» Adventure » My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗

Book online «My Savior Alpha, Jessie Marie [book recommendations website .txt] 📗». Author Jessie Marie

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chapter 107

You are all going to accept the fact that you are no longer in any position to make demands. You are no longer a beta.""But—""Enough! You made the mistake of calling me over here for help but if you were under any impression that you would keep any authority then you were sadly mistaken. I own you! That gorgeous woman over there who you cast aside is your superior as far as I am concerned, all of my pack are."I flushed at the compliment, but took a tiny step towards Ryan when I took in the fury on my old packs’ faces along with the shock when it finally clicked that I was the same girl they had abused and mistreated. I wasn't surprised that they had taken this long to recognize me; I looked nothing like I had before.I was happy. I was healthy. And most importantly I wasn't alone.  Holly's Pov  The next few days were uneasy when it came to Adrian setting the boundaries for my old pack, informing them in strict instructions what they could and couldn't do. After the fight with my brother he had immediately checked that both I and his cub were ok, his ear pressed against my stomach and his fingers caressing the barely—there bump.It had been adorable enough that I hadn't been able to help but giggle.He had been worried which was understandable, guilty for bringing me to a place I had struggled so hard with running away from. Things had changed though; I now had a mate, a baby, and a family in a new pack I adored. I had a home.  My old pack had lost all of their privileges, including the parents who had allowed what had happened to occur right under their noses despite the fact they should have known better. Signally out any pack member for any reason never turned out a good thing. There was a reason it was frowned upon. They had tried to claim that they had known nothing, selling their own children down the river in an attempt to keep the life they had grown accustomed to. It hadn't worked, Adrian and Ryan having seen right through it. Now under a new and stricter leadership the pack was already doing better, enough so that the members of the pack that had previously been forced to do the more labourer jobs had quickly become the foundation of a new start. The people who had been most important to keep the pack going for as long as it had been those who were most neglected. That had changed. I hadn't wanted anything to do with it. It was a great opportunity for Adrian to gain not only territorially but financially as well without having to resort to killing the alpha for the right to lay claim, not when it had been gifted to him. I, however, wanted nothing to do with the people who had hurt me. Some had come to seek out my forgiveness but it felt fake, desperate on their part. I hadn't liked it. Much to my relief Adrian also hadn't demanded to move into my previous childhood home which had been the property dedicated to meetings regarding my old pack. I had lived there, it didn't exactly bring back positive memories. He hadn't even suggested it and I loved him all the more because of it. I smiled when I heard the bedroom door open before clicking shut, the bed tipping a few seconds later before warm fingers gently brushed my hair from my face. "Holly? You  awake yet sweetheart?"Rolling over onto my back my face lit up when I caught sight of my handsome mate, his expression a picture of sweetness and gentle love. It was still hard to believe that I had gotten as lucky as I had. He was a strong mate, a good provider, and was gentle enough that my wolf absolutely adored him."Did you make me breakfast?" I could smell eggs. Adrian's smile lit up his face. "I did. The meeting went well and everyone's eager to take you shopping."I wrinkled my nose but didn't object. I did squeal loudly when I was suddenly tugged into Adrian's lap, my smile huge as I immediately moved to nuzzle his neck, breathing in his scent before melting against him all in the space of a few seconds. Feeling his arms move to wrap around my waist I purred, "how is the pack taking the change in leadership?" I murmured curiously."Surprisingly well," Adrian commented. "The only wolves that are objecting are those who have had their rights and positions stripped. It is clear that they are the cause of why the pack was going so downhill. I took a look at their spending – they spent the majority of the packs’ earnings on flash cars and other crap."I winced at his language. "What you're doing is a good thing.""I should be killing them all, not helping them." His grip around me tightened, "They hurt you.""Not all of them. Most turned a blind eye but when my brother was a power—hungry tyrant and had everyone following his orders to the letter it isn't a surprise that they kept their mouths shut.""They didn't just keep their mouths shut though, Holly. They ignored you, ignored the fact one of their pack mates was in pain."



Chapter 108

I shrugged, not wanting to talk about it anymore. The next few hours I adored, Adrian staying in bed with me as kissed and loved me in the most intimate manner that two soul mates could. It was beautiful. Making love to Adrian had always, and would always be a special and rememberable thing. I had waited until I found the man of my dreams and I didn't regret it in the slightest. He was mine as much as I was his. The next time I woke up Adrian was still snoring softly beside me, his eyes closed and face relaxed. He looked so innocent, so incapable of the danger and skill I knew he was capable of. My wolf purred at the reminder, the memory of him attacking my brother something that made me glow inside. I  snuggled closer against him, desperate for the touch. Even in his sleep Adrian must have realized my desire, his arms shifting to pull me tightly against him as he breathed against my neck, the warm puff of air making me giggle before I snuggled in even closer. It felt like heaven. Warm, soft and cosy. I may not have predicted this kind of future for myself when I had first run away, having expected and wanted everything to end right there and then against the freezing snow in the middle of the woods. But as I looked at my life now, looked at what I now couldn't live without, I knew I would forever be thankful for not dying in the snow alone, but belonging to a pack, a family I knew wouldn't mistreat me as I wouldn't mistreat them. Pack was home. TWO YEARS LATER "Mumma! Mumma!"  I smiled brightly as I rushed outside at the sound of my pups excited cry, Adrian having taken him out for his first run in the woods along with Ryan and Paul, the pair coming out grinning as my son barely managed to run towards me without stumbling over his own two feet in his excitement, Adrian keeping close just in case he fell. Bending down I smiled as he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck, snorting against my neck. "Hello baby, did you have a nice run?"It had been nerve—wracking letting my prince out of my sight for even a few minutes let alone more than an hour, but Adrian had been eager to see how his son acted in wolf form and I hadn't had the heart to say no, not when I knew my mate would never let anything happen to Sam. Seeing my mate interact around his son was just amazing, my wolf purring in delight at the bonding as it happened in front of me. I would have gone with them but Sam needed some time to be with his father without me near. Sam did worry about me despite his age. It was sweet, but he needed to be able to let go and have fun once and a while."Good!"I smiled brighter, glancing up where a slightly sweaty Adrian was watching with a fond expression. "How was he?""Fast little shit!" Paul laughed before apologising when both I and Adrian shot him a look for his language. "Sorry, but he was!"I looked at my mate as I swept a tired Sam into my arms, "was he?"Running a hand through his hair Adrian nodded. "Caught sight of a rabbit and took off like a bat outta hell. You won't be doing that again will you, son?"Sam immediately looked sheepish, shaking his head rapidly against my shoulder before rubbing his nose against my neck, scenting me. Within minutes he was snoring gently, a sound so familiar to his father that it made my heart melt. Life really was perfect. We had returned home before I had given birth to Sam which had been a relief in itself. Adrian had worked his magic on the pack and made sure to make regular trips in order to double check that each one of his orders and instructions was being obeyed to the letter. He didn't put in all that hard work just to walk away and allow things to go back to the way they had been. What had been a slight shock was when it came about that my brother and the pacts’ previous alpha has deserted them by running away without so much as a word to any of his previous friends, escaping across the borders without looking back. Paul didn't think he would last. He was too cocky to be sympathetically taken in by another pack and stupid enough that he would easily get himself killed by angering the wrong person. Adrian and Ryan agreed. Lying in bed with Adrian as Sam spelled in the middle, occasionally growing and grunting in his sleep as he dreamt of chasing rabbits, it was impossible not to admit how good of a life I had it. I had gotten lucky."Try and gets some sleep, sweetheart," Adrian purred sleepily.Snuggling closer I smiled, breathing in the familiar scents of my cub and mate before finally managing to drift off

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