» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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up from his seat and walked on over through the crowd. He patted Evelyn on the shoulder and turned her around. Her eyes grew wide as she saw him.
"Spot? What ya doing here?"
He laughed a little. "What am I doin' heah? Havin' a blast that's what? And I'se should be askin' ya that not you."
"Racetrack and his friends invited us along." she told him.
Spot looked over at Racetrack who acknowledged him with a short smile and continued to dance and sing with Finn and Mush and once in a while scooted near Bianca to show her a few moves.

"Do ya like the party so far, Eve?" Spot asked her.
Evelyn nodded to this. "I sure am!"
"How ya manage to get outa the house?"
Evelyn laughed a little. "Very carefully." she told him. Spot smiled to this.
"I'm glad to meet ya heah. Looks like I can you'se some new moves. I feel a Irish song comin' on." and surely there was an irish song coming up next. It started up with the claps of the people and beat of the small drums and the soft sound of the fiddles. Spot lifted one leg and set it down in front of the other and set it behind quickly. He did this with his other leg and repeated the process one more time. "You try." he said. Evelyn tried to copy him but failed the first time. She tried again getting the first part of it down and messed up with the second leg. Spot laughed at this and enjoyed her try-out of Irish dancing. "How 'bout ya jus' watch me for 'while eh?" Evelyn nodded and watched as he moved his feet quickly. During his dance he unbuttoned the two buttons on his shirt and slid off one suspender strap and continued dancing. There was just something about Spot Conlon dancing, moving his feet and occasionally thrusting his hips slightly with his hands stuffed in his pockets that made Evelyn want him even more. How on earth did she get so lucky?

By this time Racetrack retreated to some chairs where Finn followed him. Mush on the other hand found a new group of guys to dance and sing with leaving Bianca to join up with Spot and Evelyn. The up beat music did not last for long after that though and Bianca went to join Racetrack and Finn for a rest. As the soft Irish tunes started up Evelyn listened closely. "I've heard this before," she said aloud.
"It's green sleeves. You should know, you're Irish."
Evelyn nodded. "Of course! Duh." the two laughed.
Spot then quickly asked her. "Let's dance this one."
Evelyn raised a brow. "How do intended to dance to a slow song like this?" she asked him.
"Jus' like this," and he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Evelyn's cheeks got hot and it wasn't because of the crowded area.

"Uhm...Spot. I'm not sure I can dance to this song."
"Pfft! No worries there doll face. I'll be leadin' the whole way. 'Sides, it's not every day I gets to dance with a pretty goil like you."

Evelyn blushed with embarrassment and hid her face in Spot's chest. She could smell his sweat, but it was a good smelling sweat and she closed her eyes, listening to the music.

Towards the end of the song Spot asked, "Eve...I've got some important things to tell ya."
"Like what?" She looked up at him.
Spot thought for a while of what he should and finally he just said it. "Evelyn, doll face...I'd like ya to be my goil."
Evelyn was surprised to hear this yet at the same time she saw it coming. "You a girl friend?"
Spot nodded once. "Yeah."
Evelyn smiled big. "Sure. I'll be your girlfriend."
It was Spot turn to feel hot now. "Ah...That's great," he ran his fingers through her hair once and looked straight at her. "Eve...This time I'm thinkin' straight. I know what I want and it's you." he leaned in and kissed her. The warm, wet, and softness of the kiss sent shivers down both their spines. We they finally broke apart, Spot confessed, "I don' got lots of money, Eve, but I hope I can make ya happy."
Evelyn smiled sweetly and kissed him again. "You already do and you have no idea how relieved I am to feel this way again."

Spot stopped suddenly. "Again...? What do you mean?"
Evelyn realized what she had said and quickly explained herself. "I haven't been this happy in a long while. I used to have very close, loving people surrounding me, I mean I still do, but so many things have happened in these past couple of months that I'm glad I met you."
Spot nodded. "I hope you're bein' honest wit' me, Evelyn."
Evelyn nodded. "Trust me. I am. You have nothing to worry about." As the last bit of the song finished, Evelyn leaned in and kissed him again.

"Ah, right ya two love birdys!" Racetrack slapped the two of them on the back and started walking towards the small stage.

Spot took off his hat and slapped Racetrack with it. "Ya little shit!" he grinned.
Racetrack hauled himself up on to the stage along with a few other people. Bianca and Finn came up along a while later, and Mush had run off with someone else. "Racetrack, what are you doing?"
"Dancin'!" he called out. Racetrack held out his hand to Bianca and she grabbed it, hauling her up. "Have ya heard this song?" he asked her. Bianca shook her head. Racetrack looked a little shocked. "Jus' follow my lead then," and he began dancing slow at first, matching the rhythm of the music. He slicked his jet black hair back with his hand and then slipped his hat back on.
Finn, Spot and Evelyn stood at the bottom of the stage and watched them. Spot cheered them on and Finn clapped his hands while Evelyn just watched with a huge smile on her face. Bianca might have made fun of her and Spot but now she had good reason to make a little fun of her and Racetrack now. She giggled at the thought.

Spot turned to Evelyn and the two burst out in laughter. He grabbed Evelyn's hands and started to spin her around fast. Evelyn's hair lashed around her face, laughing and pleading Spot to stop, but all he did was laugh. His hat then flew off and Finn ran to pick it up before getting stopped on or stolen. The music was lively and the people there made the magic spark. While Racetrack and Bianca danced on the small stage, they started to run out of breath, laughing
at the sudden mistakes they were now making because their feet could no longer keep up with the music. Finally the music stopped and both Bianca and Evelyn fell on their bums, tired. Spot looked down at Evelyn and smiled. She couldn't stop laughing and her sides were starting to hurt because of it. Evelyn laughed so hard that she snorted. This surprised Spot a lot for it was the first time he had ever heard a girl snort while laughing. "AHA! Lookit ya! Snortin' while laughin'!" He reached his arm out and pulled Evelyn up on her feet. Her face was red from embarrassment. Spot didn't care though and only patted down her hair that started to stick up from the dancing. Her face got redder from them. "Ya look a little flushed, Eve. Wanta get some fresh air?" He looked to the rest of his friends. "I think we'se could all use some fresh air."

The cool air did them some good, but Mush was still nowhere to be seen.
"Where did that damn Mush go?" Spot asked.

"He uh," Racetrack started. "He uh...ran off again."
Spot nodded once to this. "Ah. I see now." he cleared his throat.
"Wait!" said Bianca suddenly. "What time is it?"
Everyone was quiet for a moment. The streets seemed more clear than when they first came. Time must have skipped more than thought. "Must be 'round twelve." said Spot.
Evelyn gasped. "Really? I hope no one has woken up back at the house."
"You'se wants to head home now?" Spot asked her while sniffing his nose. The cold air was getting to him.

All of a sudden Mush showed up with them at the front of the doors, stumbling out and laughing. "Is he drunk?" Bianca asked.
"The dumb idiot probably stole some shots from the drunk ones and got himself drunk." Racetrack helped his friend to his feet and slapped him playfull across the face a few times. "Hey dumbass!" he said jokingly.
Mush shook his head and balanced himself out. "Yeah...Poifectly fine." he belched soon after and grimaced. "Neveh drinkin' whisky again." he mummbled. Racetrack and Spot laughed at him. On the other hand, Evelyn and Bianca were a bit concerned.
"I think now is the best time to be headin' back."
"Good thinkin'." Spot agreed.

"Let's head towards my place foist. It'll be the fastest way to get the goils home." Everyone agreed to this and decided to follow Finn.

On the way there, Mush randomly started up songs, mummbling them or humming or even whistling. Compared to everyone's ears though their preferred Mush to whistle which he did the least of. Suddenly he stopped making everyone else stop. "What ya doin'?" Spot asked him.
Mush leaned his head to a shack a man was in. His door was open and the smoke from the fish he was frying in the pan came floating out. It smelt really good.
"Oh Gods." said Racetrack.
"What? What's he doing?" Bianca asked.
"Jus' watch." he told her.

Mush managed to climb his way up to the man's shack roof and pulled down his pants and planted his naked butt atop of iron chimney. The girls gasped as they watched Mush let loose. Within seconds the man jumped up from where he was standing and started cursing in Italian. Racetrack's eyes grew wide and he yelled, "Run for it!" The five of them ran for it while Mush pulled up his pants, making his way down the shack roof as he went. The mad Italian man came running after them only soon to lose him.

After running a few blocks the Italian man stopped and cursed some more, falling flat on his bum. Spot laughed and pointed. "Hahaha! Look at the fat arse! Can't get one of us even with Mush's pants half way up his white little arse!" he then stopped, realizing that he had two young ladies around him. He glanced over at Evelyn and Bianca who raised their brows and then started laughing.
"I don' think they care 'bout cursin', Spot." by this time Mush finally caught up with them. His face was red. "That fat Italian fish man almost got my hide!"
Racetrack laughed and shoved him a bit. "Ya idiot! Coulda got us in some crap! Literally!"

Finn cleared his throat after gaining some breath and said, "My house is jus' up the block from heah. I can walk the rest of the way," he then looked to Racetrack, his best friend. "You wanna stay the night. Sure my mum and dad won't mind. They like you."
Racetrack nodded to this. "Yeah. Betteh then staying with my grandma and hella beats paying for a lodging house."

"We'll see ya some otheh time." said Finn. Him and and Racetrack waved, leaving the group.
"Oh! Uh... Bye Bianca!" Racetrack shouted out.
Bianca smiled a little and waved back. She sighed and turned to her friends. "Gettin' tired...better hurry up."

After a few more blocks, Mush said goodbye and turned his corner. Spot asked if he wanted them to walk with him but Mush thought it best to get the girls back as soon as possible. So now Spot was left with Evelyn and Bianca at his side. It was up to him to get them home safely.

On the other hand, Bianca and Evelyn enjoyed the night sky of New York. This was the first time that they had stayed out so late together in the time of New York. It was like being in there for the first time. There were not as
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