» Biography & Autobiography » Episodes of The Chocolate Lover, Ria Tumimomor [best detective novels of all time .TXT] 📗

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to get worse… I convince myself that there will be no way out and I am just going to drop dead on the street…. Kinda depressing, right?

Anyway…, within this posting I do want to say thank you to my friends who have been very patient with me as always during my darkest mood…

Failed to open one door, does not mean we should just stop in trying to get another door to be opened… Who knows? Maybe it will opened to us and give better result than we ever expected…



Oh dear, you just realized you have tonz of books that you have not read up to now… My goodness…you have promised your friend you will help with her project but you have not done anything and deadline is tomorrow! Then again, wait… you have your own project…arrrgh…you have not done it as well…!
After thinking hard (well not so hard) you realize what the problem was… You get distracted… Oh yes you do, admit it… You can not let yourself go from browsing internet…! Hah! Admit that as much as I did! I did? OF COURSE!

Every morning I started to turn on my laptop and browsed like crazy… Mind you, when I was still working I did not have access to the internet… That’s why there always this hungry feeling to just keep on clicking and browsing and surfing… Yeah, yeah, excuses…, excuses… Totally being so irresponsible… But that’s me… And then not to mention updating status like crazy every second that I have a chance on Facebook, Multiply, Plurk, Twitter… oh…dear… It will never ends…

So, my advice is if you wish to continue whatever things you have in mind for ages ago and want to do it now….

DISCONNECT your internet connection…

Oh, relax… I am not talking about the whole year or as long as you live. That would be unwise as everything now related and connected and being done with, by and through the internet…

Once in a while turn off your handphone…
Yeah, you are not going to die or have a stroke for not using your gadget for let us say an hour perhaps… You know what, I went with my parents today to the hospital…and I turn off my Blackberry almost the whole day. And the result I am successfully in the middle of finishing read a book : EAT PRAY LOVE which has been abandoned in the pile of so many books for almost a year. Hmmm, at least I know what to do if I have to go to any boring places next time…

Please be reminded that your gadget…for example your handphone could also be used to access the internet… All you have to do is hold that thing in your hand and before you realized you have spent the entire day update your status, commented your friend’s fiction, reading other people’s blog, playing game…or just browsing around.

Of course if you have online business then this advice probably can not be easily applied.

Say goodbye to your internet for a while
Oh, wait… I have said that, right? Anyway, do not try to start by checking your email… Okay, you have important mail… Really? Well, go on open it…, read it… After that…disconnected yourself from it… Otherwise…you will get hooked for about an hour or probably more…

Good luck from detox yourself from the world of internet ^___^


I remembered when in the early years of my working days, my colleague has a young girl friend who still studying in her last year in…Senior High School. We assumed that the girl was probably 18 or 19 y.o. while my friend was around 24. We loved mocking him around, saying that he was like a pedophile hunting for little girl much younger than him. The relationship did not last long and now he is happily married with someone around his age.

Now come to think of it, the age difference did not really that far… I meant, we have seen many women married with men who probably 20 years much older. So, why did we make a fuss about my colleague’s relationship at that time?

I think the reason was because that girl was still in high school. Though she was already considered adult (being 18 y.o) , and yet, hearing her still in high school made us surprise. Or we just simply were being nosy about other people’s life.

Anyway, move on to another story for comparison…once I have a friend who dating a younger guy. The relationship did not take long as my friend could not stand the guy. The guy kept on calling him late at night, or minutes when they just parted away. He loves sending her romantic text through sms and other things that she considered annoying.

I think when we were young, we loves hearing and saying romantic words to our couple… And we were older, after all that sorrow and pain we have been through…we feel those words are just empty and meaningless…

My colleague at that time just entered the adult life and I suppose he really knows how to make her girlfriend fly to the moon…with romantic words… And probably talk about a wonderful future together… Just the two of them in a small house (though the house is still on a long term loan, but let not spoil the dream), and maybe someday there would be little prince and princess in the house… and I could keep on going… Though not all, youngster tends to dream of something beautiful, easily fall with romantic words, caring gestures… Those are probably few reasons why adult should not be dating with under age as they are still unable to see something ugly and fatal consequences from short time pleasure.

While for my friend with her younger boyfriend, I once asked her why she did not like the attention? I thought women love being the centre of adoration and attention from their lover. To which she replied that she loves the attention but not for every five minutes. She said words that too easy to be spilled out are usually easy to be forgotten. She just being realistic instead being romantic.

Gee, I make it sound that we adult can only think about something bad instead beautiful things…


A few years ago, when watching this sitcom of The Nanny I heard something funny that I still use it up to now…

In that scene, the leading actress said to the leading actor that she like posing under the dim light. Because when women hit thirty something the only light that good for posing is those not so bright light…

I laughed so hard and telling that to all my friends every times we were about to take a picture… Well, we all above thirty and admit that using blitz when taking pictures does not give us any better look… With blazing light, our wrinkles, our pimples, our tired eyes will all be there in that picture… While under the dim light…we will be able to hide all of that…

Then recently I have been watching this reality show about super model… And all those people in the modeling industry keep on saying that light is model’s best friend. That light will give them the best of their look… If they are backing away from the light, their photos will not look good and their faced sort of shadowed or something like that… They need to know where the light is to ensure getting better photos of their beautiful face. The face that they want everybody to know…how gorgeous and lovely that million dollar face…

If you have bigger body than everybody else…dark colors (preferable black) are recommended to hide those flaws in your body… If you have nothing to hide and want to flaunt it…then white or any lighter colors will do the job for you…

And I was like… WOW!

If you have something or everything to hide, you will seek the dark… And while you have everything to be shown off to the whole wide world…because you afraid of nothing …then you will seek the light…

We will be hiding in the darkness if we want to hide about our sin or our flaws from other people. We put a mask in order for other people have no idea about the real us. We will do the other way around if we are just being sincere and have nothing to hide from others.

Does my thinking make any sense?


You know what, have you ever noticed that when you need something badly nothing ever going to come on your way…? Like when you need a job badly, none ever going to come to you… Even after all those countless application letters that you have sent to God only know where… You wait for the calling from any company, big, small, legal, illegal…but none ever come…

Eventually, when a call comes to offer you a job even with a very small salary and seems have no future in whatsoever, you would take it anyway… As you need that first chance, to have experience in the real world…to learn is it true that everything you learn in the university will be useless? Aaaannnd…yes … It is useless… But that would be another story… Anyway, like I said since you have been waiting for a chance…then when ones finally come you decided to have it… Small salary, no medical allowance…who cares… What is important that you finally get the job…

And then when you finally settling down with this job, suddenly you receive many offers that you have been waiting previously… And you were like… oh no… Should I take the offer or not? But if I take that offer, will that mean I have to start from the bottom again and face the uncertainty? While I am not already settling in and seems I have good future with this one…

You know what… Sometimes I think life is playing with us… We never get anything that we really want the most… The thing that we need…we never really going to get it on time when we think that we need it… And after a while, we decided…oh fine… I am going to have whatever I am going to have…
I guess perhaps this is sort of the step appreciate everything that you have got at this moment no matter how small it is… Because you know is hard to get it and even though it may far below from your expectation…you need to appreciate it anyway…

Then, when you finally settling down and whoosh…you receive so many offer that widen your choices… It was like you are forced to make a decision… What is it going to be… Are you going to stay in the comfort zone or you daring yourself to accept the kind offer and try to find something new in the unknown zone?

Either way, whatever decision that we make in our life…we just need to suck it up… We have to be responsible for our choices and accept whatever consequences from the decision and try hard and harder to find a way to over come the consequences…

Yeah, easier to be said than done…

I am still working on it… Really, really hard….


When you asked someone why on earth she or he done this or that

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