» Computers » Computer Technology, John Love [different ereaders TXT] 📗

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Computer Technology

Beating the FBI at their cat and mouse game

Technology can be limited, so use nonsecure public access points, and ive had the FBI show up at the wrong address and even just send them to the public library and hide and conceal your POC

Using remote viewing computer software to insert and access even from the world away anybody’s computer, even an American Presidents

Tech support, as simple as that, gain trust and access too a pc and download the icon for remote viewing that HP allows too see what is on your screen and in your pc accessing all files, now access even an American Presidents pc from India, and HP.

Death’s Hand Doomsday Technology

This has been claimed one of my master pieces.

A computer AI system, which Exists, and reads computer readable stuff, even too detect nuclear radiation, then determines which nuclear silos are still operational and the mathematics also to determine who is alive and what their jobs shall be, who e=the enemy was and fires back with nuclear technology.

My pc was used by war criminals for the design their own Super Computer HQ Headquarters in a foreign country even rudely under Putin’s nose, id still tell my friend Vladimir Putin, ive talked too Putin before through the Telephone.

The HQ electric gattling gun system

A HQ Super Computer which additionally fires electric mini guns on mounted bi pods secured in position fires on sight like Russia’s also does on Naval ships VS Somalian Pirates, but these electric mini guns far better and more devastating.

NASA rockets and America the desert

Nuclear NASA rockets powering space ships would also be with at least 4 rockets be used to power a meteor, comet, asteroid, etc, to strike earth at a potential target even America to turn America into half a desert, the other half already is most a desert.

And if America becomes a desert for the desert the Sahara desert to become glass is melted sand or at ground zero can be.

The nuclear power of the sun

Nuclear war has already evolved to a sun at its center I hear, that could cause a sun during the right conditions in outer space also.

The internet sub mask

Comes with every adapter seems is your internet sub mask which masks your location too spies, so download the adapter internet sub masks.

Classified unknown fighter jets which would have been made through Lockheed

There were a few, or more, but the entire room filled with intel was destroyed sorry, not my fault, but I would still like to keep this record anyway for people too learn.

How too Cause a Cyborg

Consciousness Beamed Down too Programmed Compatible Brain Waves, the machine is Controlled by Thought and this is a Cyborg.

Consciousness can Fire emotionally a electric gattling gun which since im such an Exquisite Species Uses Anger, or Passion, to act, and Fire same as emotion allows naturally but with Consciousness and In and from a Cyborg.

How too Cause a Deathworm Cyborg

Made Consciousness, and Beamed Down too Brain Waves a real life terminator shaped terminator Mongolian Deathworm Tremor is a Deathworm Cyborg.

Appendix 1

Robot bee swarm

Their small and like bees, but little machines, the military already says they have which eats people to the bone, but can be knocked off target and out of the air by sound cannon guns designed to knock cannibal machine out of the air and then they are like dead.

Appendix 2

Small Black Holes

The military claims the capability small black holes which pass through matter and the earth to be possible, can also pass through enemy targets as well.

Appendix 3


I was considered for commander on floor in pentagon and white house by President George Bush Jr, I figured black operations is all military rank, and called Nellis and Creach Air Force Base. During many phone calls the military has confessed too me the existence AREA 51, as well as technology greater than all SRs, and that they can do anything even Star Wars technology based from the movie.

Appendix 4

Nikolai Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Nazi German scientists

Death, as she names herself, caused WW2 to invade Germany and UK and USA.

Recently after half a century and WW2 she stole another spear of destiny.

One of her generals told me the interpretation without saying it the Hollow Earth map too the Hollow Earth beneath tons of Antartica ice.

She Shifted the self murder my young friend born from Adolf Hitler’s sperm and seed.

She Caused some modern interesting things, just for the record, includes Nikolai Tesla who was the real one compared too Einstein who Einstein though was also a brilliant man im certain, they both were.

She is also responsible for German scientists to be used on America they Turned into a desert originally and then they find people to write books, movies, songs, for them.

She would also be responsible for Sighting Alien Greys some if not all.

The Roswell crash might have been a Nazi experiment.

Appendix 5

The pine trees fairy ring, Light Sphere and Alien Grays

When I was a boy, I was compelled too look through the window age 5 during the 80s and saw a Light Sphere, Brighter than the sun during daylight and even Brighter than most suns in the universe, and then 2 Alien Greys came running out, entered my grandfather’s back window into my grandparents room, and then after missing time and events the Light Sphere Became Small, Blinked and Disappeared at 1,000, to 3,000 miles per hour.

Appendix 6

Quantum Astrophysics

In Reversible Raider comic books, there is the Digital Audio Transfer Device, Uses Seti, the Tree of Life of Cabala, Genetics, and Time Travel, with a Cyborg, too Repair and Resurrect the dead again too next round, no body damage and to the living.

This of course also Causes human Cloning.

Appendix 7

Mysticism and Skynet Controls

Mysticism Causes Worlds and Events, Builds Empires, the Control of Msyticism is termed Skynet, Shaped like a UFO, costs 400 trillion dollars, and has all mental essences and natures also as particulars.

Appendix 8

Jurassic Park

The movie came out because genetic cloning of DNA and dinosaurs was already possible.

Devolved In the Void, Caused Dragons Shaped like Velocoraptors, Using the D.A.T.D. the White Form Searches from a Dragon Anything even the Same with the universe too Keep Going and to be reality.

Consciousness can also Beam Down too Brain Waves Aliens, Insects and Toads, but also Velocoraptors, and Dragons allowing human Control instead just the beast, but can be a lot more violent also.

Appendix 9

The Island of Doctor Monroe

In the Void, can be Caused any Humanoid such as at the Island of Doctor Monroe.

But also all of Waxworks, Waxworks 2, and Trick r Treat.

Appendix 10

The war of the worlds

“In the Great and final War of the Worlds.”

All Humanoids are Devolved, or Evolved, In the Void, while Standing at the Center In the Void One with the Soul In the Void too be a God also In the Void with Enormous Predestiny and Mysticism too Evolve the human races, Detailed, and Clamped Down, or Up, too Evolve as you wish even too an Alien Grey the Predestiny Having been Obtained and Sovereignty for Alien Greys, in fact any Alien Species and Evolved human and with UFOs.

Appendix 11

Optimus Prime

At long last, ive seen in WWW Optimus Prime trucks, 2 built, which shapeshift electronically too resemble Optimus Prime.

The future is here children.

“In a world with Super Heroes” –Michael Portland

Appendix 12

Unplugging your modem, or router, or repairing, or restarting your pc solves most computer problems so far, or call tech support, or send out a technician.

Appendix 13

Terrorisms Super Computer

Was based from my pc.

So brings up one page at a time, no matter how long takes, solves what too say too Reel people, especially celebrity women in to steal from and murder them, whole races, and fires nuclear rockets at targets.

There are 6 known silos in 6 separate enemy foreign countries.

Appendix 14

Laser weapons systems

In Nevada, or Utah, out that way, is a operational operation operational year 2015 which fires laser beams too satellites and catches the Beams and Fires the same Beams at a longitude and latitude new target on the ground to cover up where the laser beams were fired from.

Appendix 15

Solar heat from magnifying glass

The solar heat from a perfect magnifying glass melts plastic, some say also concrete.

This idea is sometimes termed a Death Ray using the power of the sunlight.

A AI could Control where the magnifying glass is positioned and what target to aim at.

Appendix 16

A new ram jet

Just merge and combine all the SRs into a single compatible functioning unit.

I can solve that

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