» Adventure » The Tale of Princess Lillianna, Robi Crusoe [fiction books to read TXT] 📗

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through the minds of the travelers. From Lillianna, mixed feeling for Herome. From Bianca, a sense of weariness about the adventures to come. From Herome, a hope of finding his true heritage. And from Damien, a vast strange feeling of danger. These feelings and more would lead them to an answer. The answer to the true intentions of the four adventurers.

Chapter 6: Haunted

Ever since she and Herome had split up Lillianna had began to feel lonelier and lonelier. Even with the companionship of Bianca she still felt emptiness in her heart.
“So where are we going now?” Lillianna asked Bianca.
“I don’t know.” answered Bianca. “My main priority is to find the boys.”
They wandered for many strenuous nights, sleeping by day. After their fourth night of traveling they came across a large forest filled with many different kinds of animals. This was not your normal kind of forest though. This was the Forest of Wickedness. It was an evil place filled with many horrible creatures to gruesome to even describe. Most people called it haunted, but it was much more than that. For in that forest lived none other then the dreaded Emerelda, the vilest witch in all of Germany. Lillianna stopped suddenly when she saw the forest.
“Bianca, do you really think that we should go in there?” she asked Bianca.
“At least it could serve as shelter.” answered Bianca. “And I think I feel a storm brewing.”
“Storm! What storm?” Lillianna screamed.
“Oh, don’t tell me!” accused Bianca. “You’re scared of storms aren’t you?”
“Maybe a little.” Lillianna confessed.
“Oh this is just great.” Bianca said. “The brave princess Lillianna is scared of storms!”
“I wish Herome was here.” Lillianna sighed. Then they quietly walked into the forest. Soon they found a large oak tree, which they used for shelter. They quickly pulled leafy branches down from it and used that as bedding.
“There, all done.” Bianca said, admiring her work. Lillianna scrambled under the hut as soon as it was finished.
“Keep it away!” she screamed.
“Lillianna calm down!” urged Bianca. “You’ll wake the animals!”
“Uh, Bianca, I think they just woke up!” Lillianna yelled, terrified. Bianca turned around and gasped in surprise. Staring at them were several pairs of large yellow eyes.
“Ahhhhh!” they both screamed. They ran far away from the glowing eyes.
“Lillianna you have got to get over your fear! You almost got us killed back there!”
“I don’t think I can!” said Lillianna nervously.
“Don’t worry.” replied Bianca. “I am an expert in psychology!”
“What in the world is psychology?” quizzed Lillianna.
“It’s the study of fears and how resolve them.” answered Bianca.
“Thank you Bianca.” replied Lillianna gratefully.
“We will start classes’ tomorrow morning.” proclaimed Bianca.
“Then and there you will learn to control your fears!”
After the episode of last night, the two girls fell into their beds made of fern and oak leaves. The next morning Lillianna was awakened by a loud shout.
“Lillianna, wake up!” screamed Bianca straight into Lillianna’s ear. “Your training starts now!”
“But Bianca, it’s almost two in the morning!” complained Lillianna.
“Yes, and there’s a storm brewing, so get up!” yelled Bianca. Then she pulled off Lillianna’s covers and dragged her out of bed.
“Come on Bianca, this is insanity!” Lillianna screamed.
“I’m not stopping till you’re completely cured of your fear of storms!” proclaimed Bianca. “You will be cured if it’s the last thing I do!”
“And I won’t let you if it’s the last thing I do!” yelled Lillianna, her hands raking the floor as Bianca tried to pull her outside. The girls fought and fought to the break of dawn, during which the storm passed, leaving the girls soaked.
“Now look what you did!” accused Bianca. “And I was just trying to help you!”
“So what if I did not need any help!” screamed Lillianna. Bianca pondered over this, and then felt sorry for what she did.
“I’m sorry for trying to help with problems that weren’t my concern.” She said softly.
“I’m sorry for refusing your help.” Confessed Lillianna. Then they hugged and made up.
“Now how about we go and find Herome and Damien!” exclaimed Bianca. “Are you with me Lillianna?”
“You bet, Bianca!” answered Lillianna. Then they skipped off into the forest, arms interlocked.
The two girls walked for several hours, and then hunger overtook them.
“Lillianna, when will we get something to eat?” groaned Bianca.
“Just bear through it, Bianca.” answered Lillianna, mildly agitated by Bianca’s rantings.
“Well get food soon, I’m starving!” complained Bianca. Then she screamed. “Look Lillianna, it’s a house!”
“In the middle of the woods?” questioned Lillianna.
“Maybe we can get some food there!” exclaimed Bianca, ignoring Lillianna’s suspicions.
“Oh, fine!” sighed Lillianna, the thought of a decent meal overwhelming her. They hurried to the front door and rapped slightly on it. They were surprised when a girl of about 14 answered.
“Oh, come in weary travelers!” she said, seemingly delighted to see them. “My name’s Emery!” Lillianna suddenly felt suspicious, though she didn’t know why.
“There’s something strangely familiar about that girl.” She whispered to Bianca, who didn’t seem to hear her. She went in, but stayed alert for anything mysterious.
They soon were sitting around a large black table, covered in food. Lillianna was cautious about what she ate, afraid that it might be poisoned. She made sure that she only ate the food that Emery ate first, knowing that if she planned to kill them she wouldn’t poison herself. Their meal was actually very good. There were hundreds of different things to choose from, ranging from roasted pig to treacle tart. After they were finished Emery led them to their sleeping quarters. Inside the rooms were gigantic four-poster beds draped with green, blue, and purple silk, two small cherry wood tables, and a large wardrobe. Bianca ran in and instantly fell asleep on one of the beds. Lillianna then sighed, and fell asleep on the other.
When they awoke they found that they were trapped in large cages suspended from the ceiling. These were hanging over a dark abyss that depth seemed to have no limits. Over on a ledge Emery was mumbling to herself, messing with a few of the many vials the laid upon the desk.
“Emery, help!” screamed Bianca.
“Well, Bianca, I can’t help you.” Replied Emery sweetly.
“Why not?” Lillianna yelled.
“Because, I put you in there in the first place!” confessed Emery.
“What!” Lillianna and Bianca gasped.
“You see, I’m not Emery at all.” She chortled. “I’m actually Emerelda, the witch of the forest of wickedness!”
“I knew there was something strange about her!” said Lillianna, who then was distracted by a soft green glow that surrounded Emery. As they watched in amazement, Emery grew several inches in height. Her clothes changed into a dark black gown, and her hair grew longer and turned a dirty grey.
“Now you see my real form!” she cackled. “As the dreaded witch, Emerelda!”
“What are you going to do to us?” whimpered Bianca.
“You’ll find out in a minute or two, peasant!” Emerelda hissed back.
“Who are you calling a peasant, you old hag!” shouted Bianca in answer. “You shouldn’t talk like that to the princess of Italy!”
“Ah, a princess, and I assume that your companion is a princess too.” Emerelda inquired. Before Lillianna could reply, Bianca answered for her.
“Yes, this is Lillianna St. Clair, princess of Germany.” Bianca said.
“Ah, a pair of princesses!” said Emerelda. “This will be more exciting then I thought!” Then she quieted down and mumbled a few more words. These words resonated through Lillianna’s mind, causing an incredible pain in her head. Bianca looked the same, clutching her head in her hands. Emerelda continued to speak, this time while stirring up a dark colored broth. She then poured it into two beakers and forced in down the two girls throats. Instantly they fell asleep, drifting off into a world of dreams.
While the two girls were sleeping, Emerelda worked hard throughout the night, mixing potions and keeping tabs on Lillianna and Bianca. Later that night she had a new potion ready. With this in hand, she walked over to the western wall of her lab. There, she quickly dabbed one drop of the potion onto each corner of the screen. Instantly, there was a bright flash that made Emerelda blink fiercely. The screen now displayed two pictures. Lillianna’s on the right and Bianca’s on the left. A couple of minutes later, the pictures turned into videos of the two girls lives. The videos stopped about two hours later. Lillianna and Bianca then awoke.
“Bianca, we need to get out of here now!” whisper Lillianna desperately.
“Ok, I’ve got a plan, but it’s going to take some time.” assured Bianca. She then started whittling at the bars with a nail file hidden in her boot. When she finished, the two girls quietly escaped.
When Emerelda found out she was furious. “I’ll get you two princesses from what you love most,” she yelled into the night. “Your dear Damien and Herome!” Then she started scheming, her head filled with thoughts of revenge!

Chapter 7: Discoveries

While all this happened to Bianca and Lillianna, Herome and Damien were elsewhere. When they split up, while fleeing the SSA, Herome and Damien went the opposite direction of their companions. They were headed for Germany, hoping to find Lillianna and Bianca there. Right now they were on a road covered in potholes, wearing only their clothes from the SSA. These in fact, happened to be holey and grimy from all the dust on the road.
“Herome, when are we going to stop, because if we don’t stop soon we will die from dehydration?” questioned Damien.
“No we are not stopping and we’re not going to die from dehydration, Damien.” answered Herome. “We have plenty of water right here.” Then Herome marched over and opened his duffle bag, in which was a various array of items. But the water bottles were not there; though Herome was sure he remembered to pack them at the SSA.
“What happened to our water!” gasped Herome, his face a mask of shock.
“I might have drunk it all before you woke up.” confessed Damien shyly.
“Damien that was our only supply of water!” yelled Herome.
“Sorry!” said Damien hastily. “Now Herome, please calm down!” A couple minutes later Herome settled down, though his face was still red as a beet. He looked towards the north and, to his surprise, he saw a shack. It was a small black building with a sign that said:
Emery’s Rest Stop
For Weary Travelers

“Come on Herome, let’s go!” beckoned Damien. So they stepped inside, not knowing of the dangers that lurked there. The inside of the shack was made up of a lot of rooms, most filled with beds and tables. Suddenly a young girl stepped out from behind the door of the first one.
“You may stay in which ever room you want, travelers!” she said with a strange glint in her eyes. “By the way, my name’s Emery. I’m the owner of this establishment.” She greeted them each with a firm handshake.
“Could we have something to eat or drink first?” asked Damien wearily.
“Why of course! Follow me” replied Emery. Then she walked over to the fridge and served them a liquid called Crystal Tea. The boys soon ate their fill, and fell sound asleep on the beds.
While the two were asleep, Emerelda, who was disguised as Emery, chained them up and put them in cages. She force fed them a potion, then dabbed a drop of it on
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