» Adventure » Running from HOME, Abbie Davis [smart books to read TXT] 📗

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want to say that I’m sorry for the pain I had put you through over the years. I had found this pack that took me in and had treated me like I was family. They are really nice and I had found my mate in it. He is the greatest leader in the world and maybe better than Adrian. I’m alright and have been for years that I been away from. I hope you are not mad at me for doing this but I felt like I was the one that did it to him. I wish that my brother is still alright and has Mickel to look up to as an older brother. Please tell the others that I miss them all greatly and I might return one day to see all of you again. I love you all.


Adere Alicia White

I closed my pen as I looked at the letter. I had poured all I could into it without giving away where I was. I put it into the envelope as I walked into the kitchen to see Kristy still there with Mark holding her. They were making out again.

“My eyes they are burning,”I said covering them,”I’m blind now. I need help from a doctor.”

“Over react much,”Alex said taking my letter,”They been doing that for about ten minutes.”

“Get A Room!”We yelled together.

  They walked away with her sticking her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes as it was the full moon tonight and there would be mating howls going off tonight. See we can mate during the full moon once a month and we could only use that howl for finding our mates.

  I walked with Alex outside as the moon was about to shine high in the sky. It was the wonderful December moon and my birthday was next week. I loved the snow that was falling down to the earth and covered the forest floor. I let the inner wolf wonder around as she loved this weather like me.

“We will mail this today and hopefully it will get to them by your birthday,”Alex said as I watched the snow fall down,”That would be a good Christmas present for them.”

“Yeah it would,”I said thinking of Jason,”I need to write one for him to.”

“That would be nice,”Alex said putting it into the mailbox,”He would like that.”

“Then let me go and get started with it,”I said heading back to the house.

  As I was about to walk in a howl caught my ears. I froze in that spot as I couldn’t control my actions now. The wolf had the control of me since that was Jason’s mating howl he had used. I closed my eyes as I was about to howl for him but Alex covered my mouth. I started to thrash around as I wanted to get free from his grip.

  I started to squirm till I was free from it. I looked at the direction it came from and started to run to it. I looked ahead as I saw the Flaming twins fur shining ahead. I went to jump over them as Alex had grabbed a hold of me. We both went down to the ground as the twins ran the other direction from us.

  I rolled on my back as Alex had me pinned down to the ground. He looked at me and I didn’t want to let him won this one. I tried to fight him off but nothing worked and I couldn’t get him off of me. I went to howl as he put his hand on my mouth again. Mistake my dear friend. I rolled out from under him and began to run again.

“Adere you got to use your head,”He said tackling me again,”If you go now then what about the rest of us? What about Mrs. Langley? What about your dad?”

“But Jason needs me,”I said struggling again,”He needs to be happy and he needs me to love him.”

“That’s the wolf talking,”Alex said as I got free,”We need our Adere back.”

“But Jason needs me right now,”I whinned as he was blocking my way,”He needs me right now and you are NOT going to stop me from getting to him.”

“Sorry for this,”He said as I let my howl go and my head hit a rock.

  I fell into someone’s arms as everything went black but I could hear the person running somewhere. In the background was a howl that made my heart ache to answer for. I slipped into a daydream that made my heart happy to think of.

  I was sitting there with the one person I needed right now. He was there holding me as we were watching the little ones playing in the sun. I was holding our new baby girl that we had about a month ago. She slept in my hands as a little princess. She was a sweet little girl and like the other two she was a darling.

“She has your eyes,”Jason said into my ear,”She is just as lovely as you.”

“No that would be you Jason,”I said as I watched the other two playing,”They are all like you.”

“But they have your heart and bright mind,”He said kissing my neck as I rocked the bady girl,”They are the people I will hold when you are gone and the ones I will hold close when you are not here.”

“I love you Jason,”I said as it all began to go away.

   I shot up in a cold sweet and my body was get hot. No I can’t be in that. I looked around as I noticed I was in my room of the cabin. There in the corner sat Alex as he looked at me. I looked out the window to see the sun was high in the sky.

   I looked at Alex as he sat on the bed beside me. His arms wrapped around my small figure as I was still burning up. He had a cold rag to help me out a little bit. I couldn’t be in heat right now. This is messed up and it needs to end right now.

“I had to knock you out Adere,”He said dabbing my head with the rag,”It was to strong for me to talk you out of it. Your wolf is stronger and smarter than me.”

“Sorry if I had hurt you,”I said as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes,”I just didn’t know she was like that or wanted him that bad. Thanks.”

“Your welcome,”He said handing me the paper,”How about you right that letter to him now.”

  I nodded as he left me in the room. I took a deep breathe as the cold air from the window hit my warm body. It felt nice and I knew what I wanted to say to him in that letter. I took out my pen and went to begin with it.

Dear Jason Mason Walker,

   Sorry for not telling you about me being your mate. I was just scare about what everyone else would think. I just didn’t know how you would have handle it and now I feel worst about it. I know there are something you might be thinking of now but please don’t take it out on the others here with me. I told them not to help me but they did anyways. I really meant that you are loved part a few weeks back and I still mean it. Jason I know that you might not believe me but you are the one I love. I wished you were here to comfort me right now and last night I think I was just being a little drugged by it all. I will keep in touch but in my own way. Stay strong my Alpha.

Love and forever yours,


I folded it nicely up and put it away in its envelope. I walked over to my window and looked outside. No one was there and it was a nice day out. My leg was better and I wasn’t hurt from last night by Alex.

  I closed my eyes and grabbed my black jacket. I went through the window and landed on the ground very gracefully. I began to run the direction in which I was headed last night. I know leaving them without any instruction or where I was going is wrong but I have to do this. I looked at the sky as the blood in my body started to pump rapidly as I ran. There’s no turning back now.

Chapter 8



   I sat in my room looking out the window for the hope I would see Adere come running back. After I heard her howl back I knew there was still a hope she would came back to me. I turned away as Marvin walked in holding a letter up from the Moonsong pack. I had written them about two weeks ago to see if they could put the words together.

  I took the letter from him as I was hoping it would prove to Marvin she was not against us. I opened it up slowly as I heard footsteps and people yelling out the words ‘Stop her’. I looked at Marvin as I continued to open it up. I took it out and read:


  We can’t help you much if we don’t know who this Adere is. We had one of our own that run away after she lost her dad in a fight. If that is what this one means by any of that we would be glad to know about it. Please write to us if she does.

Adrian Morris

That hardly helps with it. I closed it up as I saw Marvin get stiff as a small figure stood at the door. He was leaning on it as if he was making fun of the my Girl.

“What do you want sir?”I asked throwing the letter on my bed,”Please don’t stand like that. It reminds me of someone who use to be the one I depend on.”

“You depended on me,”Her voice said as the hooded figure kept his head down,”I thought I was just someone who didn’t matter.”

“What do you mean?”I asked as Marvin went around the figure.

“I mean that I never thought you would have depended on me like that,”The figure said as Marvin snuck up on him/her,”I thought I was just someone that was suppose to be there for your every need like a servant girl.”

  Marvin ripped away the hood and there stood my Girl. She had the nicest look in her eyes like she did every Christmas. I looked at her as Marvin took hold of her. He looked at me as I made my way near her. She held out a piece of paper that I took. That was when the lights went out and she disappeared on me. I opened the letter and read every word of it. When I finished there was a few words she had written on the front of it.

Meet me in the spot you first found me.

  I looked at the door and started to run to the forest. My dad and I found her in there under a pine tree and he took her in. I had that memory in my mind since that day and I would never forget it. She was

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