» Bibles » ENCOUNTER, Guillaume Mwamba [ereader iphone .txt] 📗

Book online «ENCOUNTER, Guillaume Mwamba [ereader iphone .txt] 📗». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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Two high school girls were interested in this one guy by the name of Jonas Crosswell. Yet this young boy was in love with another Christian gorgeous girl by the name of Elizabeth Counter. Eliza, in short, was faithful and so precious to God. Andriana and Bridget, the two girls, treat her to stay away from Jonas even at the point they hurt her so terribly. Making her go into the emergency. Is the mysterious man as the detective solved the case?  

Truly this short letter that I am writing came from Jesus comes to me every day to write down. 

I am not writing to boast myself or lift myself like I know everything, but I write this down when I am guided by the Holy Ghost of the Lord. If I wrote these words in vain or without being filled by His Holy Spirit, I would not go any further.  

Henceforth these are the words which came from Him saying, "My faithful son, and prophet, I have another story that I need you to write down. Tell my bride the church, that in this world ye shall have tribulation before I come to take you home. If the world hates you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 

If ye were of the world, the world would love it own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. They shall take you to the afflictions and persecuted you and ye shall be hated by all nations.  

And believe me, this will truly will come to pass because ye shall face harder pressures such the world never sees. Tell my bride the church to be faithful in me for I shall pour more grace and mercy into the world for the lost wandering sheep to come back to me. I AM the Lord God Almighty, and I do not lie truly my word shall come to pass. 

Tell my bride the church that the son of prediction is about to reveal for the whole earth to see. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. And the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn. And they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 

Amen Jesus thank you for your word and for choosing me as the author and your prophet of this book encounter. As long as I liveth I wholly sacrifice unto you, to serve you and author the stories which you give me every day. I wholly want to preach your Gospel to this forgotten and ungodly generations and unto Thy lost flocks to come back to You. 

Oh, Lord God Almighty, I believe in You, and you know my heart because I am not writing this book to entertain myself. Yet to spread Thy truth in every part and corner of the world. I am writing these stories for your glory, to start the book titled Fallen including this book, all this is for your Great Name, Jesus. 

I am always overwhelmed by your presence when I write these stories or the word which come from Yours, Jesus. Lord Jesus, I wholly surrounded unto You take control for me to writes these books for Your glory till my last breath. Hallelujah-Amen peace.  

It was Friday morning, a young boy by the name of Jonas Crosswell, usually read his Holy Bible. Henceforth he was reading the Word of God quietly when the go discontinued by Elizabeth Counter. Both are high school students and Jonas loved Eliza, in short, very much and she loved him back very deeply.  

"Morning, Jonas, it seems like you are reading the Word of God, huh?" Elizabeth asked. 

"Usually, and what are you doing?" Jonas asked her back. 

"Well, going that way and this way," Eliza replied. 

"So, you are a wonder, huh, Elizabeth?" He informed.  

"Wonder, I am not-I just love to chat with my favorite best friend," Elizabeth said. 

"Your favorite friend you said?" Jonas asked.  

"Of course," she repeated. 

When Jonas was about to say something, he was limited by Andriana and Bridget. 

"Well-well-well, what do we have here if it isn't Elizabeth sitting with Jonas? And how much time do I have to tell you to leave Jonas alone? Are you wishing for your death bed?" Andriana snapped. 

"Yeah, Elizabeth, you heard her!" Bridget snapped at her too.  

"I am not afraid of you girls and why do you want me to leave Jonas alone?" Elizabeth asked. 

After she stood up, said goodbye to Jonas, and walked away to her first-period class. To where Andriana and Bridget were left behind, were overwhelmed with hatred and anger against her. Jonas stares at Elizabeth as she enters their school campus' building and is out of sight inside.  

"Um, hi Jonas, how are you doing today? You what just forget about here because I am here," Andriana answered. 

"Ah, sorry, as you can see, I have to go to class because the bell is about to ring," Jonas stammered and walked away. 

"Jonas, Jonas, please wait, wait for us!" Andriana called, but he could not stop waiting for them.  

Andriana was wrathful with Elizabeth Counter.  

"You dare did this to me, Elizabeth? Gr, I shall surely deal with you. You shall surely pay for this insult!" Andriana snapped anxiously aloud in thought. 

Soon the two girls walked up to their classes, but Bridget felt something in her heart. I was like guiltiness tangling in her gut, yet she told Jonas about it. Around three o'clock the bell rang, where Bridget met Jonas and told him that Elizabeth is in great danger. 

Elizabeth and the others school students were surrounded by thick forests. Moreover, Elizabeth Counter was heading home that afternoon. As she goes further away, a mysterious man appeared behind her who was smiling at her. 

On her way home, she confronts Andriana and two of her girls, yet Bridget was nowhere to be found. Her best friends were Lisa and Peninah.  

"Andrianna, Lisa, and Peninah, why are you blocking my path?" Elizabeth asked. 

"You are asking us why? Girls beat and teach her a lesson of her life!" Andriana commanded. 

"Andriana, what’s the meaning of, ah!" Eliza squealed. 

Elizabeth grunts and groans, as the girls, jump on her and begin beating her up. Andriana joined Lisa and Peninah and beat Elizabeth to the point she could not move or breathe. 

"Girls, stop! Eliza-Elizabeth, oh no, she is not moving!" Andriana panicked. "Guys, she is not moving. She is dead, we have killed her!" Andriana continued panicking.  

Unless they decide to pull themselves for that place, and ran away, leaving Elizabeth breathless through the woods.  

A moment later after Andriana and her best friends left, Jonas, Bridget, and the police officer were through the woods searching for the disappearing Elizabeth. They searched for her desperately from that late noon until they found her lying cold on the forest's ground. 

"Oh no, Elizabeth, Elizabeth! No, please-please, you can't be dead?" Bridget sobbed. 

"Please, step aside- Miss Bridget, because I am going to check on her to know if she is still alive." The policeman answered.  

Bridget stepped aside as the policeman kneel to check on Elizabeth and found out that she was still alive. 

"Ah, don't you worry Miss Bridget? Thanks to you, Miss Elizabeth is still alive," Joseph, the policeman answered.   

"Ah, thank goodness, Jesus!" Jonas replied.  

Other policemen brought the wheel bed to carry Elizabeth with it, lifting her and taking her to the ambulance which carried her straight to the hospital.  

The next day, Andrianna, Lisa, and Peninah were brought into custody. Though Andriana and the other girls have been asked in the courtroom, they refused to say that they are innocent. 

"Andriana, Lisa, and Peninah did you hurt Elizabeth?" The Judge asked.  

"No, we didn't do it, we are innocent!" Andriana replied. 

"Your Honor, you don't need to blame them. Andriana did that to protect her right," Mr. Tampon, as Lucifer interacted.  

"Hitting their fellow human being almost to death, means protecting their right to, Lucifer?" Jesus interrupted after appearing as a detective.  

"Well-well-well, what we have here if it isn't Jesus, defender of the faithful ones? Oh, come on, what happened this time? Getting down and weak on your faithful children again?" Lucifer mocked.  

"I know all of that, Lucifer. And Your Honor, they are lying because they did hurt, Elizabeth," Jesus answered. 

"Really? Do you have any proof that they did almost kill, Miss Counter?" asked the Judge. 

"Your Honor. Do not listen to him because he has no proof that we hurt Elizabeth! And who are you anyway?" Andriana asked. 

"I AM, Andriana. Moreover, I do know all of that because yesterday morning you were arguing with Elizabeth and were threatening her that you would hurt her. After Jonas left, you were overwhelmed with anger and hatred and blamed your humiliation from Jonas against Elizabeth. Soon you say that you plan to hurt after school with Bridget, but when you saw her telling Jonas about your evil plans. Henceforth, you summoned Lisa and Peninah to help you beat a lesson out of Elizabeth. Am I, right?" Jesus asked. 

When the girls are about to confess their guilt because they knew that the mysterious man exposed them by saying the truth. Yet Mr. Tampon discontinued them.  

"Your Honor, this man is lying beside how would you believe all of this nonsense? He is bluffing! Andriana here was in love with Jonas, that's why she did that to Elizabeth Counter because she was stabling block to her way. Maybe, this man as a detective is trying to frame such this thing at these innocent young girls to go to prison. Most High God, do you call that mercy and forgiveness? Yet you are brought justice upon your creations! What kind of God are you?" Lucifer asked snickering. 

"Get behind me Lucifer! It is written, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. And thou know that I speaketh the truth!" Jesus rebuked him. 

Lucifer began choking on his word and became silent as a mouse. 

"Well, Andriana, wasn't that the truth that I spoke?" Jesus asked once again. 

"Yes, Your Honor, this man by the name of Jesus is telling the truth. I did it, I am so sorry, I am sorry, Elizabeth Counter," Andriana sobbed. 

All her hatred and jealousy withered away from her heart then Jesus Christ came to her.  

"Cry no more, Andriana believes in me because I have given you a second chance. Elizabeth, come forth!" Jesus shouted in the loud voice.  

At that moment Elizabeth came into the courtroom and was walking before everyone towards the front. Arriving before Jesus, Andriana, Lisa, and Peninah with every witness in the courtroom were bewildered at such a miracle of Jesus. 

"Elizabeth Counter, I-I am very sorry, I am sorry for what I did to you," Andriana apologized.  

"Yes, us too, Eliza." Lisa and Penina apologized too.   

"Guys, you guys, it's alright, I have forgiven you. Please stand up!" Elizabeth answered with a smile.   

Soon the girls hugged each other with excitement and overjoy.  



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