» Drama » Life Of Hope Wilson, Lilac Lilac [books you have to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Life Of Hope Wilson, Lilac Lilac [books you have to read .txt] 📗». Author Lilac Lilac

The Begining

Im just an ordanary teenage girl who lives in this world, i have a loving family and friends just like everyone, but i have many deep dark secrets which i dont share amoung friends and family instead i keep it all inside and keep the pain within myself.

Not many people i know can relate to the pain i have so i keep it to myself, My name is Hope and i live in an ordanary home like many others, nothing special about me, i go to school like any other teenager does, even thought i hate school its also my place where i can go and be away from my home life, i can forget everything bad but once 3:00pm hits, off i go to head home and once i return home i shut down inside as i dont want to be there so i do as any teenager does which is hide away in my room as thats my place where i can do what ever i like and say what i like.

ive moved from place to place, during my childhood, after 5 years or so its time to pack and move houses. it sucks having to do this, sometimes i lose all my friends as i move too far away so my only contact is through phone or internet. But the only good thing about moving and stating a new school is i make new friends who are awesome people and im greatful they accept me and im glad i meet them.


A Bit About Myself

My name is Hope Wilson, im 16 years old, have problems like everyone, i try my best to live life to the fullest and i hate who i am and the way i look.

Almost 60% of the girls are unhappy with the way they look. - and im one of them :/ i have people look at me and tell me im the most uglist person they have ever seen in their life, and i sit back and take this because im use to people telling me this so i believe them and say back "i know i am so do you want to tell me something i dont know" and thats the end of the conversation as they dont want to say anything, but some keep going and say the most horrible things ive ever heard.

other than that sometimes im happy, well i put on a fake smile to let everyone know im happy but deep inside im crying and i just want someone to hold me and say "everything will be alright" even though it wont be but having someone say that it makes me feel a bit better inside. I've become depressed and i don't want to be where i am, but i cant change who i am so i live on. :P

New Girl than being accepted

Just recently i have moved this year and i stared a new school, ive connected with many people there and im glad they have acceted my into their friendship group, the first day starting a new school is the worst as your the "new girl" and people will look at you as you walk down the hall ways and people talk about you and start rumours thankfully no rumours have been created about me but if their is some i havnt heard about them.

As ive been at this school for a few weeks now ive become one of them, ive been accepted for who i am and people are laughing with me and not at me which is an awesome feeling to have.

My friends, well i sit within a group of guys and girls, ive connected realy well with one girl whos name is Abigail, shes so friendly and shes the main person i talk to and tell me my secrets as we have both been down some of the same paths during our lives.

Their is this guy his name is Ringo, his a kind guy who is weird in his own way but his the only thing that is on my mind lately, me and him dont talk much, he has a younger sister who he doesnt get alone with much as they fight just like any siblings, but deep down they love each other and they would protect each other like siblings do. Ringo is the number one topic on my mind but his also the one topic i wont talk about to anyone and i dream of my future, but what sucks about this is i don't have the courage to go up to him and tell him how i feel, all i think is im Hope who can or will ever like me. its hard when people you dont know names of call me "fat and ugly" which is why i believe Ringo will never feel the same way. Then again i will never know how he feels about me as i will never say anything to him.

ive been thinking and this guy is totally a waist of time like should i even bother with someone like him?

So life goes on and so do i, every day goes by and life doesnt seen to get any better.


life goes on...

i havnt found out who i am in this world, i feel as if i dont fit into this world, i feel like an alien in this world, most days i feel as if ishould have been born into this world, many thoughts go through my head like "you worthless" and "i should just go and die so the world will be a better place" but if i wasnt here life would go on and be the same but i would cause sadness in peoples lives who love me.

so life goes on and i live and this is my life so far

life goes on for ages and you just have to change ur attitude and become more possitive about yourself and others around you.


Publication Date: 04-17-2013

All Rights Reserved

This is based on someone's life I know :)

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