» Drama » Teen Mother, Celestina A. [best chinese ebook reader txt] 📗

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are fine thank God they weren’t in the house they left once they heard gun shots and another guy was with her and I think it was her husband again someone told me this and apparently he took something of yours” and I ran inside because I didn’t want them to touch my safe and I ran into the kids’ room and I went towards there closet and I opened the door and they took all of the money that I took from them and they took the kids baby pictures and I knew it was Diana and John because the last I remember she had blonde hair and it was short but then i thought to myself they're still alive and I looked out the window and I said “I need to get the bags and get out of here” then Danny ran into the room and said “are you ok?” and I kicked him because I didn’t know who it was and he said “it’s me” and I said “I hate you” and he said “why what the fuck did I to you?” and I slapped him and said “it’s all your fault” and he said “what the hell did I do to you” and I said as I was packing the bags “because if I hadn’t gone out with you none of this could of happen and you were on your phone a lot what did you do text someone to kill them” and he said “shut the fuck up”. I said “wait I know you, your wearing a disguise” and I pulled off the wig and it was Danny’s ex Jessica and I said “why did you do this” and she said “because you took my boyfriend and they paid me to keep an eye on you” and I said “how could you do this to me and was he behind all this too” she nodded yes and I said “you can keep that piece of shit because all you are going to be is a fucking slutty ass motherfucking bitch that you are and tell Diana I’ll be seeing her around because if she hurts that baby I will fuck her up and I hope you die in hell” and she walked away and said “beware of the bitch because when you least expect it she will come after you”. Then after I had all the bags packed I took the kids and we started walking and I couldn’t find a place to live so we just camped out and I don’t know what to do. Chapter 8: On the search for a new place

Well, know me and the kids are all walking we have no money, no food, nothing to drink and I’m starting to think that maybe we should go back but then I don’t know and I said to the kids “I don’t think I can do this you guys I love you guys more than anything but we can’t walk around the streets all day trying to find a new place to live we’re all wanted and I have a criminal record and I can’t take care of you guys by myself so what I’m thinking is that we should go back” and Jason said “no Jordan we don’t want to go back we want to stay with you we missed 7 years of your life and we want to be in it forever so don’t give up now we’ll find a place” and I started crying and then I heard a car coming towards us and I pushed the kids back and I pulled out my gun that I took from Diana and I pointed it at the car and I see the lady and it was the lady that helped me on my feet when I ran away in 92. Her name was Mrs. Johnson she was sweet old lady I think she’s in her late 50s or 60s but she’s pretty cool and when I seen her she said “hey Jordan what are you doing on the side of the street and who are those kids?” and I said “those are my brothers and sister do you live far away from Brooklyn” and she said “oh you still running away from them” and I smiled and said “yeah so you think we can live with you” and she said “oh sure go ahead and put your bags in the trunk and just to let you know I don’t live here in new York no more I live in Jackson, New Jersey its beautiful the beach is beautiful and the only reason I only come to visit every few days, how come you still live here in Brooklyn” and I said “it’s because the Ki- who’s the baby” and she said “that’s your brother Johnny I found him at someone’s house in a dog basket and I can tell it was your brother because I seen Diana and John carry him around the store before but they barely noticed me but yeah I picked him up for you plus he looks like you” and I smiled and I said “thank you very much Mrs. Johnson” and she said “your welcome and please call me mom”.

I loved Mrs. Johnson so much she would take me to the fairs and she would take me out of town and she’s like the grandma you always wanted and when I was 5 she put me in a small home and that’s how I got the old beat up house but the thing is that Mrs. Johnson could have took me into her house but she had grandkids to watch over and I didn’t want her to add more pressure to her back so I left and I kept the house that she told me to go to and so she helped me a lot and now that her grandkids are all grown up she misses them but we should keep her mind off of them for a while. Mrs. Johnson said “so who are all of you kids” and Jason said “I’m Jason, this is my sister Leslie, the twins names are Mikey and Michael and who are you?” and Mrs. Johnson said “I used to take care of your sister for awhile but then she wanted to be on her own and now she realizes it was mistake” and I said “ yes that’s right I learned from my mistakes and now I’m making up for it by giving you guys a better life so that’s why we’re moving to Jackson, New Jersey” and Leslie said “no way pull over I’m not going there my friend said that’s a dangerous place” and Mrs. Johnson said “honey its not that bad I lived there for about a year and where I live it is not dangerous and if your worried about making friends don’t worry these people are nice and friendly trust me you guys are going to love it and over there you guys don’t need to hide from anybody”. We were on our way to Mrs. Johnson’s house I looked at the kids and they didn’t look happy but the whole reason I’m going to new jersey is because over there we won’t need to be hiding and the kids won’t get into trouble and I can get a job and finish school. Mrs. Johnson said as she was getting out of the car “we’re here!” and I said to the kids “look I know its not new York but this is where you can be safe and you won’t have to hide know get your bags out of the trunk and treat Mrs. Johnson with respect Jason because I can see it from your face that you don’t like her” and he said “its not that I just don’t feel comfortable and dad wouldn’t like it” and I looked at him and I said “dad didn’t care about any of us because if he would, you wouldn’t be here with me” and he got out of the car and got the bags and I know that right away he didn’t want to talk to me anymore and so I just the bags out of the trunk and Mrs. Johnson’s house was beautiful it was just a normal house it has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and it wasn’t much but hey at least its something.

“Alright go ahead and put your bags down and I’ll fix you guys some food” Mrs. Johnson said and I told the kids that we were going to have to share rooms because we can’t all fit into this house so I told the kids that Leslie and Jason can room together and Mikey and Michael can share one room and I’ll have the other room with the baby. While Mrs. Johnson was making dinner we were unpacking our bags, then Leslie walked into my room and closed the door and said “are we really going to live here Jordan” and I said “for the last time yes we are going to live here” and she said “I hate you because instead of dealing with Diana and John you just run away from your problems that’s all you do” and I said “shut up don’t you ever talk to me like that and you don’t know the half of what they did to me because you and your brother didn’t have to deal with it and you guys probably can’t handle it anyway and don’t judge me and stop dressing up like your 21” and she said “what’s wrong with what I’m wearing” and I said “you look like a hooker” and she slapped me and walked out of the room and I said “oh hell no” and I walked into her room and I took her phone, her short shorts, tank tops, and her laptop and I took it and put it in a box and she said “what are you doing” and I said “you don’t ever slap me ever and your grounded for 2 months and no TV and you’re going to school with me in the morning so I can enroll you and then I got to enroll your brothers and you have to walk to school like we did at home” and she said “that’s so unfair I have to walk to school” and I said “ no you need to hitchhike yes you need to walk to school and then right after school you come home do your homework, then you do your chores then go to bed and that’s it and no boys” and she said “you can take my phone, my laptop, and my clothes but you can’t take my boys from me I have reputation around here” and I said “in New York you could have gotten away with this but here you can’t get away with stuff like this” and she said “you’re the worst sister ever” and I said “go to your room” and she went into her room.

After a few hours she went in my room and broke my favorite necklace and my favorite picture of the kids and I went to go make the baby a bottle and I

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