» Adventure » Running from HOME, Abbie Davis [smart books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Running from HOME, Abbie Davis [smart books to read TXT] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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up. She walked over to the couch and placed me on it. She went to the kitchen and came back with things to doctor me up with. She got to work as my vision started to blur a little.

“What’s your name deary?”She asked as I laid there.

“Adere,”I said closing my eyes,”Adere White.”

“Well get some rest Adere,”She said as I fell to sleep.

“Adere,”She said smiling at me,”It has been a while you know.”

“I do Mrs. Langley,”I said hugging her.

“Who are they?”She asked with a knowing look,”Did you run again?”

“Yeah, but this is Alex, Mark, and Kristy,”I said pointing to each,”They should be heading back but they refuse to leave my side.”

“Well welcome,”She said going to the kitchen,”You must be hungry from your journey here.”

  She disappeared into the kitchen as the others looked at me. I gave them my best fake smile but I knew they wanted me to explain. I took a deep breath as she came in with a tray of food for all of us. I gave her a sweet smile as she went to prepare rooms. Mrs. Langley was the best person ever and I’m not lying at that one. She told me if I needed a place to stay to come out here and she would help me out.

“Who is she and How does she know you?”Alex said.

“She was the lady that helped me,”I said rubbing my scar,”She took me in and let me stay here till I found y’all’s pack. Mrs. Langley is the nicest lady and we can stay here for a little bit.”

“Well we’ll stay here for a few weeks,”Mark said,”Then we have to keep moving. This is the…”

“Untouchable area,”I finished,”Where wolves come and can get lost. I know where we are and I know that they are looking for ME. I want y’all to stay here and let me go on the run. She can help you to stay tame and not go wild like the others do. Let me go on this by myself. I need to grow on my own now and maybe find a way through this.”




   She ran from us and didn’t even looked back. Why did she not tell me about her being my mate? I paced my room as a beautiful sound went through the air. That voice was singing again as if trying to find a way out of all of this mess. I opened the window as the song rolled through the air. She was singing Where Is Your Heart by Kelly Clarkson and it was good. It helped clearly my head from it all.

“I told you she was a little liar,”Marvin said with a grin,”She ran because she knew we had her now. Her plans were ruined and those other three are probably her little helpers.”

“Marvin, I need you to leave so I can think,”I said looking out the window as if I could see the voice,”Then we will talk about Adere.”

  He walked out as I went over to the paper she had wrote those three words on. They still didn’t make sense to me but maybe they were of her past. Only one was a little clearer now sense that whole thing with Marvin calling her a liar. I took it out and wondered about it.

Adere is a strange girl with a hard past,My dad’s voice echoed,She will talk when she is ready for it. Just don’t give up on her just yet.

“Easier said than done,”I said going to the window where the song had finished,”She is something more than a servant or a friend.”

Moonsong, Daddy Fight, the paper read as if it was a puzzle we had to figure out. Moonsong was a pack that could sing really well and her dad had died when there was a fight. I just can’t make them click together as if they were to stand out all on there on somehow. What if they were really a plan and she wanted to bail on it?

Chaoter 6

   Because of you I try to do nothing. I had lost everything because I was scared of what he would say about me being his mate. What have I done now? I waked to the roof of the cabin and sat down as I heard my mom’s voice singing one of her old songs. I let it calm me down as I was getting worked up again.

“Life is what hurts people and not what we hurt,”Alex said sitting beside me,”You know returning to your old home won’t be that bad.”

“I know but I just can’t bring myself to go back to that place,”I said hugging my knees,”I had lost to much and now can’t live without it.”

“What’s IT?”He asked holding me like an older brother would,”You can tell me Adere. I won’t judge you because of it.”

“My dad,”I said with a tear,”He died fighting to protect the Moonsong pack and I was the cause of it.”

“What do you mean by that one?”He said as I rested my head on his shoulder and began to cry.

“I was hurt during it and he faced me. He was distracted with my pian that the other challengers took that advantage to get rid of him. He was killed because I was there and I did that to him.”

“No you didn’t. You were just there to support him and they did it. Odd it’s not your fault for it.”

“But if I wasn’t there he would still be here with me and not gone for ever.”

“But then you wouldn’t have found us and Jason. We would be lost without our little Adere.”

“But then I would have been with the others and I would not be in this mess right now.”

“True but didn’t you tell us that it is about the adventure of the run that takes you away. That it was the wind flowing in your fur when you run for a new start.”


“Well where is that girl right now.”

“Heartbroken and upset.”

  He brought me close and gave me a hug as I let my eyes close as my dad’s face popped up in my head. I was going to return to the pack but not know. I just needed to stay low and regroup myself for now. I felt hands get placed on my back as we soon slid off the roof. I screamed as hands caught me before I had hit the ground.

“Don’t hurt yourself dearies,”Mrs. Langley called from inside the house,”We don’t need none of you to be hurt worst than Adere.”

“We’re good Mrs. Langley,”I called as I was set on my feet,”I just slipped and almost hit the ground. Alex had to catch me before I died.”

“Well at least you're alright,”She called as we walked inside to see everyone there,”For right now I want to see that bite.”

  I nodded and took a seat on the couch for her. She slowly unwrapped it as if it was going to explode. I watched as it soon revealed the nasty looking gash on my leg and I let my eyes almost bugged out. It wasn’t infected but it was just a huge gash. That freakin wolf has a big mouth and that is the truth.

“It was worst when you came in,”Kristy said as I looked at her,”We had to give your painkillers for the scream to stop as we tried to give you stitches for it.”

“You don’t like needles,”Mark said with a laugh,”You kicked Marvin three times as he held you down to try and get you to be still.”

“He said somethings that we are not going to repeat now,”Alex said,”But his favorite was ‘Low life wake up and stop kicking so much’. You just did it harder and we all gave up.”

“Inner wolf doesn’t like him,”I said as we laughed and Mrs. Langley did my leg up.

  I watched her move over the sore with a needle and closed my eyes as she gently gave me the stitches I needed for it to heal. I took deep breathes as my leg started to twitch from the needle. I thought of it when she did my back for the first time.

“It hurts to much,”I complained to her,”And needles hurt to much to do anything with them.”

“Adere, I’m almost done with them,”She said as my sensitive back was stinging a little bit,”I just got a few more to go then you can play.”

 She gently pushed the needle in as I jumped at how it felt to the pain I was feeling. I winced as I tried not to jump to much so she wouldn’t have to redo it.

“No complaining this time,”She teased with me.

“Wow wait this time,”Alex said,”When was the first time this had happen.”

“When I got my scars,”I answered as the needle was being pushed through my leg,”She gave me stitches and I didn’t shut up till she was done.”

“She hates needles,”Mrs. Langley said as she looked at me,”For it hurts to much.”

“I was ten and didn’t love needles,”I said looking at it,”I still don’t love them.”

“So what is the plan?”Kristy asked.

“We are going to stay here for the month then I was thinking I would go back and clear all this up before I come to get all of you,”I said standing up,”I don’t want them to hurt you for helping me when I said for you to NOT to help me.”

  They nodded as I went to the room I was staying in. I opened the door as the coloring pictures shown throughout the room. I was the joy of her life when I was here the first time. She called me little girl and treated me as I was her own girl. I smiled at it as I flopped down on the bed for the time being. I turned my Ipod to Titanium By David Guetta as I let out a sigh for the time being. I had a life that was in hate with me. I just wished life could be easier on me.

“Jason I promise I will make all of this right,”I said out loud,”I promise I will for as long as I live.”

Chapter 7

  It has been three weeks from when we had left the pack house. I was sitting in the living room as I was writing a letter to my family. I had promised Kristy I would if she had snogged Mark for about thirty minutes. She did and now I got to do this letter. I had written not very much but a good bit.

Dear Mom and family,

   Hey, this is Adere. I

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