large red button on the wall. Alarms started ringing throughout the building.
“Quickly, through the window!” Lillianna screamed to Bianca. Then as quickly as they could muster, they leapt out the window and into the night.
As the two groups wandered away many thoughts were going
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