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Book online «THE ENEMY, Guillaume Mwamba [cat reading book TXT] 📗». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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She has her cousin by the name of Hannah who is older than her and she is an agent too just like her father. Her full name is Hannah Miles, I thought. Claire Francine reaches her father’s giant office and went straight in. “Father, did you summon me?” Claire asked. “Yes, Claire—I did. Just take a good look at this!” Director Francine answered.

“Let me see? What? You have found the ancient Empire of Gold?” Francine amazed. “Yes, I did—but it has a special key. Chief Suma of Zambezi is guarding it, yet he just departed this morning. Because villagers are claiming him to have the key of the Empire of Gold within the golden mining of Zambezi,” Director Francine marveled. “Yes, we are going to be rich with all those riches and wealth, nobody will be able to stop us,” Francine squealed. “Of course, and the ceremony of Chief Suma’s burial it’s going to occur this afternoon.” He said. “Brilliant, since now I took the golden mining by force, taking the special key from those savages will easy. Henceforth, Claire, I want you to convinced Agent Mvuela. Tell him that the people of Zambezi’s golden mining is in a big threat.” He grimaced.





Then pleaded him to come along with you. After you have convinced him to come with you because he’d been suspicious about how I’ve been behaving lately. I that he loved you. And you loved him deeply, but do this for my sake and I promise you will be in never-ending luxury,” Director Francine cackled. “Alright, father I will do it. If it is killing him to make you the richest man in the world, I will do it.

   Even though you commanded me to kill him in his sleep, I will do it,” Francine replied. “Good—that’s very good my daughter. You see that’s why I loved you. You are the most precious person to me. If anything—if anything happens to you, I don’t know what will I do,” Director Francine said.

   “Er—thank you father and I know that you loved me. So back to the plan, what will I do with Agent Mvuela?” Claire asked.

   “Hum—um, well—after Agent Mvuela agreed to come with you, attack him while he is asleep.

   Knocked him out to the ground, as he watches you betraying him.

   Command Demond and his twin younger brother Patience to tie him.” Lucien said.

  “I got it. What about Gideon? How will I convinced him to betray, Mvuela?” Francine suggested.

  “Er—I believe Gideon is on our side already. Though he acted like he admired Agent Mvuela, he is jealous of him inside.

   Well, back to the plan after Demond and Patience tied Mvuela, knocked him powerful to be unconscious.

   After he is unconscious, drop him into the depth of the river for his remains to be eaten by sharks or crocodiles.” Director Francine snickered.

  “Got it but who are Demond and Patience?” Claire asked.

  “We are—Agent Francine, nice to meet ya,” both responded. Claire Francine towards the voices.

  “Um, er—nice meeting you too Agents,” Francine said. Thank you and what would you like us to do?” Demond asked.

  “Hum, I bet you’d know Agent Mvuela’s room—don’t you?” Francine wondered.

  “We do Miss Francine,” Patience answered. What do you want us to do?” Demond asked.

  “Er—I want you to go to his room, pick his huge bag of clothes, and put it into the ship.

  Because boys wish me luck, for I got an Agent to convince to come with us for my father’s sake,” Francine signed.

   Right away, Miss Francine,” Demond agreed. After this, both men dash as quickly as their feet would carry them.

  Coming out with my huge bag of clothes, and ran with it towards the river deck backyard.

  Following them putting my huge bag on the ship, Francine bid farewell to her father.

  Returning from her father and was wondering what will she said to convinced me to go with her to the Zambezi. “Howdy, Mvuela, I think I need your help?” Said, Miss. Francine.

  “Well, CIA Director, my father has sent me to investigate the threat of the golden mining in the Zambezi.

  Henceforth, I was hoping since I don’t know their native language—you would—you would help me translate and help investigate.

  What do you say?” Francine pleaded. “Ugh, Francine, what am I going to do with?

  And no can do—I am not going to help you. By the way—by what transportation we are going on?” I asked.

  “By a ship. Come on, Mvuela, please?” Francine pleaded. “Nah, I cannot go by ship,” I insisted.

“Mvuela, you can’t be serious—can you?”  Miss Francine blicked. “What did I do now? Oh, Mon Dieu.

  Quel genre de problème c'est ceci?” I whined. “What is that French you spoke?

And what does it means?” Francine asked. Yes, it is French. And it means—oh my God.

   “What kind of problem is this? Happy? Now I need to focus on my work. Obviously can you please excuse me?” I said.

   Turning around since I didn’t have much to do, and was typing my novel book.

   “I can’t believe this Mvuela, you are really afraid of the water, are you?

   Ha-ha, hey, Gideon—Gideon!” Called Francine. “What Francine? And I am on my way!” Gideon replied.

   “Hurry! Because you need to hear this!” Francine shouted.

   Gideon McCain stops doing what he was doing and came to hear what Francine will tell him.

  Gideon had deep feelings for Claire Francine, but he doesn’t know that Francine loved me.

   ‘Oh boy, here comes troubles that I wouldn’t want to expect.

   Francine always makes up things to make me goes with her to Africa.

  Sometimes I feel like she is just using me and soon or later she and her father are going to betray me,’ I thought.

   Gideon McCain dashed as his feet would carry him as he arrived before Claire Francine.

  Additionally, both of them are from England, henceforth, I always heard them speaking British.

   “Yeah, what is it—Francine?” Gideon panted. “Can you believe that Mvuela here is afraid of the water?” Francine puzzled.

  “What? Mvuela? Afraid of the water?” Gideon amazed. “Yup, he is—!” Francine replied.

   “No way! I always know Mvuela to be the best shooter and a highly skillful DIA to engage in Martial Arts combat.

   So—sorry, Francine. I don’t believe you,” Gideon scoffed.

 ‘Goodness-gracious, at least I have someone who believes in me or not,’ I wondered.

Alright, Francine, I will come with you by ship to prove to you that I am not scared of the little water splash.

   You know when I was growing up, I use to be afraid of the water, but not anymore,” I signed.

   “Yay! Then it is decided. And I believe all of your clothes packed already—isn’t it?” Francine asked.

 “Of course, and why?” I asked. “Because I order my two bodyguards to pack your suitcase of clothes,” Francine answered.

   “What? You can be serious? We are leaving today?” I asked. “Yes.” She added.

What? How? And I have not packed my weapons yet?” I said. Who cares about your weapons?

   I told Gideon just told me that you are the best at Martials Arts combat? Why do you need your weapons?” Francine asked.

   ‘Um, this is getting weird—and weirder by the hour. But anyhow Francine doesn’t know that I have already packed my weapons into that huge case.

   So whatever mischievous pranks they are going to play on me, I will open fire at them, hahaha.

   Furthermore, I have my revolver hidden in my belt under my shirt.




"...After that, we are going north to meet my father because I have an email message saying—‘he had finally found the ancient key of the Empire of Gold. “Yippee, we will be rich boys, except Mvuela, or else he will be suspicious about us, and remember boys don’t forget!” Claire said. Diamond and his twin younger brother nod. All three of them hit the backyard deck of the river and discovered themselves climbing aboard. “Thank—goodness, it’s about time you arrived, Claire. What’s kept you late?” I snapped.

   “So—sorry, Mvuela, for keeping you waiting. So are you boys ready?” Claire asked. 

  “You bet!” We said.  With the captain of the ship switching the engine which roars into an explosion sound.

  We lately discovered ourselves hitting the watery road to the Zambezi.

  “Boohoo, Zambezi here we come!” I shouted. As the salty water splash on my face making Claire and the others laugh at me. I just look at Claire with a grin as she stared back at me for the longest time.  After that, she looked away with a sad expression into the far distance of many salty glasses of water.

‘I am so—sorry, Mvuela, my love for you is so deep, but I need to sacrifice this for father and I want to be rich.

   And I believe you love me too, thought Claire. Well, of course, I was deep in love with her at the point I couldn’t have the strength to hold it any longer.

   “Claire?” I called. “Yes, Mvuela? What it is?” Asked Claire.

  “I have something to tell you. Agents, can you please excuse us?

  This is between me and Claire, please?” I pleaded. All three of them smirk viciously.

  “Well, since all of them are gone, what is it that you want to say to me?” Claire shouted.

  “Whoa—whoa, just calm down, Claire, it’s will be quick.

  Well—well, I just want to tell you that I really—loved you! There are you happy?” I said.

  Claire Francine’s eyes widen in disbelieve. “Well, that’s—that’s good, Mvuela,” Claire gulped.

  “Uh, are you okay, Claire?” I asked. “Uh-um, yes—yes, I am fine.

  It’s just that I was about to tell you about having feelings for you.

  I have the feelings for first sight.” Claire confessed.

  “Phew, it feels good to take out the feelings you've been holding for the longest time.

  Isn’t it that right, Claire?” I murmured. “Yeah, I believe that is the truth but if you excuse me.

  I need to go to bed early,” Claire said. “Of course, see you this night,” I said.

  Claire walked towards the downstairs of the huge ship, while I remained alone staring into that even sky.

  I stare at my watch and I discovered it to be seven o’clock.

  ‘What? We are already in the Zambezi, but we spent only thirteen hours in the watery passway.

  Um, oh well, it doesn’t matter because I can’t wait to meet the people of Zambezi this night, I wondered.

  Entering the exit of the ship’s deck and rushed downstairs always to my room.

  As I enter the room, the suitcase of my clothes was already there.

  Um, oh well, it doesn’t matter because I can’t wait to meet the people of Zambezi this night, I wondered.

  Entering the exit of the ship’s deck and rushed downstairs always to my room.

  As I enter the room, the suitcase of my clothes was already there.


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