» Computers » Computer Technology, John Love [different ereaders TXT] 📗

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one, and is more impressive as SR.

Appendix 17

A new helicopter

Merge and combine the Apache, and the Comanche, and the helicopter which fires rockets, make wider and harder and bigger as can fly, and this is a new helicopter that I know of.

Appendix 18

New laser weapons systems

Are already fired from airplanes, and Naval warships which might be under attack by foreign fighter jets.

Lasers could now be included on street lights type stuff, with additional solar powered panels, would fire at mass murderers which could not be defeated differently, and could be controlled at the Metropolitan Police Command Centers.

Lasers could also be fired from White House, Houses, and skyscrapers similarly to defend, or attack.

Appendix 19

Real life terminators

Machines moveing like small tanks, already carry automatic electric turrets which fire automatic weapons systems.

The future is here.

Place that in the hand a Consciousness Controlled Cyborg and have a real Life Terminator Programmed too Consciously kill as the Modes are etc.

Consciousness could Manually Control Any terminator but make certain the terminators are essentially compatible with the human body and Functioning behavior and Consciousness and emotions and nuances.

Appendix 20

The wall at Thermopylae

The wall at Thermopylae, could be a machine, with AI, fires electric gattling guns on sight, and uses titanium shields to protect the wall, worthy a Spartan Warrior.

Appendix 21

A real Trojan horse real life terminator

I sent similar ideas too a commander Spartan ethnic in Greece one time.

Equipped like a tank, shield doors, which raise up, or in and down to shut, 4 sided, spinners on its tracks, has atop a electric gattling gun which moves every direction at 3,000 rounds per squeeze the trigger, equipped with 4 corner lasers aiming at any ground targets, or aerial targets also, could have 4 electric gattling guns, is at least big enough for special forces platoons, to equip and deploy from, has a HQ Headquarters also built in and is manual, or AI Controlled.

Can be one story, 2 stories, 3 stories, people at one story, tanks at 2 stories, additional fighter jets, or stealth naval boat at 3 stories.

Appendix 22

Resident Evil Red Queen laser weapons system

Lasers already exist which can be XXXXXXX etc shaped and cut through thin sheets of metal, making that aspect RE reality.

Appendix 23

Ghost In the machine

AI Consciousness Programmed.

Appendix 24

Ghost In the shell

A most advanced Cyborg which electrically Controls from Consciousness, Brain Waves the machine, and Thought too electrically Control the Ghost In the Cyborg shell.

Appendix 26

Cyber dolls

Chucky of Child’s Play, Dead Silence, Possessed dolls, are all, even Voodoo dolls, really would be a Cyborg, the Voodoo Doll to torture the Consciousness the victim In the Cybernetic Unit.

Appendix 27

Drones and what can Upgrade Drones of this world

Drones are also built Nevada, Utah, out that way, already people Controlled manually, can be Upgraded with Consciousness Controlling a drone, even the Consciousness from a bird etc.

Appendix 28

AI Controlled Boeing 747s etc

Planes already use no windows, the planes of the future fly by access point designated each location and where to by computer only and pilot, AI could auto fly a manual plane from New York to Shanghai on auto Control with no pilot active, until he has to be.

Appendix 29

AI Controlled Sky scraper

AI is Allowed Consciousness and emotional Control the nuances of a Skyscraper too Control as a AI human would and Cyborg a building as Programmed and Designated.

Appendix 30

An electromagnetically controlled UFO

Electromagnetism already lifts trains with levitation already real.

A manmade UFO would because is circular in shape require electromagnetism to uplift a flight like a train a UFO.

Appendix 31

Midgard Final Fantasy 7

I remember thinking somehow Midgard can happen, the first you need too realize is the nuclear power plants could exist now in real life, and start realistically from there.

The slums could exist, the city could be manmade and shaped all those way now for decades.

Futuristic cities happening now match stages early personally of Rabinastre Final Fantasy 12.

Wild Palms would happen first then at that stage.

Appendix 32

Giruvegan Final Fantasy 12

Enormous, built by people, would be built to exist like that, gets more difficult the needed futuristic building materials.

The blue prints are already there with those video games, usually as maps.

Some of the FF12, and Giruvegan technologies would be levitation, so would be also electromagnetism opposites occultly attracting the resolution for levitation from electromagnetism.

Appendix 33

Electromagnetically Uplifted vehicles

Flying cars too me would also be electromagnetically Uplifted by Electromagnetism and Kept on track levitating above the train track just like an electromagnetically uplifted speed train.

Appendix 34

Star Wars

Named after the movie and operational through Special Operations Command, Star Wars, simply fires rockets at foreign nuclear weapons attacks, thus Russia invented a indestructible nuclear rocket next already in existence


Appendix 35

Talk and speculation, but supposedly fact, of Frankenstein Resurrection from the dead by electrical stimulation also, rest would be sowing body parts accepted by the host body, cloning, and Resident Evil mansion built and t-virus.

A real life t-virus, opposite $500,000 began in a basement in America somewhere.

Appendix 36

Small Black Holes

The Quintessential Causes Black Holes, Small enough for a human too Pass Down the rabbit hole and Into the Looking Glass of the Unconscious Mind Into too Control the Possessed human host body with more strength than the natural host entity.

Small Black Holes can yes be Directed any direction Into Anybody, as many times, and as Into as many people as you need.

Appendix 37

Jack and the cuckeo-clock heart

Would be a pacemaker (false heart) shaped also like a coo coo clock, but operating no differently than a pace maker.

Be realistic.

Appendix 38

Star Wars Light sabre

A laser which has 6 beams, cuts through thin sheets metal, and merges to form a single laser sword, was made and has been marketed, for less than $9,000.

Appendix 39

Cyborg Tarantula

Better than electrical stimulation in American hospitals the Tarantula Is Inserted Into the Heart Mode Page and then Jump Starts the human heart too function until the body can live again same as from any electrical stimulation.

Appendix 40

False hearts

A false heart could regulate like a computer and allow people to live longer, AI is also would be a Upgrade for a artificial brain implant, and could Control through brain cells with the human heart the human heart beat also.

My grandfather lived 8 years on a pace maker, he died from a blood disease after that, so did my house cat Fluffy died also from a blood disease.

Appendix 41


Consciousness can Control, with Brain Waves of a Cyborg, electrical stimulated electric minigun fireing from each arm and held weapon.

Mind Controlled and not machine Controlled, although can be both, is a Terminator with a Heart making judgmental decisions then performing same behavior.

Appendix 42


AI and Consciousness can Control dinosaur behaving Cyborgs.

Appendix 43


A Sorcerer Social Entity can Beam Down also as Brain Waves too the Programmed electrical currents compatible the human mind and electrical stimulation too Control Any and every Cyborg, etc, there could ever and will ever be.

Appendix 44

Berserker Units and mech warriors

Foreign countries have already begun experimentation of mech warrior units, controlled by people, similar is the essential control a Berserker Unit In Rage.

Appendix 45

A lunar clock

Would keep track time by hours the moon instead of by the day as most modern clocks do.

Appendix 46

Solar sun dial clock

Sun dial merged clock keeps track hours and time the day with use the sun dial additionally and to keep track main season points summer solstice, winter solstice etc.

Appendix 47

Jason X Cyborg

The Reversible Raider Switches Over too the Opposite too Cause Jason X Cyborg and Vice Versa.

All the tarantuals in the Jason X movie are a single Tarantula actually which the SSE Wesker Inserts Into the human Heart Jason X Cyborg.

The DATD and the Cyborg Merge too Repair the human host body Round after Round also.

Yellow Plasm is Used too Control Demons, and from genocide and the human Heart is Consciously Projected Lucifer the squid Construct.

However, a Cyborg terminator, with Jason X Cyborg Beamed too Brain Waves and is Controlled by Thought like all prosthetic limbs and Brain Waves Compatability for behavior and movements.

Now add 2 electric mini guns, Jason just got an Upgrade, 6 thousand rounds per squeeze the trigger, and In the machine also all same so Enlightened also is a 7 star Admiral, Moveable too all terminator Units 8 star Admiral, Compatible In all Berserker Units 9 star Admiral, Linked Up with S Shaped Lights, and Parabrahman etc 10 star Admiral, Protector of Microcosm 11 star Admiral, In Macrocosm 12 star Admiral.

Appendix 48

Reversible Raider

My character with HQ Savant Sorcery, but also with a 385 pounder, is Reversible Raider Mystery Inc Book One.

Reversible Raider has the Tree of Life, a Cyborg, cloning, and human genetics, too Repair from the grave, and the White Form too Live on as can be Repaired from Any World, and from Any Earth where

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