» Adventure » Running from HOME, Abbie Davis [smart books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Running from HOME, Abbie Davis [smart books to read TXT] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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    It has been a week since all of that mess and still I have those dreams and they are getting worst. Every morning I wake up to Jason, Marvin, and a nurse over me as I was freaking out. I know that they are just my senses doing this but is my wolf trying to punish me for not telling Jason about me being his mate. Maybe I should tell him when I’m nineteen or eighteen?

  This morning I woke up in Jason’s room since he had told me to sleep in there. He was over me checking my temperature out. He was thinking it was because I wasn’t feeling well but I honestly didn’t feel bad. I looked into his eyes as I stood up and took the clothes I was laid out to put on.

   I ran to the bathroom and did my morning routine. The black shirt said ‘Messing with Fire over Here’ on the front and on the back read ‘Take it you don’t know my Level’. Jason’s dad got it for me when I was first assigned to them. He was a good man and called me little Bady for my attitude toward others at first. I put on the green gym shorts and ran down to the kitchen to start my day.

   I saw Kristy talking to her ‘MATE’, she found last week and told him yesterday. They were cute together and I loved seeing them together. He even got her an upper spot in the pack and helps us all out. His name was Mark and he was also Adrian's person. I thought it was funny but he said it wasn’t. I went to them as I was being waved over. I skipped to the little weirdoes as now Mark knew my secret of my old life.

“How did you sleep?”Kristy asked sipping her cocoa.

“No dreams at all,”I said smiling,”I think the wolf is the one doing it.”

“Here comes Marvin and Jason,”Adrian said standing behind the couple.

   I turned around and there they were. Jason caught my gaze and walked over to us. Marvin was trailing behind clearly ticked by something. It must have to do with me since he is like that. They stopped in front of me as I gave a sweet smile to them.

“Your going out with us tonight,”Jason said with no tone at all,”I want to see something.”

“See you at five right?”I said with a spark in my eye.

   He nodded as Marvin stared at me. He was up to something and I don’t know what. They left as I turned to my little group as they seemed excited for me. I was almost jumping out of my skin from excitement. I was going on a hunt after eight years of staying locked in.




  I walked outside as the others were coming. I watched as they were bigger than me and I just stood there as I was the odd one out. I watched as Jason walked down with a bag full of clothes for us and something to put what we caught in. He looked at me as I tailed him all the way to the sight they hunt on. I watched as the boys looked at me like I was a new toy here.

“Howl if you get hurt,”Jason said hiding the bag,”If it is bad howl for me and only me. There will be NO messing with our dear Adere and there will be none of the weird stuff that you do.”

  Everyone nodded and turned to their wolves before running off. I looked at Jason as he motioned me to turn into mine now. I closed my eyes as the wolf was glad to come out and play. I felt my body ache as it went into the glory I was. As I ripped my old blue t-shirt I had change into I landed on all fours.

   My white fur glisten in the night sky as I shook to get the feeling of this back. My eyes had a now piercing green tint to them as I more wild looking in this form than when I’m in my human one. I looked at the spot where Jason was a black wolf taller than me by a few inches with his grey almost red eyes faced me.

   I turned around and ran for the first thing I saw move and to my delight it was a deer. I ran as my legs carried me twice as fast than when I was a human. I loved feeling the wind in my fur as I ran. I caught the deer my first try and drug the thing to the bag as I saw no one else had done that yet. Stingy little people thinking of themselves first. I put it with it and watched as Jason walked up with a rabbit. He looked at my eight point deer and almost did a double take on it. He helped me put it in the bag and I went again.


   I had gotten eight rabbits and four deer, two eights and two does. I was now looking for something I could sink my teeth in. I saw a little rabbit with a broken leg and took it out of its misery. I started to head back as I heard a twig snap near my left. I went to see what it was as a rogue went after me.

   I turned and ran the other direction as fast as I could to get away from the flaming fur I saw. I went to turn to my right and noticed she had disappear on me. I began to walk back but a sharp pain went into my back right leg. I looked to see that a male version of the one I saw had came after me.

   I let out my howl for Jason and sadly the only one I could do was one that would give away who I was. I let out the melody like sound of my mate call and hope he heard it. I laid on the ground as the male circled me like I was pery. I snapped at him as he got to close to me. I looked into his black eyes and knew he was wild.

  He went to take me out as Marvin and Jason appeared over me. Jason was standing protectively over me as Marvin circled the rouge. Jason stared at me as my vision went black then back to the regular. I looked in front of me as I saw Jason standing there in his human form with only a pair of shorts on. I looked at myself and notice that I was nude in front of him. I went to cover myself up but my leg felt like it was on fire.

  He laid a blanket on me as Marvin was fighting the rouge. Jason picked me up bridal style and began to carry me back to the house. My body was up against his bear chest as he held me close to him. I looked into his grey eyes as the darkness around me began to overwhelm me. I heard his voice gently telling me to stay awake. I looked at him as more arms went around my tiny frame and I left his arms.

“Jason,”I said as my voice didn’t want to work.

“You’re going to be alright Adere,”Alex’s voice said as the darkness went to surround me again.

“Jason,”I cried as he turned around and left me there.

   I let the darkness take me away as I heard the howls echo through the forest. I let it envelope me as the pain was taking me away.

Chapter 5

“She’s useless,”Marvin’s voice said some where near,”She couldn’t even defend herself against him.”

“It was the twins,”Jason said,”They work as if of one brian. You even had trouble fighting him away give her a break.”

   I opened my eyes as I looked out the door to see it was still dark out. In the doorway was Marvin and Jason talking about me. I looked at my leg and saw it was wrapped up nicely in a bandaid. Alex had put his name on it as if saying it was alright. I surprisingly had many names on it but the two that caught my eye was Jason’s and Marvin’s there.

  I looked at them as they were headed my way. I noticed that Kristy had put clothes on me. I stood up and ran to the window to see we were on the third floor, the one me and Jason stayed on. I opened the window up and went out of it. I heard them calling my name as I jumped down and grabbed a hold of a vine. I landed safely on the ground as my friends came to my side. I looked at them and shook my head but they did NOT take that.

“Get on my back when I change,”Alex said as he helped me run.

“We’re going with you,”Kristy said.

“We are family now Adere,”Mark said,”You can’t get rid of us.”

  They helped me to the middle of the forest before two russet wolves and a brown one came out. I got onto the brown one as they all ran toward my once home. As they neared it Alex and Mark took a hard right and I almost fell off of him.

  I tightened my grip on him as he ran us to a safe house, I hope. I had ran from the alpha and that was a big fat do NOT do. It was greatly a thing you did not want to get caught doing and with all of this going on I could die if I was caught. Marvin must be thrilled that I did this.

“Make a right up here and please don’t throw me,”I said knowing the way I had came,”There is a safe house I had found out about when I was ten.”

  He nodded and did as I had said to. As we round the corner the little cabin came into view. I had stayed here for at least three months before I found the MoonHowlers pack. I slid off as everyone took turns changing back and getting clothes out of our little suitcase.

  I head to the door and saw the small hand prints of red I had put on it. It sady was from my almost bleeding out on the way here in the run. I pushed open the door and the kind old lady was sitting there on the couch holding a picture of a kid. She looked up and came over to me with a bright smile. It was like the first time I was here.

   I had put my hands on my back and neck to see if it was bad. I was bleeding quite a bit and it was everywhere. I looked ahead and saw the cabin out here and it was in the middle of nowhere. I climbed the steps and pushed open the door as my head started to hurt. I was getting dizzy from the blood lost.

“Help,”I said as a nice lady walked up,”Please.”

  She bent over to me and lifted me

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