» Drama » Teen Mother, Celestina A. [best chinese ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Teen Mother, Celestina A. [best chinese ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Celestina A.

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Garcia helped me get to the hospital and he is the cutest guy in school but I have kids and I don’t know I’m not really into boys right now I just want to get my life straightened out first. Sometimes I wonder why I took these kids I kept saying to myself I need them in my life because my life wont be complete without them but I’m in the hospital and the doctor said I was fine but I can’t go to school for a couple of days so that’s that, then my brother was on his way to go pick up my sister, then Leslie was walking outside and there was these girls out there and they jumped her and Jason got there but she was already on the floor and the girls took everything of hers: her pack back, her cellphone, and her new jacket I barely got her that jacket. It was 50 bucks and from what Jason told me over the phone the girls were like 15 or 16 and I know that I’m not supposed to go anywhere because my leg has stitches but I can’t just sit around waiting until I get better and I can’t call the cops because they’re looking for me so I have to do this myself.

So what I did was I got a bat and in case they get crazy a knife because I don’t know how old these girls are and I don’t know what they’re gonna do so I need to take back what belongs to Leslie because its expensive so I went to the school and I was looking around and the Janitor was still there so I asked him where the girls went and he said that they went to the cornerstore by the bakery and I ran over there as fast as I could and my leg was killing me and then I seen the girls and I went up to them and I was like you think it’s funny taking my sister’s stuff and they weren’t 16 they were like in their 20s but I took matters into my own hands and I hit them with the bat and then I took my sister’s stuff and I ran, the girls were coming after me but I was running so fast and they were slowing down and they were saying we know what you look like bitch but I didn’t care as long as I got Leslie’s stuff I’m ok but then I see the cops and I’m like great and I quickly got my phone out and I text Jason and the cops got me and I forgot to press send.

Chapter 3: The Night in jail

Later that night Jason and Leslie were waiting for me at the house because they never had to worry about me being late because I told before we started school that we would all be home at least by 5 or 6 and the latest is 8 but no later than that and once I was in jail I asked the officer can I make a phone call and the officer said ok but only 2 minutes and that’s all you get and I took it because I needed to tell the kids where I was before they freak out so I called Jason and he said “hello” all scared and then I said “Jason it’s me Jordan I’m in jail and I’ll explain later but now just be safe and don’t go to school tomorrow because I’m afraid something is gonna happen and keep your sister safe and this is only for a little while because I think they’re gonna send me back to Diana and John so just keep each other safe until I get back ok”.  Jason said “ok but what about you what can we do” and I told him that I didn’t want them to worry because I had everything in control but I needed to go because my time was almost up so I had to hang up but I told Jason to be safe and he said ok but be careful. The next morning they said that I had a visitor and I was confused because Jason and Leslie wouldn’t come to the jail and I went to the phone.

There was Jenifer and Joseph and I was pissed because I didn’t want to talk to them or look at them and I told the officer I didn’t know those people and the officer said but they told me that you’re their daughter and they can get you out of here and I just sat and looked at them and said how do you know I was here and they said the officers called them. My dad said “I knew one day you would be in here” and I told him “shut up you don’t know me ok so shut the hell up and I rather stay in jail then go home with Diana and john or you guys” and they said that they loved me and I was like bullshit no you don’t because if you love me so much then why did you give me away and I didn’t want to hear their sob stories so I just got up and left. The officer said that I can make a call because they felt bad so I just called the kids just to see if they were safe and I was trying to figure out a way to get me out of here and the police officer said that I needed to hurry up because the boss wanted to talk to me so I just hung up and I told them that I love them.

The officer and the detective came in the room and I was scared because I didn’t know what was going to happen and the detective said “Hello Jordan the reason I came in here today is because you are getting charged for stealing a car, taking kids that are not yours and for leaving the foster home” and I said “ok detective you can’t prove anything and plus you don’t know what those people did to me and I’m innocent” and he said that Diana and john were taking me back tomorrow. I had to think of something and I couldn’t think of anything so I was going back into that house. The officer comes in and says “Mrs. Sanchez your free to go your foster parents are here” and I got up from the uncomfortable bed and I walked out and I see them to uglies standing there and they had a stupid expression on their face and then Diana said “there you are come here I haven’t seen you in years we been trying to look for you right John” and he said “yes we have are you happy to come home you little cutie” and I just stood there and I was looking at them playing around and Diana got my arm and john got my other arm and we all walked like the happy family we’re supposed to be.

Chapter 4: Round 1 with Diana

Its 3 in the morning and I was on the way to their house and all I was thinking was what the hell are these people going to do to me. “Get out of the car you little bitch” Diana said as she grabbed me by my hair out of the car and into the house and John was looking out for the cops and when I walked into the house with these 2 idiots I only seen 1 difference and that was the bodyguards in case I wanted to leave again. Anyways Diana literally picked me up and threw me to the bodyguards and thank God they caught me and she said “John bring me my gun”. I swallowed the gum I had and then the bodyguards sat me down as Diana was waiting for john to bring her gun. “Here you go babe” John said as he was handing Diana the gun and then she sat down and asked me “where’s your brother and sister, did you enjoy your freedom” and I said to her “ I ain’t telling you shit and you can’t make me and the cops know I’m here” and she said “doesn’t matter if they know where you are I might just kill you before they get here unless you tell me where they are” and I said in a pissed off mood “go ahead kill me because it will take you forever to find them and you ain’t going to find them and if you hurt them I swear I’ll come back alive and kill you and yes that’s a threat”.

“Wow you think your all badass now huh because you took my favorite car and you took all my money huh and you took all my food but you’re not you think you are, now im going to make your life a living hell” she said to me but I didn’t feel threatened and I said “what are you gonna do raise me again” and Diana looked at me and laughed and then she slapped me with the gun. Then she walked behind me and said “you know Jordan I can shoot you with this gun and you won’t have to worry about your brother or sister because I already found them” and then Leslie said “Jordan help us” and Diana said “oh look at that it Jordan’s ugly family, I think I’ll just kill your brother first” and I said “no don’t touch them or im gonna” and she said “what are you do runaway again honey I found you and I have security cameras everywhere I have booby traps everywhere any of you fuckers decide to leave, well I think we all know what’s gonna happen” and I looked down at my legs and I was depressed because I was thinking that this lady really got us where she wants us and then she said “take her upstairs, im gonna have a little talk with her little family” and I said “wait no Diana I’ll do whatever you want just don’t hurt the kids please” and she said “it’s too late Jordan not only did you get yourself in danger but you got your loved ones in danger”.

Once the bodyguards put me upstairs I was thinking of a plan and I had no idea and I opened the

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