» Biography & Autobiography » Episodes of The Chocolate Lover, Ria Tumimomor [best detective novels of all time .TXT] 📗

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new (BUT OLD) information and therefore try to share the same feeling but fail to notice that you have done that ages ago? HELLO?

I really wish to say in front of their faces some thing like, “I do not want to gloat but do you even remember that I AM THE ONE who ADVISE you to do this in the first place? Do you? Do You? DO YOU?”


A friend of mine once told me about her maid. How she drove my friend crazy and finally led to her decision to let her go.

Big city like Jakarta, with so many bad people who always try to find a way to deceive and getting advantage from you…make us hard and not trusting people easily. There are so many ruse that these bad people use to trick other people…

Anyway, my friend told me her irritation on her maid who always easily talking with strangers in the neighborhood or elsewhere…
“If she is still teenagers or twenty something, I can understand it…, “ she said to me. “But she is fifty, for heaven sakes!”

What made my friend feel irritated because according to her, this maid could draw bad people to her easily. Her maid seems to think that everyone is nice and all of those strangers surely come from her hometown just because they speak in her language. While we know only too well, that language can be learnt.

“Whenever stranger greets her, she greets back. And when they were asking around about us, her employee…she told them almost about everything, “ she continued still irritated. “What if later the stranger turns out to be a robber and break in to our house?”

To her maid, her worries considered over reacting. While to my friend, her maid considered under delusion.

I sometimes think that if we used to live around people who always try to take advantage and trick us, we will be trained to be alert. And our instinct will order us to not easily try anyone especially someone that we hardly know. While the maid, probably used to hang out with people just as simple as she is… Being nice in order to try to steal something or taking advantage is beyond her thinking…

Due to the above reasons, I completely understand why both parties were frustrated to each other and agreed to let go one another without further delay.


You know that once I posted about when sometimes we were so tired try to give advice to your friends in order for them to get out from not so healthy relationship…? Or about when people disagree with us does not mean they dislike us…

Someone gave response to me that it is easy for me to say such things because at that time I was not in the same situation like those people… If I have not been in the same experience then it will be easy for me to give many logical advices…
It is true…when related about a relationship. I currently not in a relationship or being intoxicated with someone… Therefore how in the heck I understand what my friend has been going through with her companion? But, actually I do know that desperate feeling on being sure that this relationship has a meaning… That we against all odds wish that this relationship does not come apart… And since we know the agony of that broken dream, we do not want our friends waste anymore times with unhealthy relationship. How do we know is unhealthy? Well, if she keeps on crying all the times with us about her relationship…do you think is still healthy? But, of course I know that at that time we do not need someone that give advice against our will… In the end, again is up to us… what action should we take…no matter what people said to us…

The other one…well, this is a bit funny… Yeah, yeah… I know I was the one who said if people disagree with us then it does not mean they hate us…
Last week I made a review (in Indonesian) about Eclipse. I dislike the Bella character but I enjoyed reading the book… I think Stephenie Meyer did a great job… So, I just wrote the outline and in the end I said…I like seeing that movie just to see Taylor Lautner… Then I have a response from 19 years old boy who said that he did not understand why people so into TWILIGHT SAGA as they all are bad movies with poor acting’s quality… As for me, I never see those movies as something to be taken so serious… So, we finally end up in (silly…IMHO) argument until I decided to stop answering his response… What made smile in the end, why I got the feeling that he hate me because I merely WATCHED the movie? Did he has any expectation that I will not see that movie? Even just to see the male characters? Maybe I am not mature enough to handle argument so I get the feeling that he dislike me just because he disagree with me?

Again… It is easier to give advice than do it yourself…

Now, I know the feeling ^___^


Yesterday when I was making this posting for a story with friends, I stumble to this song by Avril Lavigne…: Keep Holding On…

The song is about someone giving support to her acquaintance to keep holding on in their most unbearable moments. Moments when we sometimes think that there is no way out, everything we have tried failed, it seems we fighting in that road all alone with nobody beside us.

Sometimes I feel like that someone in that song. When we find ourselves in trouble often we can’t just find someone to help us… There are things that we have to deal on our own because hey… we are not the only one who has problem in this world… Can we really just share our entire burden to everybody in a desperate attempt so they will help us? No we can not just do that… The problem is ours and nobody else’s.

Since we can not speak to just anyone about our problem, we try to seek the solution by ourselves… We try to deal with the entire problem and the hazards by ourselves… However, in the end we find that all our efforts have given us nothing… The problem is still there, there are additional problems due to the first unsolved problem… One disappointment hit you following by another… Since you have nobody to talk with your mind seems dead and can’t give you anything more to help you get out from your problem….

I wondered whether people committed suicide for feeling so helpless and do not have clear mind to see that tomorrow will be better… Day after day, they are facing reality that their problem is going worst and nobody can lend a hand to do something about it…

You know, no matter how much we say that we are introvert and prefer to be alone, unable to communicate with other people and other lame excuses, we can’t deny ourselves that it is nice and such a relief to have friend. Friend who stand beside us, supporting us either with comforting words or giving solution…

It is nice to know that someone will be there supporting you all the way and keep on reminding that there is something bigger in this life… It will not end just like that even in our most desperate moments… Once in a while, we need one or two friends who reminding us that our life is meant for something… We should never give up hope no matter how deep our trouble is…

Let us keep holding on


I remembered few lines from a movie, about a guy who wants to have kid. And his friend was shock because he is not the fatherly-type-kind of guy… And to express his amazement, his friend said something more or less like this,” You want to have a kid? You do realize that is a human being, right? Is not like a dog that you can just throw away once you are bored with it…”

You know what; call me crazy or insensitive I did think that when a person cannot handle their pet then they probably just forget to have a kid… But of course along the way, I have changed my mind…

But first of all, why did I even think that a person who can’t take care an animal will be automatically can’t handle a baby or infant or children? Well, first of all… they sort of the same at the beginning, right? Can any of you understand how to communicate with a baby with adult language? Seriously? At the beginning? I am sure you cannot… You often confuse why in the heck your baby is crying all the time… Is she or he thirsty or hungry? Or worst…probably fallen ill? Animal will do exactly the same… If is a dog, it will bark and bark and drive you and your neighbor gone nuts… You do not know the cause of it and therefore you cannot make them to stay calm. Baby human and animal both need total attention and affection. Through your touch and your words, they can sense your loving and tenderness… Plus, you have to know what to feed them, how to feed them, how to ensure they are happy, aware when they are not feeling well… Now, don’t you think that if you cannot handle a puppy or a kitten…then how in the heck you are going to handle a baby?

Then, I also notice that people do not like children but able to show affection to animal. I saw many elderly have cats or dogs to accompany them day after day… Why? Those animals just love them back unconditionally. These kind of people probably feel they can’t get that kind of devotion from human. Or simply they just do not know how to communicate with other human being and find it such a hassle.
Other not care about animal at all but love their children to death… They will do anything to ensure the wellbeing of their kids…

But, I think is sad that people think they can just throw away an animal when they are bored with it… Or worse, their own children…

If you have chosen to have pet or kids, then you have to deal with all the hassle in raising them up. All the noises, the expenses, the total attention and devotion and dried you up as you seem have no time for your own… As to have something or someone alive who able to love you back with their own way, is the greatest gift in the world that we can have.


I am the type of person who often avoids arguments and disagreement by simply produce a lie whenever necessary.

Like for example, when I was younger my Mom always the one who choose what kind of clothes I should wear. I have no problem with that until I entered Senior High School. I dislike her preference for me. But every time I opened my mouth to let out my disagreement she became upset. And therefore to avoid any argument between us, I always agree to all the clothes that she bought for me. Since I did not like

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