» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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I'll take your word for it."
"Alright. Bye, Race."
"Seeya, Bianca."
Racetrack went off selling the rest of his papes while Bianca walked home with a smile on her face.

Evelyn walked the streets of Brooklyn window shopping. She hadn't done this in years. The last time she did this she was ten years old and with her mother on a Monday morning during the summer. They had just finished eating breakfast at a cute little cafe which was not built yet as Evelyn turned the corner and saw an empty lot. She headed down the sidewalk looking at all the nick-nacks and gifts placed in the window; she even passed a few clothing shops. It brought back good memories of her family and how much she missed those times. Hypotheticlly speaking those memories weren't even real yet. and neither were her parents or grandparents. She wondered if she could ever find her great grandparents. Would they already be together or perhaps they hadn't even met yet.

Evelyn took a second look into a window she passed and walked back to it, gazing at a brown leather note book sitting in front of the window. She decided to walk into the little gift shop and check it out. The leather was smooth and the pages smelt real nice. She looked at the price and bit her lower lip. Two bucks! Where was she gonna get two bucks? The O'Brian's normally only gave the girls twenty cents a week. It would take Evelyn weeks to save up for this note book, but she felt like she needed it now. Besides, even if she was able to save up it would probably be snatched up by someone else.

Evelyn held on to the note book for a while longer as she looked around the rest of the store. She saw angels and birds and even frogs and fish sitting on a glass stand. She walked around a bit more and stood behind a giant book shelf. Evelyn looked both ways and stuffed the leather note book into her bag. She didn't have to worry about cameras cause they werent invented yet, so stealing came easy enough. As she walked home she spotted Bianca laughing and talking to Racetrack. She stopped and stared at the two for a minute; she laughed to herself. The two looked like a young couple. How cute! She thought. Evelyn continued on her way back home, hand pressed up against her bag and feeling the note book.

That evening as Evelyn laid down her bed after getting her night gown off she noticed that Bianca still had her regular outfit on.
"Not tired?" Evelyn asked.
Bianca smiled. "I promised Racetrack, that newsie boy, that I would try to make it to the Ivering Hall tonight. Says theres a show goin' on. Seems fun."
Evelyn giggled. "Yeah, I saw you two earlier today. Seems you two have gotten close." Evelyn teased.
Bianca turned bright red. "I-i-it's nothing like that at all! I assure you!"
"Oh, you assure me, huh?" laughed Evelyn.
Bianca placed her hands on her hips. "Hey now! You have Spot and I have Racetrack to talk to."
"He's only someone to talk to? Sheesh, Bianca, that's rather harsh." Evelyn laughed as she continued to teas her friend.
Bianca rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ok, you win. So I think Racetrack is a little cutey. So what? I'm four years older than he."
"So?" said Evelyn. "Spot is three years older than me."
"But he's a guy."
Evelyn shook her head. "Doesn't matter. Age is just a number, ya know?"
"Ok. So what if Spot was some thirty-five year-old man? Would you still like him the way you do now?"
Evelyn nodded to this. "Of course! And if he was that old, pretty sure he would have already married me." She laughed.
Bianca through a pillow at her friend. "AH! You can have such a dirty mind sometimes!"

The girls had a fit of giggles until Sybelle knocked on their door and hushed them.
The two held back their last laughed by convering their mouths.
"When are you leaving?" asked Evelyn.
"Like...five minutes soon? Twenty minutes soon?"
"More like an hour. Have to wait for Thomas and Sybelle to fall asleep first." Bianca then eyed the leather note book in her friends hands. "When did you get that?"
"Today. I stole it though."
Bianca's eye's went wide. "You STOLE it?"
"Shh! Keep it down."
Bianca looked to the door and then back at Evelyn. "Where?"
"At a gift shop on my home."
"Crazy person! What if someone saw you?"
Evelyn waved a hand in front of her. "Don't worry. I made sure no one saw. Besides, it was so easy. No hidden cameras watching you." she smiled at this.
"Oh! Evelyn Connealy! You are so weird! Anyway, what will you use it for? A journal?"
Evelyn shrugged. "Something like that."

After Bianca had left Evelyn turned on the Kerosine lamp and walked over to the writing desk and sat down with her note book. She took out the sharp feathered pin and dipped it in ink and carefully started writing.

Dear, Spot,

I'm not sure what to use this note book for, but I'm using you to write to. Even if you never see these pages you will always be someone I can talk to in this litle note-

The ink on the tip of the feather pin splattered a bit. She took a breath and started writing again. It was the only way she would get used to writing like this. At school she used chalk so this was a whole new experience. She continued to write her letter.

This note book will be a get-away when I am stuck on the hard times. Speaking of, its hard for me right now. Today I was reminded of the good times with my mother here in New York City. During the summer we would do lots of window shopping and eat at cute little cafe's. But most of those cafe's are not there...yet. You are probably wondering, "Why yet?" Maybe I will get to that point someday. As of right now, I want you to know more about me and my life; the things I hate, love and wish I could do and take back.

Sincerly, Evelyn Connealy.
chapter 16: A re-do

Evelyn placed her chalk down next to her chalk board as Miss. Thorn walked by to check her answer. She nodded twice and moved on to the next person. Today in class they were having a test over the book, Romeo and Juliet. No matter how many times Evelyn watched that movie it never failed to make her cry and now that she had read the book it made he cry even more. When the bell rang adn the test was done everyone handed over their books to Miss. Thorn. Evenlyn grabbed her things and walked out of the school with Bianca at her side. For the past week and a half Bianca had been sneaking out late at night and going out to the Ivring Hall to hang out with Racetrack, Finn, Mush and all the other newises. Bianca would tell her how fun it was and begged to her come at times, but Evelyn would only shake her head.
"Spot goes there sometimes." Bianca would taunt her friend by saying this and Evelyn would always blush.
"Stop it! There is only three more months of school left." she put her brown school uniform coat around her more securely as the wind blew. "Why in the world is it snowing out! It's march!"
Bianca laughed. "Oh come on! It's not that much. It's melting as soon as it hits the ground. Besides, we just started March."
Evelyn looked down at her gloved hands and noticed that she still had the book, Romeo and Juliet in her hands. "Oh crud! Be right back. I have to give this back to Miss. Thorn-in-my-bum or it'll be the end of me for sure!" Evelyn ran the block back to the school and Bianca trailed behind her.

Evelyn walked quickly to her classroom to return the book; perhaps too quickly as she entered the room to see a teary eyed Miss. Thorn. Before she noticed Evelyn she stepped back, pretending she never saw and then knocked on the door with her head down. Miss. Thorn quickly dabbed at the tears in her eyes with her sleeve, making sure there was no trace of her tears.
"Yes? Come in." she said. Evelyn picked up her head and walked inside the classroom. The look on Miss. Thorn wore the same dull look on her face she saw Evelyn stand at the doorway. "Oh. Its you. What do you need?"
Evelyn swallowed hard. "Um. I forgot to return this to you." she walked to Miss. Thorn's desk and placed the book down rather gengerly.
"Shouldn't you have put it there when everyone else did?"
Evelyn shrugged. "Forgot, I guess. Sorry. I'll be going now." Evelyn turned, heading for the door but then stopped. She turned back to face her teacher. "Um...if you ever want to talk to me about anything, don't hesitate. Ok?" with that Evelyn left behind a rather surprised teacher. The look on Miss. Thorn's face had changed in seconds and it was for the better.

Evelyn and Bianca entered their shared room, throwing off their heavy coats and boots and putting on more comfortable attire to ware about the house.
"You know...I think I catually said something right to Miss. Thorn today when I returned the book." Evelyn said this while taking off her coat and placing it on a hanger.
Without turning around Bianca slipped on some slippers and rubbed her hands together. "Did ya now?"
"Yeah...I said something kinda like, "If you ever wanna talk, I'm here"."
Bianca laughed a little and turned to meet her friend. "What on earth made you say that ungodly sentence?"
Evelyn crossed her arms. " be honest I caught her crying."
"Cry? Miss. Thorn?" Bianca said in disbeliefe.
Evelyn nodded. "Yes, it is strange, but seriously...I don't know what came over me."
Bianca sat down on her bed and stretched. "Ah! I love living in this century, don't you?"
Evelyn went to join her friend on the bed. She smiled, looking up at the ceiling with her hands behind her head. "It certainly is interesting."
Bianca giggled. "If I could stay here forever, I would!"
"Would you, really? And what do you mean by "if"?"
Bianca sat up on her elbows and looked over at her friend. "Don't you remember what I told you before? One of these days were gonna have to wake up, Evelyn."
Evelyn furrowed her brows. "I'd rather not."
Bianca got a more sympathetic look on her face. "Try to have fun, Evelyn. This never happens to people. And even if it does, they wouldn't talk about it. I mean, who would believe them. If this had never happened to me and someone was trying to tell me that this happened to them, I would laugh my ass off at them."
Evelyn let out a heavy sigh. "I wish I could stay here forever..."
"Because of Spot?" Evelyn nodded to this. "Listen, Eve...I know how close you were to Scott and I know how you feel about Spot, but don't go falling in love that easily. Don't make him like you to the point of wanting to date you and possibly marry you. I know what it is I saw when I woke up in our time, Evelyn. It may

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