» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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Chapter 105


I was thankful for Adrian's gentle but firm hand around my waist, keeping my mind in the present. I appreciated the gesture more than he could ever know, it helping to keep me grounded."Thank you," I whispered as we made our way inside.He grinned. "For breaking his hand?" I shrugged. "He deserved it.""I know," I muttered, looking around.I was surprised to find that nothing had changed, but as the rest of the familiar pack came into view and began to introduce themselves they seemed stunned and taken aback when Adrian refused to let them talk to me. Did they really not know it was me?I knew appearance wise I looked completely different. I wasn't so thin that you could see my skin and bones, and I being pregnant with my mate’s child gave me a certain glow according to everyone else. Personally I didn't see it, but I didn't doubt that they were telling the truth.But my scent…they should recognize it shouldn't they?Or did I mate with Adrian alter that? I smelt mostly of him now, my original scent almost non—existent now. Was that the only reason they appeared so friendly, because they didn't know who they were being friendly to?It was almost serial being back here and not being constantly put down. I  must have tensed or breathed too unevenly for Adrian's liking as he pulled me closer against him, burying his nose against my neck and laying one of his large hands against my stomach in what I knew to be a protective manner."Are you ok, Sweetheart?"I nodded. I figured I was doing alright, I hadn't broken down in tears so that had to be something, right?"What's next?" I wondered out loud."Usually, I would go speak with the Alpha on my own, but I am not about to leave you unprotected with these…" he sneered, "…people."Those who heard looked shocked to their core at how he was speaking to them, probably asking themselves what they had done to offend him in such a way. It seemed they had no idea that they were acting as if nothing happened to the male alpha who was my mate, my other half and protector. Of course he wasn't going to like them, they made my life hell!  What did they expect?My brother cleared his throat. "I am sure the girls can keep your mate company. They will take good care of her, of that I can promise you."I stiffened uncomfortable, shifting on my feet as he gestured to a group of highly primed females. Clearly word hadn't got out yet that Adrian was no longer single, but mated with a child on the way, since it looked like all the single females had dolled themselves up for his visit. He was mine!"She will not be leaving my side," Adrian told him bluntly. "I have more than a few words I need to get off my chest, but let us start with the cars in the driveway shall we?"The current alpha cleared his throat uncomfortably. "What about them?""You ask me for help, advice if you will, and yet even with your financial difficulties outwardly you do not appear that hard done by."Charlie frowned. "I—I don't understand."I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying his discomfort just a little bit; it was nothing short of what he deserved. I didn't see myself as a vengeful person by nature, but this was the flesh and blood that had tormented me instead of protected me."The sports cars out—front, they are yours?"He nodded, sighing in understanding. "We don't want to appear weak—""You never came across as strong," Adrian cut him off causing the entire pack to wince. "You have your guard down. You are recklessly spending money. We came in here without being checked or identified and expect me to leave my mate with you unguarded? Do you have no respect, or are you just stupid?""The fact we like nice cars—""Which you can't afford."He got a scoff in return. "And you can? I saw what you came in, second hand?"Were they really arguing about cars? Adrian's nostrils flared and I saw Ryan along with the rest of the pack cringe out of the corner of my eye. Clearly everyone else had caught onto the fact that my mate wasn't one to be taunted, or criticised by how he ran his pack. To say something that could be applied as such to a powerful alpha was a big no. Even I knew that. He would fight back; he had more reason to than anyone in this room right now."My pack isn't struggling to look after themselves. My pack doesn't have financial difficulties. My pack cares for each other enough not to be falling apart at the seams!" he snarled."Hey! We look after our own!" my brother defended and that seemed to be the final straw, since the next thing I knew I was gently pushed into Ryan's and Jake’s arms as he grabbed Charlie by the neck and threw him outside before shifting much to my old packs horror. They didn't stand a chance.


Chapter 106

Holly's Pov

Standing on the side—lines I watched in fascinated horror as Adrian had my so—called brother by the throat, tossing his wolf form back and forth as if he was a rag—doll. I felt conflicted. On one side shouldn't I have felt some kind of sadness or horror for my blood relative? Because I could honestly say I didn't. In fact, I could go as far as to say that I was pleased that Adrian was protecting me, that he cared enough to do so.It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside."You ok?"Hearing Ryan's concern I chewed my bottom lip. Was I ok? I felt fine, apart from the slight worry I felt towards my mate who may get injured, even if it was clear to everyone that my brother wasn't a match in the slightest.  "Why are they just letting their alpha get attacked?" I couldn't help but ask.Shouldn't they be trying to step in instead of just standing there gaping in fear? Ryan shook his head. "It wouldn't be considered a good tactical move on their part considering the circumstances. They are asking us for help, Adrian has every right to attack however he feels like without consequence. The pack may not know the reason why just yet, but their wolves are instinctively telling them not to get involved if they want to survive. Fight or flight instincts."Oh."Will he kill him?"Not that I was concerned for my brothers well—being, but rather the impact it would have if Adrian did in fact kill him. Would that mean someone else would have to step up as alpha and fight, or could it be avoided? Ryan smiled sadly. "I can't get involved, Holly. It's Adrian's decision, but if I was going to put money on what he planned to do I don't think death is his intention. Adrian will beat him up pretty bad, but if he wanted him dead he would have been killed already."Biting my lip I fidgeted around the side, already taking note of the fact the rest of my pack seemed to be positioned around me. They were protecting the alphas mate and unborn child.It was nice."Stop it!"Hearing a screech like cry everyone snapped their heads towards the right where a bleach blonde female stood with her hands clenched into fists, a scowl on her face as she stared at my mate in disgust. I frowned, not liking the way she was looking at my soul—mate."You have no right!"I flushed about ten shades of red when  Adrian suddenly phased as naked as the day he was born and stormed over towards her. She flinched as he got into her face, which I knew must have been threatening on all accounts considering he literally towered over her."And who the hell are you?" he demanded. She whimpered, shaking in fear even as she tried to hold her head up high. I couldn't help but think it was naively stupid of her. "You just come in here and attack our alpha, I thought you were here to help us!" she bravely shouted. Adrian snarled long and low. "That was before it came to my attention what a pathetically vile pack you are, not only abandoning your own but to go as far as to abuse them as well! It's disgusting, and if you think I'll be your knight in shining armour then you have another thing coming!"An unfamiliar face stepped forward nervously, frowning at Adrian's comment. "We haven't abandoned any of our pack. It's frowned upon."My mate quirked a brow. "Does the name Holly Woods mean anything to you?"Silence."Yea, I was told she took off when her brother, the alpha, tried to make a decision for her well—being and she reacted violently. Right, John?" the bloke turned to face who I knew to be the beta of my old pack. He didn't look so cocky now."Right John?" the unknown wolf repeated."Yes," I winced at his lie. You could literally smell the deceit flowing off him in waves. "She was the one to abandon us." I guess they were partly right, I did leave them after all. Adrian's eyes flashed as I shifted uneasily on my feet. "Really now? Because my mate says otherwise, and if you think I'm going to believe your word over hers then you are more naïve and stupid than I first thought." I cringed when everyone looked in my direction, hating to be the centre of attention. Not to mention I was struggling to keep my eyes on Adrian's face while he was standing there in the nude seemingly without a care in the world.I didn't like how the unmated females were staring at him, nor me when they realized he wasn't single but already happily mated and taken. He was mine!"What would she know about it?" I heard my brother cough up blood as he pulled himself painfully up into a sitting position. He looked like crap and I couldn't help but feel good about watching him suffer. So what if that made me a bad person, he had caused me more than enough pain before I had met my soul—mate for me to be able to enjoy his agony with a guilt—free conscience.Adrian's upper lip curved back in a snarl, anger flashing through his already blackening eyes as he stared at the betas of my own pack with barely restrained fury. "This is what is going to

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