» Bibles » ENCOUNTER, Guillaume Mwamba [ereader iphone .txt] 📗

Book online «ENCOUNTER, Guillaume Mwamba [ereader iphone .txt] 📗». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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A Muslim girl falls in love with a Christian young man. Even at this point, she accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior to just be with him. Will her Muslim parents accept such an abomination act of their daughter? 

A word for Jesus came to unto in me in the Spirit saying, "My beloved son the end is at hand. I want you, your family, and your loved ones to get ready. For ye shall not be attacked by surprise because the Devil is roaming around seeking for whom to devour. Satan sends his demons into many of the churches to make the downfall of pastors, choirs, and many of my children. 

Many churches as denied my truthful doctrines and are teaching strange doctrines. Tell them, tell them, tell my children to repent of all their sins, be washed by my precious blood, and be holy for I AM holy. I AM telling you as my prophet to tell my children that I unconditionally loved them. I say this to you because you are my faithful and obedient servant and I know that you have been in a lot, but you must stand fast and stay even stronger in me. 

Tell your father Elder Romaine and the rest of your family, your brother Pascal, and the rest of his family for I have heard all their prayers and I will always be with them. Tell my faithful servant Pastor Ecclesiastes to be stronger and faithful in me. Tell Constance, Oranie, and Martha to pray always with ceasing and using their voices which is their gift I gave to faithfully served me. 

Tell them also to help your father in the prayer groups that you are doing at your house. For I, Jesus, your Lord God Almighty, shall bless you and your family so mightily. As for you prophet Guillaume, I know that you are heartbroken, having doubts, betrayal, and hurt inside but you must be strong and be faithful in me. Tell your brother James to use his talent of playing instruments for my glory. 

Tell the flocks of my church that they will go through the tribulations, persecutions, and beheadings of leaders of this world. Tell them also before the election of my bride, they will go through the tribulation just like my scripture Matthew 24:9 says. Tell them to pray always because I AM sending a strong delusion to the unfaithful and ungodly world. 

And before the tribulation and persecution of my bride come, they shall first be a fall away just like 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says. And this is happening in these years of 2019 and this year to come. Moreover, the revival of my church is about to unfold, I will mightily send my Holy Ghost upon young men and women to prophesy Joel 2:28. Henceforth, the son of prediction is about to be revealed for the whole earth to see.  

And I want my bride to get ready for I AM coming soon and tell Pastor Ecclesiastes and your father Elder Romaine to preach to prayer groups about repentance. For I want my bride to be holy just as I AM. I the Lord God Almighty, the Alpha, and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. It is I, Jesus Christ, who was at the beginning of the Old Testament and the end of the New Testament. 

Tell my bride the church to be prepared every day of their lives, because I AM at the door, and I do not want anyone to be left behind. Tell them to wait for me, just like a king who went searching for a bride. Amen-Hallelujah-thank you for your message letter, Lord God Almighty.  

A Muslim girl by the name of Susan was the most gorgeous girl. She was passing by when she saw a young man sitting on the bus station's bench reading his Holy Bible. It was love at the first sight and the young man seems charming to her. Yet he was not paying attention to what was going on when she came to talk to him. 

"Good morning, sir, what are you reading?” Susan asked. 

"Morning, my sister, and what I'm reading is my Holy Bible. And Jesus loves you very much and what's your name?" Peter asked back. 

"My name is Susan Johnson-what yours?" She asked.  

"I am Peter Faithfulness, a Christian and a preacher," Peter answered. 

"A pastor, huh? And I'm Muslim!" Susan replied. "Hm, yes and nice to meet you, Susan," Peter answered with a very bright smile.  

Meanwhile, as Susan talks to Peter more, she becomes attracted to him. 

Two years later, Susan came to the church where Peter usually goes, she was twenty-three of course, and already done with her education. 

Peter was twenty-six years of age, and he sees Susan all the time the more he falls in love with her. After the service, Susan and Peter met each other and were happily chatting, until she asked Peter this question. 

"Peter, you know that I am a Muslim, will Jesus accept me?" Susan asked.  

"Yes, because if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, He died and was raised from the dead. He is just and merciful to forgive you." Peter proclaimed.  

"I believe in Jesus with my whole heart that. He is the Son of God; He died and was raised from the dead. I accept Him wholly today," Susan answered. 

After this saying, Peter told Susan to repeat after him. So, she did as Peter says and was baptized by water and by the Holy Spirit. 

Susan became a new creature, and she was going home with the Holy Bible with Peter by her side. They were happily chatting, and Peter was escorting Susan home. Arriving at Susan's house, she opened the door, said goodbye to Peter, and went straight in. 

Years passed and Peter could not hold any more of his feelings towards Susan. Unless one day after a service that Sunday evening Peter confessed his feelings to Susan and proposed to her with the ring to marry him after kneeling before her.  

"Susan, I have strong feelings for you that I can't hold it for any longer. I love you so much and will you marry me?" Peter asked.  

"Ah, what? You can't be serious?" Susan asked.  

"I am serious so is that yes?" Peter asked her again. 

"Yes, yes, yes, Peter, I will!" Susan answered. 

Susan with excitement stretched her hand for Peter to put a ring on. Peter put the engagement ring on her finger, and both continued their journey to her home. Reaching her home that late-night until they confront Susan's parents anxiously waiting for her. 

Allah Susan's father saw his daughter with the Holy Bible in her hand including Peter. 

"Evening, Susan what's that you have in your hand and who is the young man beside you?" Allah asked. 

"Well, father, he's my husband to be and I am holding my Holy Bible!" Susan answered. 

After her father heard her being a Christian, Allah pulled her inside by the neck as he chases Peter away. 

"So, this is what you have been doing under our noses, Susan?" He snapped while squeezing her neck. 

"Father, please don't do this! I love Peter but I love Jesus even more. I chose this life of eternity but if I may ask what have you chosen? Do you choose eternal condemnation in hell and brimstone, or do you choose to live for all eternally? Jesus Christ is the true Living God, and He is Allah whom we served and my strong tower," Susan answered. 

"Be quiet, Susan, and I have a punishment for saying blasphemy against Allah!" Allah her father growled. 

He whacked Susan so terribly with the palm of his hand and tied her to the poll who was tasting her blood.  

Moreover, Susan had a younger brother who is eighteen years old, but he was sick, and Ismael's sickness was getting weaker and weaker by the day. 

The next morning day, Susan was looking out the window while being tied to a poll when he saw a mysterious man in a white clean long-sleeved shirt. He was wearing grayish pants and blue-sky shoes and was smiling at her. Has she looked away, a mysterious man appeared to her, but it was the Devil himself. 

"Wow, well-well-well, what do we have here if it isn't Susan? And why suffer like this when you know that all you must do is to deny, Jesus and believed in me! Deny the Most High God and I will tell your father to lease you!" Lucifer shrieked in laughter. 

"Never. And get behind me, Lucifer in the name of Jesus! For it is written, "To live is Christ, to die is gain!" Susan rebuked him. 

Lucifer was flung towards the wall with a metal force while screaming in agonies and was out of sight. 

At that moment, Susan's mother named Sarai came to check on her son the same morning but found him not breathing. Therefore, she starts crying and saying that Ismael was dead, yet Susan told her that Ismael is not dead he is just sleeping.  

Her father went to call some holiest Muslim Councils to come to take his daughter away and condemned her to death. Yet to their surprise after walking in the house with two councils, Allah discovered his son dead. 

"No, no, this cannot be! Please-please, Ismael wakes up wake up!" Allah shouted. 

"I AM the Bread of Life, whosoever believeth in me shall not perish but have everlasting life," Jesus interrupted them. 

"What you can't be serious are you? Because you are just a mere mortal how would you claim to be God? 

“Blasphemy!" Nate, one of the council members shouted at him.  

"I AM THAT I AM, Nate. And Susan well done for being faithful to me. Allah, I AM the God Creator who you worshipped. It is I, Jesus, who made the Earth and every breathing thing," Jesus answered. 

"No, you are lying because you are not God our Creator. You are just a mere human being just like us!" Seer shouted anxiously. 

"Believe in me Allah and Sarai because your son is not dead, he is asleep!" Jesus answered. 

"What? Nonsense!" Allah refused.  

"But I believe in you, Lord, please revive my son, please!" Sarai cried.  

"Oh, great is thy faithfulness, Sarai." He answered with a smile. 

Soon he walked up to their son who was lying still on the floor breathless when he walked up to them and said only four words. 

"Ismael, arise, my son," Jesus called, and immediately Ismael's breath came in him. 

"Mother- father, I am healed!" Ismael said as he hugged his parents. 

"Thank you- thank you very much and as for me and my house we will serve the Lord God Almighty!" Allah vowed and went to untie his daughter. 

After this, all four of them worshipped and praised the name of the Lord.  

Nate and Seer left Allah's house angrily and bitterness in their hearts. 

Elsewhere, Lucifer was sitting under the tree as he saw Nate and Seer walking further and further away from him. 

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, well-well, it seems like have killed two souls with one stone?" Lucifer laughed joyfully. 

"Two souls are what you are lifting yourself higher about it, Lucifer?" Jesus asked. 

"Jesus, the Most High God!" Lucifer snarled. 

He was very anxiously, and Jesus disappeared out of Lucifer's sight. 

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