» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

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bed. "I sure like it hear."
"Hmm. Me too." agreed Evelyn.
"I kind of don't want to leave...Does that sound selfish of me? I mean...we do have family back at home."
Yeah," Evelyn nodded. "But ya know...I'd like to stay here too instead of going back."
"Yeah..." The girls felt like they were about to cry and then said at the same time, "Let's not go back if we can help it." they laughed at themselves.
So it was settled. If the girls could find a way to stay...they would.
Chapter 18: Green Sleeves

Evelyn sat in her chair at school, looking straight at the clock on her teachers desk. She had finished her work early and wasn't allowed to leave until the bell rang. Evelyn looked over to her friend, Bianca who had just finished her work looked over as well and gave a small smile. Ever since the day that Evelyn walked in on Miss. Thorn sniffling things had been different. Different as in she wasn't always on her case and scratching at her back for the tiniest of things.

When the bell finally rang, Evelyn and Bianca grabbed their things and headed straight to the door to the hallway after dropping off their papers. It was still a little chilly but the weather had gotten better. The girls had a month of school left and were excited for the summer. It would be their first time in New York City in 1899. It would give them the opportunity to explore new things and stay up late and meet new people. Perhaps the girls could sell newspapers too and see what it was like to be a newsie. Even if it would just be for a little while, the experience is what would matter the most.

After walking a few blocks someone called out the girls' names. When they turned their heads they saw Racetrack, Finn, and Mush running towards them.
"Hey you guys!" said Bianca. Evelyn smiled and gave them a small wave.

"Hiya, Bianca!" said Racetrack in his usual spunk way. "Jus' gettin' off work?" The girls nodded. "That's great! You got free time?"

Bianca and Evelyn looked to each other and then looked back at the boys. "What you got in mind?" asked Bianca.
Before Racetrack could answer, Mush did it for him. "We'se goin' to a dance this evenin'. Wanna go?"
The girls thought for a few seconds. "What time?" asked Evelyn.
"Ya mean, what time it starts? Ten O'clock." explained Finn.
Bianca bit her lower lip witch made Racetrack blush (hardly though) as he noticed her do this. "I don't know," she said to them. "what do you think, Evelyn."
"I say we go."
"You sure?"
Evelyn nodded. "Why not?"
The boys smiled. "Nice!" Said Racetrack. "We'se be pickin' ya up thirty minutes till ten. Meet us outside. Sound good?" The girls nodded.
Finn then shouted out a headline as he saw a man just walk out of a near-by building. He still had a few papes to sell and said goodbye to his friends. Mush on the other hand spotted a pretty girl adn soon left after. Leaving Racetrack with the girls he cleared his throat and gave them a slight wave goodbye.

When the girls reached home they smelled food cooking chocolate?
"Mmm! What id that smell?" asked Evelyn.
"That would be bean and meat soup," said Sybelle walking to the front of the door to meet the girls. "and coming right up soon is hot chocolate. I haven't made that in so long I hope it taste like it used to be." The girls followed Sybelle into the kitcken were Sybelle started to pour the hot chocolate into small tea cups. She handed them to the girls and they quickly put it up to their noses and sniffed.
"I'm sure it taste as good as it smells." said Evelyn. And then she took a sip, burning her tongue, but only slightly.

Bianca took her first sip a little after and closed her eyes and smiled. "I think it taste wonderful. Thank you, Sybelle!"
Sybelle nodded to this and smiled back. "Glad to hear it. Don't drink too much though, you will spoil your supper."

When supper was about done a knock came to the door. Bianca stood up first from reading her book and said, "I'll get it!" and ran to the door. Evelyn stayed by the piano practicing a song and trying to read the complicating notes. When Bianca opened the door she was surprised to see who it was and felt bad for her friend instantly. "Oh. Hello, Charles. Can I help you?"
Charles pretty much invited himself in as Bianca asked him this and hung his light gray coat on the coat hanger and his black flat hat.
"As a matter fact, you can. I am here for supper. The O'Brian's invited me." He then stopped and listened to the soft music of the piano in the background. "Whose is playing?" he asked walking into the house a little more.
Bianca rested her hands on her hips and said, "That would be Evelyn, but Mr. and Mrs. O'Brian are in the dining room getting things ready. So if you want to talk to-" she was cut off though not by Charles talking but instead he started walking away, following the sound of the piano. Bianca sighed out of irritancy and followed him.

As Charles walking in the sight of Evelyn amazed him. At first she did not notice him and continued playing. Her brows furrowed as she tried to play the middle part of the song and then stopped; she sighed and looked over to where Charles was standing and jumped back a little her seat. Bianca showed up soon after and walked right past him picking up her book and placing it back on the book shelf. "Have you been playing for long?" Charles asked her.
Evelyn shrugged. "A few months," she told him truthfully.

Bianca clapped her hands together to break the awkward silence between them and said, "Ok! Whose hungry? I think supper is getting set out on the table as we speak." she gestured them to follow her and left the room quickly. Evelyn was right behind her and soon Charles followed suit.

All throughout supper, Evelyn kept glancing over at Mr. O'Brian and gave him a glare, one that only he would be able to see. He did see and he knew exactly why she was doing it; he had invited Charles to supper and she was going to find out why. Charles on the other hand would ocasionally glance over at Evelyn. Bianca would see this and stare at him. When he finally noticed her uneasy stare he stopped and took a bit from his plate. During this whole time, Sybelle was completely blind to the whole thing and continued to carry on the conversation.

After Charles had some small talking with Thomas he escorted him out, thanking him that he came. Charles returned the thank you and tipped his hat to the Bianca, Sybelle and Evelyn who stood behind him. After he was gone everyone scattered. Both Sybelle and Bianca retreated to their rooms and Evelyn decided to follow Thomas to his study room.

Evelyn closed the door gently behind her and sat down in front of Mr. O'Brian's desk.
"Why did you do it?"
"Do what? Invite Charles?"
Evelyn sat up straighter and said, "Yes."
Thomas cleared his throat. "I think you should give him a second chance. He's really not that bad of a man, Evelyn." Evelyn rolled her eyes. Mr. O'Brian saw this and said to her, "Please, do not roll your eyes at me. I'd like to know why you don't enjoy Mr. Vanham's company?"
"Well for one thing," Evelyn started. "I have no physical attraction to him and secondly we have nothing in common, and lastly, I...," she sighed. "just forget about it."
"Sometimes we become attracted to those once we get to know them." he told Evelyn.
"That's not the point!" Evelyn said that coming out a little louder than she had expected. "Thomas...Mr. O'Brian, please don't try to force this on me anymore."
Thomas rested his left fist on his cheek and smiled a little. "Just give Charles one more chance. If you still refuse him, I will not ask you again, but humor me please and try." Evelyn said nothing to this and left him to do his work.

As ten neared around the corner, the girls readied themselves for the dance.
"So what kind of dance do you think this is?" asked Bianca putting on a more comfortable dress with long white sleeves and stockings while the base of it was a light soft yellow. Bianca looked nice in yellow that stopped a little after it reached her knees and she spun around to give the dress a try for dancing.
"If it is anything like the dance that Spot and I went to it will be a blast." said Evelyn tying up the last bit of her brown leather boots. She wore a similar dress to Bianca only it was all white and had a black bow to go around the waste and button on the three-quarter length sleeves.
"Good," said Bianca. I would love to go to an Irish dance pater. Next time Spot takes you to one you have GOT to invite me!"
Evelyn laughed and agreed to take her without a second thought.

Racetrack, Finn and Mush met the girls outside right in time. The five young kids traveled along the streets of Brooklyn, watching out for already drunk idiots.
"Were going further and further away from up-town." said Bianca.
"Yeah so?" said Racetrack. "Where we are goin' is down-town."
"The dance is down-town? What kind of dance is this?" Evelyn asked.
"It's a dance with different types of music: Italian, Irish, German, you name it!" Finn said. "Trust us, you will love it! Lots of people are going to be there."

As expected the place was filled with people who were already singing and dancing.
"Let's pick a place closer to the stage and watch the band." said Mush. The group followed him and he started to dance right away. Bianca and Evelyn didn't know what it was, but something about Newsie boys dancing was just so hot. They stood there for a few minutes just watching him move his hands and feet. Finn did his irish dance while Racetrack tried to copy him. Once the girls got more comfortable they too began to try and dance like Finn. Evelyn was a little more familiar with Irish dancing and followed along better than Bianca who always seemed to be a few steps behind.

The music played on and on. There was no stop to it and it never seemed like there would be. All different kinds of musicians sat up on stage and played their home made instruments, tapping their feet to the rhythm of the music. It was crazy fun for everyone. It seemed that at moments like this everyone got along pretty well with each other, smiling, laughing and telling adult-like jokes which Evelyn and Bianca found hilarious.

As the night went on the crowd got a little smaller. Some of the older folk went home and the really young kids headed off too. In the crowd though was Spot. He had just got done finishing his first pint when he noticed Evelyn and Bianca dancing. Surprised and very happy to see them, especially Evelyn he got

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