» Adventure » The Tale of Princess Lillianna, Robi Crusoe [fiction books to read TXT] 📗

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Chapter 1: Kidnapped

It was a dark time in Spain. Their only hope was to win the war that had fallen upon them. The war against Germany had been going on for more then 20 years now. King Alahandro had two choices. He could give up and lose everything, or he could use the more drastic approach. It was risky but he decided on the second option. They would kidnap the princess of Germany.
Princess Lillianna was the one and only princess in all of Germany. She lost her parents when she was only two years old. Her only friend was a rat that she found in the cellar. His name was Salinski. Her stepmother, Queen Alexandria would absolutely freak if she new about him. Salinski was a very special rat in many ways. But the best thing about him was his ability to talk. He would listen to Lillianna’s problems and help her sort them out.
She on the other hand was just as special as Salinski. She had a magic necklace that would take her spirit to the spirit world to see her parents. But it would only take her for an hour. The necklace was a small blue snowflake necklace, made of lapis lazuli stone.
“Salinski what are you doing!” screamed Lillianna.
“I was writing a story about you and me when you just messed me up!”
“Sorry!” said an irritated Salinski.
“Uh, Salinski did you see something move outside the window just now?” asked Lillianna. Then suddenly a shadowy figure leapt through the window, gagged Lillianna, and threw her in a large wheat smelling straw bag. Then he leapt back out, but not before saying,
“This kingdom shall now bear the wrath of Herome the Spy. “Bwahahaha!”

“All clear, all clear. We’re free to land in Spain.” shouted Herome to the captain. That was all Lillianna had heard since they left Germany five hours ago. Now they were making their descent into Spain. As they descended Lillianna could barely here the fresh, new sounds of the city below.
“Your time has come my little princessa!” said Herome.
“I bet Salinski will rescue me!” screamed Lillianna.
Then she gasped, she had never told anyone about Salinski before.
“And who might Salinski be my dear princessa?” asked Herome in a sinister tone.
“You’ll never know!” hissed Lillianna.
“Well anyway, you’ll soon have no memory of Salinski or anything else at all!” laughed Herome.
“What do you mean by no memory?” questioned Lillianna.
“The royal scientist Professor Strania made us a brainwashing machine.” answered Herome. “And you are our first experiment!” After this all was quiet.
They reached the palace ten minutes later. They then untied her and took her into a lighted domed room. Inside was a large machine.
“That must be the brainwashing device!” thought Lillianna.
“Sit, little princessa.” said Herome sinisterly.
“What are you going to do to me?” questioned
“I think you already know.” answered Herome. At that moment a helmet was thrust upon her head, the machine whirred alive, and everything went black.
Lillianna woke in the middle of an old, abandoned looking store. There were rustic things all around her.
“Where am I?” she asked aloud. “And more importantly who am I?” Suddenly a loud voice came down from upstairs.
“Why you are in my store.” answered the voice.
“Who are you?” questioned Lillianna.
“My name is Lea Havens.” answered Lea. “With me is my servant Nina and my daughters Shana and Shira.”
“Hi!” Shana and Shira yelled.
“Your name is Janie Rey.” said Lea. “And you are my new servant.”
It had been 3 days since she had started working in the lonely shop. She had scrubbed pans, cleaned floors, and organized stuff on the old, dusty shelves. Her only friend was Nina, the other servant. One day a strange package arrived in the mail.
“Who’s it for mommy?” screamed Shana and Shira. “Who’s it for?”
“Why it’s for our own little Janie!” exclaimed Lea. “Here you are dear.” Inside the package were a necklace and a note. The necklace was made with a beautiful blue snowflake pendant, threaded through purple and silver string. The note was put on fancy paper. It read.
Dear Princess Lillianna,
I’m sorry about what they did to you. I wrote this letter to help you get back to your homeland. I only need to tell you two things. One, don’t listen to anything that Lea says. She was bribed to raise you as a servant until the Spanish won the war. Two, this necklace was given to you by your mother and father. I’ve have figured out that if you take the snowflake and hold it for one minute that you should get all your memory back. Also if you ever come back to Spain searching for a job I will always be happy to take you in as an apprentice.
With love,
Professor Strania
Lillianna found the letter very cryptic. But she decided to do what it said anyway. So she took the necklace and held onto the pendant for one minute.
All of the sudden a bright white light past through her eyes. Lillianna screamed and fainted, entering a world of her own. She then remembered everything that had happened since her parents had died. But soon the hour was up. She then was back in the present. There were a lot of people standing around her.
“Are you all right Janie?” asked Lea.
“I’m fine.” answered Lillianna. “But my name is not Janie, its Lillianna! And I’m the princess of Germany!” Shana, Shira, and Nina gasped. They were shocked by what had just occurred.
“I think that I shall be leaving now.” said Lillianna. Then she walked out the door and went on her search for Herome, for she wanted revenge.
Meanwhile Lea was staring in awe. Then she walked up to a guard and whispered into the guard’s ear.
“Seriously, only one diamond for all the trouble she caused! You people should really pay more for this kind of work!” then she left him, standing awestruck at attention.
Lillianna traveled all around Spain searching for the headquarters of the SSA. (Spanish Spy Agency) At last she found them. She then crawled into an air duct on the far side of the building. She then found what she was looking for. The boys sleeping quarters! She leapt from the vent with a bounding leap. Then she searched around until she found Herome’s bed. She then sat and waited for Herome to come and receive his revenge!
All was silent until eight o’clock pm. The spies had just come in. Herome screamed when he saw Lillianna.
“You!” he yelled. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to get my revenge on a certain spy that caused me to be brainwashed!” said Lillianna. Then she grabbed a dagger and sprang at Herome. They fought and fought throughout the night. But by morning Herome had his dagger at Lillianna’s throat.
“Any last words little princessa?” said Herome sinisterly.
“Just let me go!” screamed Lillianna. Then Herome ran the dagger strait at Lillianna’s heart. But instead of killing her he cut of Lillianna’s necklace. Everyone watching gasped, then suddenly the necklace started glowing with an eerie blue light. The crowd just stared in awe.
Then suddenly it shot out a beam of light strait at Lillianna. Then all the color drained out of her body and into the necklace. She then fell back into Herome’s arms, her hands over her heart.
“Is she dead?” one of the spies asked. Herome checked her pulse then looked up, his face grim.
“Yes, she’s dead.” Everyone gasped. Then they took her life less body back to Germany to be buried. But no one noticed that right before she murdered herself that a small wisp of smoke came out of Lillianna and into her necklace. But they still buried her and her necklace in the shadowed wake of her castle. From then on the Queen ruled the castle alone.

Chapter 2: Possession

It had been seven years since the death of Lillianna. Hardly anyone talked about her anymore. What no one new was that their princess was still alive! Her spirit was trapped inside her necklace. The only way that she could be freed was if someone put the necklace on. She would then posses that person, remaking them into a version of her former self. She still thought of plans of vengeance against the spy Herome.
Rania was a normal peasant girl that lived of the outskirts of the castle. She had dark burgundy hair and bright blue eyes. From the stories she had heard she looked just like the former princess! One day while she was digging in her back yard she found a necklace. Its pendant was a bright blue snowflake that had a strange blue glow about it. She quickly put it on. Instantly her mind was filled with strange memories. Of a rat named Salinski, a spy named Herome, and many other strange things. Then she had a sudden realization. She was not Rania anymore. She was Princess Lillianna!
She just couldn’t come out and say she’d been possessed. Everyone would think she was crazy! She would have to tell them soon though. She couldn’t keep this secret forever.
“Rania dear, it’s time to go inside!” yelled Rania’s mother.
“Coming mother!” yelled Lillianna. He then went inside and shut the door.
“Mom, can we go to the castle tonight?” asked Lillianna.
“Sure honey, whatever you want.” answered Rania’s Mom.
“Excellent.” said Lillianna slyly.
The castle was exactly as she remembered it. The tapestries and lamps were all the same. The only difference was a picture of her by the former princesses’ gallery in the main corridor. They were being led around by a girl named Mandria.
“And over here we have the princess’s old room!” said Mandria.
When they stepped inside to Lillianna it was like stepping into a dream. Everything was exactly as it was before she had been kidnapped! Well, except for a cage in the far corner.
“Excuse me, but why is there a cage in the corner of the bedroom?” asked Lillianna.
“We were just getting to that part Rania.” said Mandria. “This was Lillianna’s pet rat. Who ever can guess his name and get him to talk to you will get to keep him forevermore!”
“I know what his name is!” screamed Lillianna at the top of her lungs.
“Well then what is it Rania?” asked Mandria.
“His name is Salinski.” said Lillianna. “And I know that because I’m not Rania at all. I’m Princess Lillianna!” The entire crowd gasped in horror. How could their princess be alive? While this was happening things started to happen to Lillianna.
She was suddenly lifted into the air by an unseen force. Her torso then stretched several feet. Her hair grew longer and her ragged clothes turned into a bright blue dress. She looked just like she did before Herome killed her!
“Lillianna!” Salinski suddenly screamed.
“Oh Salinski, I’ve missed you so much!” said Lillianna. The crowd was staring in awe at the scene unfolding before them. Then someone screamed.
“Get her!” Suddenly the entire group ran after her.
“Hurry, hide quick!” screamed Salinski.
They soon found a small ledge under a bridge. Lillianna and Salinski decided to make this their new home.

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